MVC Partial views rendering cached version -

For whatever reason, whenever I build my project, any changes I've made to a view that are not html do not get displayed. Instead it pulls all the info from the partial view (which in our application doesn't get updated when I make a change in the view). So every time I build my project, the application serves me the partial view and I have to go into each view that I made changes in and make some sort of html change in order for the changes I made prior to the build display. Eventually, this functionality will change, but right now my boss doesn't want to mess with it just yet. I've tried disabling cache in chrome's dom (f12) as well as downloading an extension to force the page to not display any chached versions of pages but that doesn't seem to help. What else can I do until we get the partial views removed properly?
I kinda goofed on the title. Whats happening is the generated files are what are being served to me from my localhost rather than any changes I made to a view (html or otherwise), if I made those changes prior to a build.
so in the view I'd have this:
<div>Hello World!</div
<div><h2>Sample Text</h2></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
//Some Javascript code
Which is the way the page was originally created by someone else. They also manually made a partial generated file and that file doesn't rre-generate when I make changes to the view.
So if I made these changes:
<div>Hello World again!</div
<div><h2>Sample Text</h2></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
//Some Javascript code
and then built the project, it would not serve me these changes, it would grab the generated file (which didn't get updated with my changes) and serve that to me unless AFTER I do the build, I go into that specific view and make an HTML Change (for some reason making a change with Javascript doesn't help). Then I can see my changes. AND it will stay that way until I do another build at which point, everything reverts back to the partial generated views until I make an HTML change in the view.

Deleting the Generated files is the only way I can see to fix the problem I just wasn't sure if it would break the application and it doesn't.


Add another main page to vue 2.6.6 project or inject a view without applying the styles imported in index.html

I've a problem with a Vue-js application (Vue 2.6.6).
I need to create a new page in this application that must not be affected by vuetify and other styles placed in the head of index.html file. I wanna now if it is possible to inject a view (navigating to it with routing) without applying styles or if it is possible to create another entry point for the app, making it as a multi-page application.
I've found a documentation for doing it, but the structure of files and folders they talk about is different from mine (I did not create the project) and I don't understand what I gotta do to set multiple pages.
I have a "main-priv.js" file inside src, not a "main.js", don't know if it is same.
I'm really bad with configurations and stuff like that, I've probabily taken the wrong life choice with this work, but nevermind, can you help me?

Binding some Vue code to existing, server-side generated HTML

I have an old-style, multiple-page website, with a multiple steps checkout process. This all works with JS disabled, and it is critical that it keeps doing so.
The checkout form has no JS at all, at the moment, and I'd like to improve it progressively (eg. dynamically showing or hiding fields, doing live validation, etc...).
I have already wrapped the entire website with an #app div, and I mounted a Vue instance to it. Then I created a few components which work correctly (but are not critical, so if JS is disabled then the whole thing keeps working and the components are just empty).
Now I have a long checkout form which is generated server-side (say: <form id='address-form'>).
The best course would be to put it into a component (say <checkout-form>) and use it. I can't do this, because 1) the form is generated server-side 2) it needs to work without JS.
Ideally, I would love to create a component with no template, and attach it to the existing HTML.
Is this even possible?
Edit: continuing to dig the Internet, I found this tutorial. This is exactly my problem, but if this is the only way to do it, then I will revert to JQuery :) Manually duplicating the entire HTML (one server side, the other in Vue) is definitely not a good idea.

Server Side Rendering Vue with ASP.NET Core 2

I'm trying to understand the usage and limitations of server side rendering with vuejs when using aspnet core.
I used this starter kit for aspnet core and vuejs to setup a simple vue site, which is running based on the code here:
I then modified the project to update the aspnet-prerendering and added vue-server-renderer, compiling a hodgepodge of sources to cobble together this update:
If I run this project, the site appears to load fine, and if I turn off the javascript in the browser, I can see that it does appear that the server-side rendering executed and populated the html result:
however, because JavaScript is disabled, the content isn't moved into the dom as it looks like it is trying to...
My understanding of server-side rendering is that it would populate the html entirely and serve a completed page to the user, so that even if JS was disabled, they'd at least be able to see the page (specifically for SEO purposes). Am I incorrect?
Now I believe modern search engines will execute simple scripts like this to get the content, but I still don't want a blank page rendered if js is disabled...
Is this a limitation of server-side rendering, or perhaps specifically ssr with vue and/or aspnet core?
or am I just missing a step somewhere?
Edit: more information
I looked at the source code for what I believe is the method that prerenders the section here:
The line
has a null value for result.Html. However, when I manually edit this value to put a test value, it also doesn't render to the output html, and the app div tag is still empty...
If I'm doing something wrong to populate the result.Html value with the expected output, that's one thing, and I would appreciate some help in doing that, especially since the output html appears to be found, since it's in the script that immediately follows...
However, even if I were to populate it, it appears it's being skipped, as evidenced by me manually changing the value. is this a bug in the code or am I doing somethigng wrong, or perhaps both?
As you correctly noticed, for your project, result.Html inside the tag helper is null. So that line cannot be the location where the output is being generated. Since the HTML output from your prerendering script also does not include a script tag, it is clear that something has to generate that. The only other line that could possible do this is the following from the PrerenderTagHelper:
That would fit the observed output, so we should figure out where the globalsScript comes from.
If you look at the PrerenderTagHelper implementation, you can see that it will call Prerenderer.RenderToString which returns a RenderToStringResult. This result object is deserialized from JSON after calling your Node script.
So there are two properties of interest here: Html, and Globals. The former is responsible for containing the HTML output that finally gets rendered inside the tag helper. The latter is a JSON object containing additional global variables that should be set for the client side. These are what will be rendered inside that script tag.
If you look at the rendered HTML from your project, you can see that there are two globals: window.html and window.__INITIAL_STATE__. So these two are set somewhere in your code, although html shouldn’t be a global.
The culprit is the renderOnServer.js file:
vue_renderer.renderToString(context, (err, _html) => {
if (err) { reject(err.message) }
globals: {
html: _html,
__INITIAL_STATE__: context.state
As you can see, this will resolve the result containing just a globals object with both html and __INITIAL_STATE__ properties. That’s what gets rendered inside of the script tag.
But what you want to do instead is have html not as part of globals but on the layer above, so that it gets deserialized into the RenderToStringResult.Html property:
html: _html,
globals: {
__INITIAL_STATE__: context.state
If you do it like that, your project will properly perform server-side rendering, without requiring JavaScript for the initial view.

Dojo Builds...? What now?

A while back, I looked into a solution for the "flash of unstyled content" when using Dojo and Dojo themes. Someone suggested to combine everything by creating a build, and it'll reduce the load/parse time and remove the need to use preloader overlays, etc.
However, it seems like Dojo is severely lacking in straightforward, "real world" useage examples and tutorials for a lot of its functionality, this especially. A lot of the resources tell you how to set up a build, but not how to implement it.
Let's say I have this in "pageinit.js":
// etc...
// Dom Ready call
// etc...){
// do stuff with parser, dijits, so on.
Some of the require calls were removed for brevity, but there's a handful of dom requires, style classes, some dijits, etc. When this page loads, there's the flash of unstyled content and then it's fine.
Using the Dojo Web Builder, I selected the modules I'm using, and ran it. It downloaded a zip with a lot of files under it, including a new dojo.js and custom_layer.js.
So my question is now, how do I use these new combined and minified files in place of my "non-build" version? What do I require? Or do I?
So confused...
First, let's understand how the AMD(require/define) API works.
], function(parser, dom, domClass){
This is going to call the require function, specifying that I need three modules in order to do some work. require will get each module. If will determine if the module has been loaded. If it hasn't it will asynchronously get the file, and load the module into the javascript runtime. Once require has retrieved all of your required modules, it will execute your callback (the function) passing the modules as arguments to the function.
Next, let's understand the build. The dojo build does exactly what you describe. It will compress a bunch of the individual files into a single file. this will make the page load quicker and prevent that 'flash' that you describe.
Finally, putting it all together, you should include the custom_layer.js file along with the dojo.js file.
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/custom_layer.js" />
The web browser will load these two files and evaluate the code. Instead of lazily loading each module in it's own file, the module will already be loaded because it was defined in the custom_layer.js.
So, the answer to your final question is that you should NOT change any of your code based on the specific version of code (source vs custom build) that you are using. Using the AMD api, it should just work.
Not sure if it's best practice or not, but I was seeing the flash of unstyled content when I first started (a few days ago), and saw several examples somewhere that takes care of by just hiding the <body>. Parse will unhide it when it's ready to show something.
<body style="visibility: hidden;">

Change Global Variable onclick/img source update with javascript variable

First off I am completely new to Javascript but I have some HTML/CSS experience. I've been trying to create an html/javascript image gallery for a website; (It would probably be a lot easier to do in PHP but the web coordinator disabled PHP on our server for security reasons).
Anyway What I have is a page showing an Album-list, Album-browser and Photo-viewer in different a div and 2 iframes respectively. I have it set up so that when someone clicks on an album from the album list, a page is opened up in the album browser section (iframe:"browser-frame" showing thumbnails of all the images in the particular album). I've been trying to set it up so that when someone clicks on an image in the album browser the image will appear in the Photo-viewer section (iframe:"viewer-frame" showing the photo itself).
I didn't want the photo's in the viewer-frame to be larger than the set dimensions for the viewer-frame so I created a page for the viewer-frame that puts the image in a div with a class of set dimensions (defined in a stylesheet) as follows:
<div class="photoview">
<img id="viewed_image" class="large" src="images/album1/1.jpg" />
I then created a script that updates the image src to a variable:image_to_be_viewed and called it image-changer.js
// JavaScript Document
var image_to_be_viewed="images/album1/1.jpg";
And added a script to the viewer-frame page so it looks like:
<div class="photoview">
<img id="viewed_image" class="large" src="images/album1/1.jpg" />
<script src="image-changer.js"></script>
Now I wanted the gallery to work so that in the page loaded in the browser-frame, whenever one clicked on one of the pictures, the value of the global variable 'image_to_be_viewed' would be changed to the source of the clicked image as follows:
<div class="photobrowse">
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/1.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/1.jpg'"/>
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/2.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/2.jpg'"/>
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/3.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/3.jpg'"/>
It doesn't work....
the gallery i'm working on is on
everything up to the loading of the selected picture in the viewer frame works (I'm running the onlick event on the default loaded pictures 1,2,3 in the browser-frame page)(default pic's 4 and 5 simply load the image in the iframe but with no way to adjust the size it is too big and gets cut off and i don't want that)
I've been working on for an entire day and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here but I can't figure out what exactly it is. I have a feeling it has to do with changing the global variable: image_to_be_viewed from the browser-frame page but I wanted to confirm with experts instead of flopping about like a headless fish. I'm going to continue trying to figure this out but i thought maybe having some expert assistance would speed up the process.
What the onclick triggers should be a javascript function call.
e.g. onclick="changeImg('images/album1/1.jpg')"
And the function itself should looks like this
function changeImg (image_to_be_viewed) {
document.getElementById("viewed_image").src = image_to_be_viewed;
btw, you probably should learn javascript a little bit more before work on something real. I recommend this book
thank you I got it to work! I figured that the changeImg function was targeting the wrong document/wrong frame and I fixed it by changing the js script to:
function changeImg (image_to_be_viewed) {
window.parent.viewer_frame.document.getElementById("viewed_image").src = image_to_be_viewed;