Webbrowser control cannot display page - vb.net

Unless I am missing a step, I have done the following:
Drag webbrowser control onto form (WebBrowser1)
Drag button onto form
For button click action I did
and I get "cannot display the page"
It does this with whatever URL I use, whether I put http first or not.
Any idea what could be causing this? Could it be some type of security restriction on my machine or network that prevents non-browsers from accessing the internet?

It's a security setting on my machine preventing it. Thanks all.


How to maintain text in popup control even if click outside popup control

In my windows phone application I add one popup control for user login.
If user enter his credentials and click outside popup control then the data vanishes.
how to maintain data in popup even if user clicked outside popup?
Is there any property so that we can make background page ideal when popup window comes?
use IsolatedStorage for that to maintain data.
see the link
hope this will help you...

How to stop webbrowser control refreshing when server requests it

I have a webbrowser control that points at a webpage that holds some fields that change quickly. When these fields change the server seems to request that the webpage refreshes. This poses a problem if programatically interact with the webbroswer. Is there anyway to force the webbrowser to not refresh? No real code to show. since I'm hoping this is a one line property I can create/add.
Maybe you are looking for the WebBrowser.Stop() Method (MSDN)

Triggering TAB key to shift control by vb.net coding

I am opening a web site in a vb.net 2008 webbrowser control. I want when I open the 3rd page of the web site then after the page is loaded , control focus programmatic-ly by Triggering TAB keypresses automatically by my code . Please tell me the solution to shift the focus control ?
I don't know if I have understood your question right, but you could try the following,
Keep track of whether you are on the third page in your web-browser control. If you are, you can execute a JavaScript function, which changes the focus of the text-fields.
Page.ClientScript.RegisteredStartUpScript(GetTypeOf(), "function_change_tabs", script, True)

VB.NET - Log into website with out website open

I want to create a program to fetch information from a website (that's fine). However, you need to be logged in to get this information.
I just want two simple textbox controls that I would type my username and password into and hit submit and the information would be returned to me so I can use it. (I don't want to use a webbrowser control)
Sorry if I wasn't clear
And also
(this really isn't important, but its up to you if you want to answer, it's probably hard)
How would I go about checking if I am still logged into a website or not (as in TRUE or FALSE)
you can pass credentials into a HttpWebRequest object.
You could use a webbrowser control since it is easy, and just set its display to not visible - the user would never see anything. You could still interact with the page just like normal. You could use the same control to log yourself out by clicking on the logout button. You would set everything up and test it with visible=true, and when it all works, set visible to false.

Vb.Net Object on top of another

In VB.NET I made a web browser and I wanted there to be an image behind the web browser slightly peeking out. I put the image on after i put the web browser on the form and I cant get it to be behind the browser. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
right click the picturebox in the designer and select 'Sent To Back'
Alternatly, right click the webbrowser control an select 'Bring To Front'
Wouldn't it be simpler to edit the image to only have the part that is "peeking out" and place that on the form in the appropriate spot?