How to stop webbrowser control refreshing when server requests it -

I have a webbrowser control that points at a webpage that holds some fields that change quickly. When these fields change the server seems to request that the webpage refreshes. This poses a problem if programatically interact with the webbroswer. Is there anyway to force the webbrowser to not refresh? No real code to show. since I'm hoping this is a one line property I can create/add.

Maybe you are looking for the WebBrowser.Stop() Method (MSDN)


Webbrowser control cannot display page

Unless I am missing a step, I have done the following:
Drag webbrowser control onto form (WebBrowser1)
Drag button onto form
For button click action I did
and I get "cannot display the page"
It does this with whatever URL I use, whether I put http first or not.
Any idea what could be causing this? Could it be some type of security restriction on my machine or network that prevents non-browsers from accessing the internet?
It's a security setting on my machine preventing it. Thanks all.

Reducing redraw flickering on web application

I have a page on my web application which has a chart that gets retrieved using a timer. Is there a way to avoid the flickering everytime the chart is redrawn?
Since It's a web application, I guess the doublebuffer property isn't available, or at least I didn't find it and assumed it's webform related.
I would appreciate any help in the matter.
A quick and easy but not suggested solution is to call the redraw manually and remove the event.
So you would remove the event handler and you call the function that redraws the chart when you think is required. i.e After the resize is done or after a value is changed etc.
Since it is a web application, I guess the redraw you are talking about is made using a browser page refresh.
If so, you should take a look at Microsoft Ajax Framework, and a UpdatePanel control to just refresh the specific chart part of your page. Should be smoother then.

Make multiple WebBrowser's without dragging them in file

Ok, so a program I am making involves using multiple webbrowsers with different cookies. It logs into the same site on several accounts. However, to log into several sites I need multiple webbrowsers running the same function, but I want this program to be able to log into as many accounts as needed, so I need to generate a webbrowser basically. Instead of putting it in the form, I need a code that generates a webbrowser on the form. Is this even possible?
You can use the Load event of the form to create new WebBrowser() controls and Add them to the Form's Controls collection.
However, it is not necessary to add them to the form in order to use them.
WebBrowser :MSDN
You can dynamically create many WebBrowsers but it wont work the way that you want. Each WebBrowser will act like a separate tab of an Internet Explorer. For more information you can check the following.
Hosting multiple WebBrowser controls in one window causes sessions to "cross": any solutions?.
Use a tabcontrol and put each webbrowser in a separate tabpage. You can easily declare a tabpage with a webbrowser and add or remove the tabpage as needed. Since each document that the webbrowser loads has it's own cookie collection, and the website is your own, you should be able to set up your website to accept multiple users from the same machine, at least temporarily for testing.

Triggering TAB key to shift control by coding

I am opening a web site in a 2008 webbrowser control. I want when I open the 3rd page of the web site then after the page is loaded , control focus programmatic-ly by Triggering TAB keypresses automatically by my code . Please tell me the solution to shift the focus control ?
I don't know if I have understood your question right, but you could try the following,
Keep track of whether you are on the third page in your web-browser control. If you are, you can execute a JavaScript function, which changes the focus of the text-fields.
Page.ClientScript.RegisteredStartUpScript(GetTypeOf(), "function_change_tabs", script, True)

Controls disappearing on timer

We have a question regarding VB.Net 2008.
We are used control array in and third party timer controls.
When handle received from external application to timer control event procedure,
after this form becomes blank and controls disappear.
What we have to do to persist the controls.
You asked what you have to do to persist the controls. It's not clear whether you mean winforms or webforms, but I can answer for both possibilities:
If it's the former, you have it backwards. The default behavior of all controls is that they are "persisted" until you tell them otherwise. If anything disappears, it's because you have code somewhere that tells it to. That's where you need to start looking.
If it's webforms/ASP.Net, the problem is that you don't understand the page lifecycle. Everything that raises server events, including your third party timer controls, causes a post back. That's how events work - the browser posts the form back to the same url in such a way that the server knows to call a your event code at the right time. The thing here is that as far your server is concerned, it's still just a new http request, and that means you're working with a brand new instance of your page class every time this happens. If you've previously added some controls to your page, it doesn't matter. That was an old instance that was discarded and probably disposed by the time the page was visible in the user's browser. If you want to keep those controls, you need to make sure you add them to the page on every postback.