Windows 10 ( mobile) doesn´t create a hyperlink in a SMS url - windows-phone

I´m trying to call my application ( myapp://mypage ) via a link in a SMS. It works in older versions, but when Windows 10 reads the SMS, it doesn't create the hyperlink to the user click on it. It only shows the link as text.
When the text in the SMS starts with "http://" or "www." it works fine in Windows 10. The problem occurs only when it calls an application. Someone knows how to handle it?


How to trigger Whatsapp Desktop by html link in Windows Google Chrome

According to official Whatsapp documenttion, if you want to make a clickable html link that triggers a new chat window in Whatsapp, regardless of (1) the destination phone number being in your contacts or not and (2) of OS (works in Web, iOS and Android), all you have to do is create a link like this:
Click here to open Whatsapp
In Google Chrome / MacOs, if I have Whatsapp Desktop installed, as soon as I click that link, I get a new tab (due to target = blank) with an Whatsapp web page containing a button 'Click here to chat', but Whatsapp Desktop imediatelly intercepts the link and comes to the foreground and creates a new chat with that phone number. That's the behavior I'm hoping for.
On Google Chrome Windows, on the other hand, Whatsapp Desktop doesn't intercept the link, so Whatsapp's web page just sits there waiting for me to click the button. The problem is that every time you click the button, you have to wait for the full Whatsapp WEB (not desktop) to load, which takes forever, specially if use this feature all the time.
I tried using whatsapp:// syntax but it doesn't work in Windows (does nothing when clicked), and in MacOs it triggers Whatsapp Desktop but errors out unless you have that contact in your contact list already ( doesn't have this limitation).
In short: any way to make a clickable link that, on Chrome/Windows, will trigger Whatsapp Desktop instead of forcing the user to load (every time) whatsapp web?
Building on Anand's answer, here is a reg file that adds the necessary entries.
Note: Be sure to replace YOUR_USERNAME_HERE with, um, your real Windows user-name:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\\AppData\\Local\\WhatsApp\\WhatsApp.exe\" %1"
Taking cue from Rovann Linhalis's answer, following settings worked for me in Windows 10 Pro 1809 with WhatsApp Desktop Installed
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create new key whatsapp
Then in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp change default string value to URL:whatsapp
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp add new string value with value name URL Protocol and value data empty
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp with name shell
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell change default string value to open
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell with name Open
New Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell\Open with name command
In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\whatsapp\shell\Open\command change default string value to
"C:\Users\{YOUR-PC-USERNAME}\AppData\Local\WhatsApp\WhatsApp.exe" %1
Make sure to replace placeholder {YOUR-PC-USERNAME} with your username.
Example whatsapp://send/?phone=+{countryCode}{mobileNumber}&text=HELLO%20WORLD
To open whatsapp: // in windows, just add the following registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\[USERNAME]\\AppData\\Local\\WhatsApp\\WhatsApp.exe\" \"%1\""
but I still have trouble starting a conversation after the last update.

Sending a command from a web-browser to an app

I want to be able to send a stream of data from a user computer to a web-service. That should not be too hard - I would use an application written in dot-net that resides on a user's Windows computer.
However, the tricky part is that the stream-of-data should only be sent (by the app) when the user clicks on a button or a link in a WEB PAGE that is open in his browser. The app itself would be minimized in the system tray. And he should be able to stop the stream by clicking on a stop-button (or link) in that web page..
So I found some info on stackoverflow that says that you can put a link in your page, something like: [a href='alert:"Hello World" ' ] and if you register your application (in this example the app would be called "alert.exe") in the registry, then when the user clicks on the link, he will cause the application to start, and to receive "Hello World" as a parameter.
Anyway, there are complications in my case. I want to be able to tell the application when to start sending data, and when to stop sending data, without starting new instances of the application. If the user clicks START, and the app is already open, I don't want it to open again. I do want a message to go saying "start sending" and if the user clicks on a STOP button (or link) to say "stop sending". The user might click on these web-page buttons several times in a session, and I don't want to close and reopen the program each time.
So a couple of questions:
Am I taking the right approach? Would "plug-ins" be a better idea?
If I am taking the correct approach, is there some way to send commands from a web page to an application?
Is it safe to have my app modify the registry of user computers?
If so, is there a set of commands for doing that?
Is the registry supported by Windows 7, Windows 8, etc? I know it is not supported on a Mac.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. (the info on launching apps from your browser was at:

running an (html/javascript) webpage from inside a visual program

i wrote a (visual desktop app that allows ham radio operators to enter a call,
such as WA0H, and the program gives the ham's location (springfield, mo.).
you can download the program free from my website ..
i want the program to display the ham's location on a google map using google's api-v3.
i have created an (html/javascript) webpage, where you enter the location in a form box,
click a (find) button, and the app displays the map ok, including a marker pin on the map.
??? how do i run the (webpage) from inside my ( program ???
my program needs to:
1 .. pass the address to the webpage
2 .. click the webpage (find) button
according to the google maps (developers) website, they want questions posted to stackoverflow.
thanks for your time.
1-First you need to create pin on the map
i suggest using Google Static Maps API as in hear :
for the example use this,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&key=YOUR_API_KEY
then you get something like this,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&key=AIzaSyDnw6k3UjE2qZ5nLnI8cKghaEEdCXV0PUI&signature=5xiF2jgoXwFonsjew0PmtZdSTHU=
2-you need to open this page using web browser.
to use "WebBrowser" inside of toolbox, drag and drop it then set ScriptErrorsSuppressed to true
to set webbrowser url you can use webbrowser1.navigate("your url as string")

Iphone, phone gap, childbrowser and email functionality

i have recently built my first app using phone gap and have managed to get childbrowser working to open PDF's. I was wondering if anyone knew how, or if it was even possible to add email functionality to Childbrowser. Currently, in the top right of the ChildBrowser bar, there is a button that produces a drop down with the option to open it in iBooks, SIGNificant and Dropbox, is it possible to edit this to add an email button or just add an email button straight into the UI bar?
I'm guessing that this cannot be done without using Obj-C. perhaps it will be included in later versions.

Windows Phone 7 Notifications/Pop/Toasts

If there a way to display a normal Notification/Toast/Popup in Windows Phone 7, which is not a Push Notification?
All I want to do is to be able to give the user a message when something occurs...
I assume you wish to display something while your application is not running in the foregorund. Because, when your application runs in the foreground, you can do whatever you want.
Your application can't run in the background, therefore you don't really have any means of invoking anything. This means you can't really display a message when somethien occurs.
What exectly occurs on the phone that you need to notify the user? Is that really not back-end related?
There are two great sample chapters on Windows Phone and Silverlight for Windows Phone on the site. There is great Windows Phone Trainng material , and dont forget the Windows Phone Develoeprs Blog
You can use MessageBox.Show(), though this creates a modal dialog box.
If you want to display the notification while your app is not running (but when you're doing some background work) then I believe this is what you want:
ShellToast toast = new ShellToast();
toast.Title = "My app";
toast.Content = "Hello from my app's background task!";
For some reason, this doesn't display anything if your app is already running. If you want to display a message then, you can use MessageBox.Show() (if you're OK forcing the user to click OK), or you can use the Coding4Fun Tools that Haider links to.
It would be fairly straight forward to reproduce the visual effect of a toast from within your app. You could use a fixed height, full width canvas with a TextBlock control and animate it's appearance using a storyboard.
How to bind toast notification with schedule in windows phone