How to find Windows Service bus Log information - servicebus

How to find windows service bus log information along with message size like when message is received into queue.

Logs for windows service bus can be find in the application logs in the Windows Event Viewer application.
My response is based on Microsoft documentation that can be find on
ATTENTION My response is based on an assumption that you use Service Bus for Windows Server


Send messages from Azure Service Bus to RabbitMQ

I can see that it's possible to send messages from RabbitMQ to Azure Service Bus - see here.
Wondering if it's possible to do the reverse i.e. send messages from Azure Service Bus to RabbitMQ? Essentially trying to integrate with third party...

Local connection string of service bus

I have a on-premise service bus installed i want to browse and test in service bus explorer . How can i know the endpoint of my service bus installed locally and details step by step procedure to test on service bus explorer. Like shared secret key all the attribute values in endpoint
The connection string looks something like this
The ports are the default when configuring and should be changed accordingly if required.
One thing to note is that the newer releases of Service Bus Explorer do not support Service Bus for Windows Server (which itself is out of mainstream support) and you would need to use v2.1 which last supports it.
Since there seems to be no releases available, you will have to fetch and run the code directly.

Reading from Service Bus via Qpid JMS client fails

I am trying to connect to Windows Service Bus from Qpid JMS client.
Authentication and handshake succeeded, but can not get anything from a topic or queue.
My code is based on tutorial provided here.
On reading attempt getting message from Service Bus:
The server was unable to process the request; please retry the
operation. If the problem persists, please contact your Service Bus
administrator and provide the tracking
My question is where can I find this tracking id on the Service Bus and get some details about it?
Has anyone had similar issue?
Issue was worked through on
Junica answered his own question in the end via this comment:

Archiving Windows Server Service Bus messages

The MSDN documentation for the BrokeredMessage.Complete method ( describes the method as this: "Completes the receive operation of a message and indicates that the message should be marked as processed and deleted or archived."
In my use of this method I've only seen the message deleted once it is processed. This is the one and only instance I've seen in the MSDN documentation, blogs, or anywhere else about Service Bus being capable of archiving old messages.
I could archive the message myself as part of my code that reads and processes a message and then marks it complete. But is it possible to make Windows Server Service Bus archive completed messages for me? If so, how do you turn on and configure this feature?
In case the difference matters, I am using the locally hosted Windows Server Service bus, not the Azure version.
No, Service Bus doesn't archive your messages. I'm going to follow up w/ the documentation folks on what that was supposed to express.

Windows Azure Queues, WCF, MSMQ integration

I have a scenario where I need a desktop console app to communicate with a Windows Azure Queue... the most important thing is that the message is received by the server eventually. Also, the desktop app may be disconnected from the Internet sometimes. In the traditional WCF+MSMQ approach you'd be able to send a message which would be cached in MSMQ until MSMQ could reach the Server's MSMQ and send the message. What's the equivalent when Windows Azure is the server-side?
Is it possible for the same approach to be used, where MSMQ just communicates with a Windows Azure Queue rather than an MSMQ on a Windows Server?
Maybe Windows Azure Queue is the wrong approach? I have heard about something called message buffer, but don't know what this is (yet!).
thanks for your help
You could write an MSMQ listener service that finishes moving the message to the Azure queue when the connection to the internet has been reestablished. I don't think this would be too difficult.
Perhaps my answer wasnt clear. Based on the question the client is occasionally connected to the internet so you need a way to park the message until the intertubes get untangled. Using Windows the easiest way to do this is to put the message in an MSMQ local queue. YOu then have a service monitoring that queue. If there is a message and it can get to the service hosted in the cloud it sends the message. Once the message has been sent it can be deleted from the queue.
In order to queue a message to Azure Queue Storage you have to be connected to the Internet. If you want to handle disconnected scenarios, that is totally up to you. I would keep the solution very simple and use a local storage such as SQL Server Compact and then send the messages as soon as there's connectivity, maybe with the aid of a Windows Service (so that you don't need to run the desktop app).
You can do this with the Azure AppFabric Service Bus Message Buffers - there is no need to use a Queue. Check out the related sample downloads on the following site: - they should answer your questions much better than I can.