How can share product name and image on whatapps using html? - whatsapp

I'm trying to create script which can share product link and name. I searched about it and found an good answer.
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Above link is just sending product URL to whatapps, but i want to send title as well. Is there possible that i can send product title as well.

I try to more searched about it and finally i got solution for this. I just add php syntax urlencode().
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Trying to find a Shopify Email Variable for Order URL

I find it strange this isn't offered but I'm looking to get the URL to specific orders ( passed through an email template variable.
Consulting the Shopify docs here:, I don't see how I can achieve that. Wondering if anyone has any idea on how to do it, if possible?
Something like {{order.url}} or account/orders/{{order.hash}} << (obviously made those up)
Hopped on Shopify support and they confirmed there's no way to do it. Close this question as it's no longer relevant :(

How to show someone came from a link on my website?

It must be the full url, not just history or type. I have seen, on, where they show stats regarding where the referrer of our site came from. I want to show the exact link like statcounter shows under a tab.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You will want to use Google Analytics.
Google will generate a unique javascript code for you, you then paste it in your html, which activates the service. It's very easy to get started and the dashboard is very robust considering it's free. To get started, you can check this out:

Find all Delicious posts using Yahoo! Pipes from ALL users

I'd like to try to create a Yahoo Pipe that will return ALL of the articles, urls, and # of saves on Delicious which are tagged with the category, for instance, 'sushi'.
Is that possible? (I know I can do it with my own tags, or with those in my network. And I know I can simply go to Delicious and push the load more button until I exhaust the list.)
But a json structure or an XML output file would be so much easier to process.
Would anybody have a clue how to get this?
In order to access delicious data in your application, you’ll need to get a Yahoo! API key and configure it to use delicious social bookmarking. You can do this by creating a project for your application. are examples at this second link showing something similar to what you are trying to do.
Read more here:

How can i remake the return from Google search api?

How can i use Google search api to get like on the google engine, title of website,a short description and URL. Is it possible?
I tried the api but it gives me only some information that doesn`t have a url or title to a website.
Using the Google shopping api, you can retrieve the title, short description and url. I've achieved this in a c# application where it returns a json file from the url below and parse over it.
You need a apiId to start with.
Using this url you can add search parameters after the q, in this example just searching for digital camera.
for more details
I'm not sure that I have enough information, but I find the Google Custom Search API reference page has the reference JSON/ATOM examples:
This query will get you started:{YOURAPIKEY}&cx={cx?}&cref={cref?}&q=st%20olaf
Does this get you started?
Take care!

Is it possible to retrieve Facebook Pages information like notes, photos, and videos?

I've been up and down the Facebook API as well as all over the internets looking for an answer to this question.
Has anyone seen an example of a website that displays information pulled from a Facebook Page? Is this even possible?
I've been able to run the demos provided at Trying Out Facebook Connect and the API Test Console, but I've only been able to retrieve information on users not pages.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just tried it out on the console - it does work with pages. You just have to use the page ID instead of the user ID for whatever you're trying to get.
This gets the photo albums of the page with ID 5281959998, which is the NY Times.
For now, it doesn't appear possible. Quote from Stream.get:
This method returns an object (in JSON-encoded or XML format) that contains the stream from the perspective of a specific viewer -- currently, a user, and in the near future, a Facebook Page.