Find all Delicious posts using Yahoo! Pipes from ALL users - api

I'd like to try to create a Yahoo Pipe that will return ALL of the articles, urls, and # of saves on Delicious which are tagged with the category, for instance, 'sushi'.
Is that possible? (I know I can do it with my own tags, or with those in my network. And I know I can simply go to Delicious and push the load more button until I exhaust the list.)
But a json structure or an XML output file would be so much easier to process.
Would anybody have a clue how to get this?

In order to access delicious data in your application, you’ll need to get a Yahoo! API key and configure it to use delicious social bookmarking. You can do this by creating a project for your application. are examples at this second link showing something similar to what you are trying to do.
Read more here:


Is there anyway to get this table data into iOS app?

I work with a company who outsources their website. I'm trying to retrieve data from the site without having to contact those who run it directly. The table data I'm trying to retrieve can be found here:
My methodology thus far has been to use google chrome's Developer Tools to find the source page, but when I filter under the network tab for XHL, only the info of the current games can be found. Is there anyway to scrape this data (I have no idea how to do that; any resources or direction would be appreciated) or another way to get it? Am I missing it in the developer tools?
If I had to contact those who run the website, what exactly should I ask for? I'm trying to get JSON data that I can easily turn into my own UITableViewController.
Thank you.
Just load the page source and parse the html.
Depending on your usage there may well be a copyright issue, the page has an explicit copyright notice so you will need to obtain explicit permission for your use.

List of all companies on AngelList via API
What would the best approach for hitting every company that is listed on AngelList? My first guess would be to query all the numbers up until 250k, the number of companies on angelList, using this endpoint
There surely has to be a better way of doing this though.
Yes it is possible via their API. And the API endpoint that you have mentioned in your question is the correct one. I have written a PHP component to achieve this. You can use this exporter application to download the start-ups data for each country into a CSV file : AngelList Data Exporter
I hope this helps you. does not expose its api anymore. So you have to parse the website to get any data.
Also a quick google search would give you a few websites which have different datasets from website.

Getting text information from the Internet into my app

I learning Objective C, and I am going to develop some apps. I have a general question: How to get text information from the Internet into your app. Say you want the current title of Yahoo News. Do I need to use some PHP, or are there Objective-C specific classes to choose from?
Help is appreciated (code as well!), just anything that can help me take te step to exploring the new possibilities!
If I understand your question, I'd say the best way to do it would be to get the HTML source from the URL of your choosing as a string, then parse it to grab an attribute such as the title. Have a look at NSString and NSXMLDocument; they both let you instantiate them from a URL.
Here's a great way to do it:
Go to Yahoo Pipes, and create your "pipe" (basically a feed of one or many different data inputs on the web).
Publish: Select a format for Yahoo to host, for example as an RSS feed or in JSON.
UIWebView can then point to your pipe's URL. (Here's a tutorial on UIWebView)
Note that you can choose to get the feed as RSS, JSON, and other formats as well. Here is an example of a pipe I set up for the National Vulnerabilities Database as RSS, and the same feed as JSON.
ASIHttpRequest Will keep you sane.

What is a writable API?

I recently heard term 'Writable API' which is totally new for me. Can anyone explain what does it mean?
A publicly writable API is an API that allows anyone to attach meta-data to objects in the owner's database without changing the original content.
For example, take this object:!/MarsPhoenix/status/1917793215. It is a tweet from the Pheonix Mars Lander.
The tweet is owned by Twitter. But what if I want to tag it and share those tags with the world?
If Twitter opened a writeble API, I could add my own data to this tweet. Say I add the tags "mars" and "nasa" to this object, they would be stored as devon/tag:mars and devon/tag:nasa in their database. If user Bob added a tag of "phoenix", it would be stored as bob/tag:phoenix in Twitter's database.
Now we can both share our tags with the world without overwriting any of Twitter's or each other's data.
Here is a good blog post explaining the concept:
I wrote the article #Devon linked to, so agree with him :-) Though I'd change his "without changing the original content" to also say that the addition to the data also doesn't require the permission of the original app either (APIs are in a way largely about permission - they're designed to let you do things, but also sharply limit what you can do).
As a concrete illustration of #Devon's example of putting metadata onto tweets, here's how you can do it with Fluidinfo:
We've also posted some writable API examples, for Boing Boing and Union Square Ventures. See and
We have a couple more nice examples coming out this week at the LAUNCH conference in SF.
Hope that helps!
Terry Jones
A Writable API would be an API that allows you to write data to the target system/platform rather than a Read-Only API.
For example, StackOverflow/StackExchange provides a Read-Only API whereas the Twitter API is Writable.

How can I get the full change history for an article on Wikipedia?

I'd like a way to download the content of every page in the history of a popular article on Wikipedia. In other words I want to get the full contents of every edit for a single article. How would I go about doing this?
Is there a simple way to do this using the Wikipedia API. I looked and didn't find anything the popped out as a simple solution. I've also looked into the scripts on the PyWikipedia Bot page ( and didn't find anything that was useful. Some simple way to do it in Python or Java would be the best, but I'm open to any simple solution that will get me the data.
There are multiple options for this. You can use the Special:Export special page to fetch an XML stream of the page history. Or you can use the API, found under /w/api.php. Use action=query&title=$TITLE&prop=revisions&rvprop=timestamp|user|content etc. to fetch the history.
Pywikipedia provides an interface to this, but I do not know by heart how to call it. An alternative library for Python, mwclient, also provides this, via site.pages[page_title].revisions()
Well, one solution is to parse the Wikipedia XML dump.
Just thought I'd put that out there.
If you're only getting one page, that's overkill. But if you don't need the very very latest information, using the XML would have the advantage of being a one-time download instead of repeated network hits.