How to pass variable to groovy code in Intellij IDEA live templates groovy script? - intellij-idea

I have a groovyScript in my Intellij IDEA live template, like this :
groovyScript("D:/test.groovy","", v1)
on my D:/test.groovy i have a code like this:
if ( v1 == 'abc') {
Now I want to pass v1 variable into test.groovy ,can any one help me how can I do this?

For exemplification purposes I made a live template which is printing a comment with the current class and current method.
This is how my live template is defined:
And here is how I edited the variableResolvedWithGroovyScript variable:
The Expression for the given variable has the follwing value:
groovyScript("return \"// Current Class:\" + _1 + \". Current Method:\"+ _2 ", className(),methodName())
As you can see, in this case the _1(which acts like a variable in the groovy script) takes the value of the first parameter which is the class name, and the _2 takes the value of the
second parameter which is the method name. If another parameter is needed the _3 will be used in the groovy script to reference the given parameter.

The arguments to groovyScript macro are bound to script variables named _1, _2 etc. This is also described at groovyScript help at Edit Template Variables Dialog / Live Template Variables.

I found a solution.
I was needing to calculate a CRC32 of the qualified class name using live models
I used it like this:
def crc = new { update _1.bytes; value };
return Long.toHexString(crc);
", qualifiedClassName())
then the result is

Based on the documentation, your variables are available as _1, _2, etc. Please note that variables are passed without dollar signs (so only v1 instead of $v1$)
So your test script should look like
if ( _2 == 'abc') {


How to call traverseLinkedWorkItems method using Velocity script block?

In the Polarion documentation:,java.util.Set,java.util.Set,com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.ITerminalCondition)
I have created empty sets using $objectFactory.newSet() to account for the first 3 parameters, and I have tried "null" for the conditional parameter, but nothing works.
This is an example of what I have tried:
#set($project = "Project X"
#set($workItem1 = 'ABC-123')
#set($emptySet = $objectFactory.newSet())
#set($ts1 = $trackerService.getWorkItem($project,$workItem1))
$ts1 ##output: PObject(WorkItem; subterra:data-service:objects:/default/Project X${WorkItem}ABC-123)
The output is always $ts1.traverseLinkedWorkItems($emptySet,$emptySet,$emptySet,'null')
Is there no way to do this in Velocity? I have seen only one other post regarding this question:
Have you tried $null as the last argument? As an undefined reference, it will translate to null.
But this solution will only work if Velocity is not running in strict mode.

tdbc::tokenize documentation and use

I'm using tdbc::odbc to connect to a Pervasive (btrieve type) database, and am unable to pass variables to the driver. A short test snippet:
set customer "100000"
set st [pvdb prepare {
WHERE CUSTOMER = :customer
$st execute
This returns:
[Pervasive][ODBC Client Interface]Parameter number out of range.
(binding the 'customer' parameter)
Works fine if I replace :customer with "100000", and I have tried using a variable with $, #, wrapping in apostrophes, quotes, braces. I believe that tdbc::tokenize is the answer I'm looking for, but the man page gives no useful information on its use. I've experimented with tokenize with no progress at all. Can anyone comment on this?
The tdbc::tokenize command is a helper for writing TDBC drivers. It's used for working out what bound variables are inside an SQL string so the binding map can be supplied to the low level driver or, in the case of particularly stupid drivers, string substitutions performed (I hope there's no drivers that need to do this; it'd be annoyingly difficult to get right). The parser knows enough to handle weird cases like things that look like bound variables in strings and comments (those aren't bound variables).
If we feed it (it's calling syntax is trivial) the example SQL you've got, we get this result:
WHERE CUSTOMER = } :customer {
That's a list of three items (the last element just has a newline in it) that simplifies processing a lot; each item is either trivially a bound variable or trivially not.
Other examples (bear in mind in the second case that bound variables may also start with $ or #):
% tdbc::tokenize {':abc' = :abc = ":abc" -- :abc}
{':abc' = } :abc { = ":abc" -- :abc}
% tdbc::tokenize {foo + $bar - #grill}
{foo + } {$bar} { - } #grill
% tdbc::tokenize {foo + :bar + [:grill]}
{foo + } :bar { + [:grill]}
Note that the tokenizer does not fully understand SQL! It makes no attempt to parse the other bits; it's just looking for what is a bound variable.
I've no idea what use the tokenizer could be to you if you're not writing a DB driver.
Still could not get the driver to accept the variable, but looking at your first example of the tokenized return, I came up with:
set customer "100000"
set v [tdbc::tokenize "$customer"]
set st [pvdb prepare $query]
$st execute
as a test command, and it did indeed successfully pass the command through the driver

Default values for query parameters

Please forgive me if my question does not make sense.
What im trying to do is to inject in values for query parameters
GET1 File
Given path 'search'
And param filter[id] = id (default value or variable from another feature file)
POST1 File
def newid = new id made by a post call
def checkid = read call(GET1) {id : newid}
like if one of my feature files creates a new id then i want to do a get call with the above scenario. therefore i need a parameter there which takes in the new id.
On the other hand if i do not have an id newly created or the test creating it is not part of the suite. i want to still be able to run the above mentioned scenario but this time it has a default value to it.
Instead of param use params. It is designed so that any keys with null values are ignored.
After the null is set on the first line below, you can make a call to another feature, and overwrite the value of criteria. If it still is null, no params will be set.
* def criteria = null
Given path 'search'
And params { filter: '#(criteria)' }
There are multiple other ways to do this, also refer to this set of examples for data-driven search params: dynamic-params.feature
The doc on conditional logic may also give you some ideas.

ruby variable inside sql statement

I am trying to use a ruby variable inside an sql statement. The following code works and deletes the second record of the templates table. How do i replace this number with my user defined variable "deleteid"?
deleteid = gets.chomp
$db.execute %q{DELETE FROM templates
WHERE id = 2}
You can use string interpolation:
$db.execute %{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = #{deleteid}}
$db.execute %Q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = #{deleteid}}
User can pass arbitrary string. Using deleteid directly can be dangerous. As #muistooshort commented, you should escape the deleteid.
Consult your db driver's documentation for methods that accepts parameter and escape the parameter (or prepare method).
For example, if you use sqlite3-ruby, you can use Database#query, which will escape for you.
$db.prepare(%q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = ?}, [deleteid])
in pg, use Connection#exec_params:
$db.exec_params(%q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = $1}, [deleteid])

How to access a stored value in PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase

How can I store a value within Selenium-RC (through PHPUnit) and then retrieve/access it later using PHPUnit?
Suppose I run a command like the following in a test:
$this->storeExpression( "foo", "bar" );
If I understand the Selenium API documentation correctly, I could access this data using javascript{storedVars['foo']} using good 'ol fashioned Selenese. It should contain the value "bar".
My question is this: how can I access this javascript{storedVars['test']} expression (or, more generally, javascript{storedVars} in PHPUnit?
For example, here's a simple test I've run:
public function testStorage()
$this->open(''); // for example
$this->storeExpression( 'foo', 'bar' );
$foo = $this->getExpression('foo');
echo $foo;
The output of which is "foo" (among the other standard PHPUnit output), while I expect it should be "bar". It's just giving me back the name of the expression, not its value.
Can anyone with experience in this give me some guidance?
Good posts in this thread, but looks like no 100% working answer so far.
Based on the Selenium reference here
It would seem the correct code syntax would be:
$this->storeExpression( 'bar', 'foo' );
$foo = $this->getExpression("\${foo}");
I haven't tested that exactly, but doing something similar with
$val = $this->getExpression('\${srcTxt}');
print $val;
did the trick for me.
The PHPUnit Selenium Testcase driver actually understands storeExpression and getExpression; have a look at its source code. You can do
$this->storeExpression('foo', 'bar');
As Selenium Stores the expression result in second argument it stores value in "bar" and when u need to call it you should call the stored name to get the expression.
$this->storeExpression( 'foo', 'bar' );
$foo = $this->getExpression("bar");
May this helps you it worked for me.
$evaluated = $this->getEval("regex:3+3");
$expressed = $this->getExpression("regex:3+3");
The First Evaluated will give the evaluated output for expression
and the second will show the expressed output.
The secound is used to verify that the specified expression is genrated or not by the alert.