Dynamically get all parameter values in stored procedure - sql

Is there any way to get all parameter values from a stored procedure dynamically?
In other words, iterate through all parameters in one stored procedure to get their values into one string. This is for a unified logging process for a bunch of stored procedures.
I can get the names of parameters:
WHERE SPECIFIC_NAME = 'procedure_name';
Also, I tried to use dynamic SQL commands. I've generated a command with included parameter, but EXEC can't execute command.
+ '#Date' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), #Date)'
EXEC #cmd
Is there any way to do this besides manually generating a list of parameter values for each stored procedure?

Since SQL Server 2014 there is sys.dm_exec_input_buffer a table valued function with an output column event_info that gives the full execution statement (including parameters).
I use this for error logging in stored procedures.
For example:
--include this inside the stored procedure
declare #statement nvarchar(max)
select #statement = event_info
from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(##spid, current_request_id())
--this will print whatever you called the procedure with (including parameters)
print #statement
-- if you want to parse just the parameters from the statement, it can be done like this
declare #proc_name varchar(128) = object_name(##procid)
declare #param_idx int = charindex(#proc_name, #statement) + len(#proc_name)
declare #param_len int = len(#statement) - #param_idx
declare #params nvarchar(max) = right(#statement, #param_len)
select #params


Using Variables Passing Into MSSQL Stored Proc as part of queries

I want to use the value from variables that is passed into the stored proc. Is that allow?
For example, I want to pass CID=5,SID=4 Into an Update Stored Proc
and it looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE Update #CID nvarchar(4),#SID nvarchar(4)
In which is like "DELETE FROM [User54]"
But I want to dynamically done given the parameter
Can it be done and how is it done?
You must use dynamic SQL. To do it safely, ensure the created object name is properly delimited using the quotename function.
Like this:
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE UpdateSomeTable #CID nvarchar(4), #SID nvarchar(4)
declare #tableName nvarchar(500) = quotename(concat('User',#CID,#SID));
declare #sql nvarchar(max) = concat('DELETE FROM ',#tableName);
--print #sql
exec sp_executesql #sql

Dynamic SQL throws error complaining scalar variable is not defined

I am copying my bulk data to SQL Server (table name: TmpTable) via C# code and then I want to update the table with following stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Update_Locations
(#lupdatedNoRow VARCHAR(10) OUT)
DECLARE #mttblfaximages3_sql NVARCHAR(500) ='UPDATE testAdmin.dbo.mttblFaxImages2 set fRemoteStorageLocation = temp.RemoteStorageLocation, fRemoteImageName = temp.RemoteImageName from testAdmin.dbo.mttblFaxImages2 T INNER JOIN #TmpTable Temp ON (T.fFaxId=Temp.PrimaryId AND T.fFaxPageId=Temp.SecondaryId); DROP TABLE #TmpTable;SELECT #lupdatedNoRow = cast(##rowcount as VARCHAR)'
EXEC sp_executesql #mttblfaximages3_sql
select #lupdatedNoRow
I see update works fine but c# throws exception after that
Must declare the scalar variable "#lupdatedNoRow"
I want to return the number of rows updated.
How I should modify my stored procedure to return number of rows updated?
you need to define & pass the variable #lupdatedNoRow into the sp_executesql
EXEC sp_executesql #mttblfaximages3_sql,
N'#lupdatedNoRow varchar(10) OUTPUT',
#lupdatedNoRow OUTPUT
select #lupdatedNoRow

Stored procedure get parameter list and current values

Not sure how to implement this, but I need a way to get the current list of parameters for a stored procedure as well as their passed in values (this code will be executed in the stored procedure itself).
I know I can use sys.parameters to get the parameter names, but how to get the actual values?
What I need to do with this is to make a char string of the form
I have tried to use dynamic sql, but not having much joy with that.
Any ideas??
Currently I am just going through all the parameters one-by-one to build the string. However I want a "better" way to do it, since there are quite a few parameters. And incase parameters are added later on (but the code to generate the string is not updated).
I tried using dynamic sql but gave up, since the sp_executesql sp requires parameters be passed into it...
You state '(this code will be executed in the stored procedure itself).' so assuming you are in the procedure you will already know the parameter names as you have to declare them when creating your procedure. Just do a select and put the names inside text fields
#param1 NVARCHAR(255)
,#param2 INT
SELECT [Parameters] = '#param1=' + #param1
+ ',#param2=' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),#param2)...
The CONVERT is there as an example for non-char datatypes.
You will need to create a linked server that points to itself to use the OPENQUERY function.
USE [master]
/****** Object: LinkedServer [.] Script Date: 04/03/2013 16:22:13 ******/
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'.', #srvproduct=N'', #provider=N'SQLNCLI', #datasrc=N'.', #provstr=N'Integrated Security=SSPI'
/* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'.',#useself=N'True',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=NULL,#rmtpassword=NULL
Now you can do something like this cursor to get each parameter name and then use dynamic sql in OPENQUERY to get the value:
FROM sys.parameters
WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('schema.procedurename')
ORDER BY parameter_id
OPEN curParms
FETCH curParms INTO #parmName
SELECT #parmName + '=' + (SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY('linkedservername','SELECT ' + #parmName))
FETCH curParms INTO #parmName
CLOSE curParms
Since SQL Server 2014 we have sys.dm_exec_input_buffer, it is a table valued function with an output column event_info that gives the full execution statement (including parameters).
We can parse the param values from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer and get the param names from sys.parameters and join them together to get the string you want.
For example:
create procedure [dbo].[get_proc_params_demo]
#number1 int,
#string1 varchar(50),
#calendar datetime,
#number2 int,
#string2 nvarchar(max)
-- get the full execution statement
declare #statement nvarchar(max)
select #statement = event_info
from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(##spid, current_request_id())
-- parse param values from the statement
declare #proc_name varchar(128) = object_name(##procid)
declare #param_idx int = charindex(#proc_name, #statement) + len(#proc_name)
declare #param_len int = len(#statement) - #param_idx
declare #params nvarchar(max) = right(#statement, #param_len)
-- create param values table
select value, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) seq
into #params
from string_split(#params, ',')
-- get final string
declare #final nvarchar(max)
select #final = isnull(#final + ',','') + p1.name + '=' + ltrim(p2.value)
from sys.parameters p1
left join #params p2 on p2.seq = parameter_id
where object_id = ##procid
select #final params
To test it:
exec get_proc_params_demo 42, 'is the answer', '2019-06-19', 123456789, 'another string'
Returns the string you want:
#number1=42,#string1='is the answer',#calendar='2019-06-19',#number2=123456789,#string2='another string'
I have something similar wrapped as a UDF. I use it for error logging in catch blocks.

sql server parameter size overloading

i am calling a stored procedure from my ASP.NET application. the stored procedure takes one parameter. the value that i am providing from my WEB Form is too large that it did not fully loading in variable of sql server. the data type of my sql server parameter is nvarchar(max) and the data type in my ASP.NET application is string.
the stored procedure is as below
Create procedure p_getProducts
#nm_emp nvarchar(max)
select * from tblProduct where nm_user in(convert(nvarchar(max),#nm_emp));
please tell me which sql server data type i should use to overcome this problem.
For what I could suppose from your code, you should work with dynamic-sql and not using directly the parameter as value for the IN clause. Try with this proc.
Create procedure p_getProducts
#nm_emp nvarchar(max)
SELECT #SQL = N'select * from tblProduct where nm_user in(' +
#nm_emp + N')'
EXEC sp_executeSQL #SQL

Using variable value in string when executing EXEC in SQL

I want to use a variable value in exec where i don't need to create the query itself.
I will have a query stored in a field in my database and i just want to execute that using the parameters in that stored procedure. For Example below i declared two variables #ValueVariable is the parameter of stored procedure and what i declared #QueryString is the one i will read from data base and i want to execute that using the value of #ValueVariable.
DECLARE #ValueVariable int=0
#QueryString VARCHAR(MAX)=
'SELECT UserName FROM TableUser WHERE UserId=#ValueVariable'
When i try to execute that i get an error Incorrect syntax near 'SELECT UserName FROM TableUser WHERE UserId=#ValueVariable'
I am aware that i can do it by
#QueryString VARCHAR(MAX)=
'SELECT UserName FROM TableUser WHERE UserId='+#ValueVariable
But i want to use it as stated above. Not making a query in my procedure but using variable value as in string retrieved from DB.
So is there any way i could be able to execute that using the value from the variable in current environment.
You can use sp_executesql.
#IntVariable int,
#SQLString nvarchar(500),
#ParmDefinition nvarchar(500)
#IntVariable = 0,
#SQLString = N'SELECT UserName FROM TableUser WHERE UserId=#ValueVariable',
#ParmDefinition = N'#ValueVariable INT'
#ValueVariable = #IntVariable;
In essence, it creates a one time stored procedure. The #paramDefinition variable is the parameter signature you'd normally see in a stored procedure, the sql server caches the execution plan, etc, etc.