SSL Certificate error for mailserver - ssl

I have a vps with a shared IP. Now, I want use SSL/TLS for the mailserver. I was wondering what kind of certificate I need for the mailserver. So, do I need to issue a certificate on the hostname? because I get an untrusted error in Outlook, if I change the settings. I think this is the same issue as when I log in in the control panel of plesk, I get an error message, that the certificate is not trusted, because it not sign by a CA. I know that plesk issue a self signed certificate. So again. I don't know if I have to issue a certificate on the domain, however I think then i will get also an error, because hostname and domain name are not the same. Can somebody support me?

Yes, You will have to purchase SSL certificate for the hostname, so that your all client will be use your server hostname in mail client setting with the SSL connection


why i get ssl misconfiguration error?

i installed the Ssl certificate on my server but i have this error
This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from vmi90749. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
anyone can explain me what is the problem and how i should fix it ?
The error is quite self-descriptive. The certificate is issued to vmi90749 name, while you are trying to access a name. There is nothing common between them. You need to install a certificate that is issued to name and make sure it is issued by a trusted authority. Preferrably from a globally trusted CA vendor (there are CAs that issue certificates for free).
As aside note: when requesting new certificate for name, make sure that the name is added to Subject Alternative Names certificate extension. Google Chrome deprecated Subject field.

CertSrv is requesting certificates with FQDN but not with Server IP

We have webserver where certificate Authority webenrollment role installed and it is pointing to Issuing CA
When ever we try htps://webservername/certsrv then I can able to request certificates
but when I try htps://webserver<Ip Address>/certsrv then in the last step while requesting certificate the following error appears... can anyone help to resolve this

How can I fix Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN after installing certificate?

My web server's FQDN is
It is aliased and most commonly accessed at
I had a SSL certificate generated by our netsec guys and I installed it to the server and enabled the site. Now I am receiving Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN because the certificate is only for, not
How can I get this resolved?
The hostname in the URL you use to access a site must match a subject of the certificate. This means if you want to access the site as bot and you either need a certificate which contains both or need two certificates and serve the certificate based on the request name. In the last case the client must support SNI if both names point to the same IP address.

Bluemix not serving correct ssl certificate

I have just installed a wildcard ssl certificate on a custom domain, this is working fine for any subdomain of * I can verify that the correct ssl certificate is being issued.
However the problem is with www. which is issuing the Bluemix certificate not my own certificate.
In the browser i am getting "Your connection is not private"
This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
I am guessing that the problem is with Bluemix, how can i get Bluemix to serve up my certificate for www, baring in mind that it is serving up my certificate for other subdomains.
All help will be greatly recieved
I have fixed this issue, the problem was with the DNS setup.
The key piece of information for me, was that my dns was point to 2 IP's of Bluemix, and, therefore only serving up my certificate on one, and the Bluemix default certificate on the other
From googling how to add a custom domain, i added a CNAME record to point to ***** and an A record to
This is wrong, i need to change my CNAME record to be my actual domain now.

how to a website SSL certificate is valid or not?

I got an issue from my client regarding the SSL setup for his website. I'm not familiar with the SSL certification setup process. He is saying that We have an SSL certificate for this server but I can’t tell if it’s setup properly or not.
If I open that website, firefox says Warning: Contains unauthorized content. I am seeing some details in the warning message window which are given below:
Web site:
Owner: This web site does not supply ownership information
Verified by: Not specified
Mainly I want to know whether the SSL certificate used for this site is valid or not. Can anybody suggest a way to check for the SSL certificate validation of a website.
Telnet the server on port 443. If it is responding then it is a certificate problem
To install certificate
Check this