how to open already Implemented mvc solution into my system? -

unable to open Implemented solution into my system by using vs2013 and .net framework is 452, when i am trying to open solution First i get bellow dialogue box about TFS:-
Team Foundation Server version Control : The solution you are opening bound to source control on the following TeamFoundationServer http://tfs:8080/tfs/default connection. would you like to connect this server to try to enable source control integration? (yes/ no) , But i'm not using TFS here, then i clicked on No button then
Again I got one dialogue box with source control with in this dialogue box message like"The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to recover this missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control." (Ok and help) i clicked on ok. then solution opened files with message load failed. ex:- In solution explorer projectName(load failed)

You can ignore the messages about the solution/project being under source control. That is not causing the project not to load.
You likely don't have some required Visual Studio plugin to open that project. The Output window should have more details as to why the project couldn't load. Typically this is because you don't have an older version of MVC installed.


Labview: Access denied: Another process is using this target

I have a Labview 2013 project that makes use of a NI RT controller. Upon the start of the main VI everything is deployed on the target system (the RT controller). Therefore an ethernet connection is used.
When loosing the connection to the target RT controller, I'm unable to later redeploy my project. Labview reports unresolved conflicts:
Access denied: Another project is using this target. You must disconnect the existing project from the target or restart the target before establishing a new connection. Note: The existing project may be running on a different host computer.
The same error message appears, when I try to re-connect to the target system from Project Explorer.
When right-clicking on the target in Labview Project Explorer the Disconnect context menu item is disabled. Thus it's not possible to disconnect the project from the target. Since restarting (=rebooting) the target RT controller is quite time consuming, I'd like to know if there's another solution to undeploy or disconnect an old project from/reset the target RT controller?
The Compare Project & System dialog can be used to resolve conflicts and to redeploy a modified project on the target system. This dialog can be accessed through Project Explorer from the Utilites submenu of the target devices context menu.
After you have reopened the LabVIEW project. Right click on the target and go to connect. It will tell you that the target is in use. Do it again and it will connect.

version of .net framework launch not match .net framework bootstrapper project

When I build the release project of the 2010 I just started using, I get two warnings:
the version of the .net framedwork launch condition does not match the selected .net framework bootstrapper package. Update the .net framewk launch condition to match the version of the .netfrk selected in the prerequisites dialog box.
The target version of the .net framework in the project does not match the .net framework launch condition version .net framework 4 client profile. Update the version of the .net framework launch condition to match the target version of the .net framework in the advanced compile options dialog box.
I changed the framework of the main project from client profile (which it was when I first created it) to frwk 4 because I read that crystal reports would not work with frwk 4 client profile. (is that true).
The bootstrap version Framework is for x64 and x86. I continued to look around the web and found that one can change the framework in the launch conditions of the setup project. These seem to be scattered around in numerous places which is a problem I don't recall ever having with other verions of .net. Anyway, That solved that problem, but there is still another issue associated with this.
I have changed anycpu to x86 for the main project and the secondary projects because I was having a problem with installing both msi's for crystal. Meanwhile, the other secondary projects (which were upgraded from 2008) I changed to x86 but in the configuration file, it says anycpu for these and as has been written here, cannot be changed to x86. I am not getting an error but have not yet tested whether the installation works.
I read an answer on your site to go into vbproj and change in notepad from x86 to x64 because they could not change from anycpu to x86 that way. But I don't want x64 so not sure what to do.
It seems that anyCPU would be a good selection but will that work with Crystal and do I need to attach other than the x86 msi if I do change it? Or can I leave it as is in this unclear situation.
This error is because of a mismatch. You can fix it by making either one of them match the other.
One is the "Launch Condition." The other is the "Prerequisite."
To change the Launch Condition:
right click your setup project in the Solution Explorer
click View - Launch Conditions
select the ".NET Framework" item under Launch Conditions
in the properties window, see the Version item. You can open the drop down menu to select the appropriate framework version.
To change the Prerequisite:
right click your setup project in the Solution Explorer
choose properties, a Properties Pages dialog appears
click the "Prerequisites..." button
check and uncheck framework versions as appropriate
Yet another poorly documented feature from our friends at Microsoft. With the Setup project selected there are an array of icons in the solution explorer toolbox; one of which is "Launch Condition Editor".
Select the setup project, select the "Launch Condition Editor", new window opens. Select "Launch Conditions", ".Net Framework" Look at properties, version. Select the present version, opens drop down menu, select desired framework.
(Thanks to
Okay so I ran into this issue as well. There are 3 places I found that need to match. Not 2 places. I am using VS2015 with the Add-in Setup Project available from Microsoft.
Place 1: Target Framework needs to be what you are targeting, variable X. To get to this go to the properties of your main project and select the target framework for your code.
Place 2: Right click your setup project and go to view > Launch conditions, click .Net Framework, and in the properties window select your target framework... variable X.
Place 3: Right click your setup project and go to properties > Prerequisites. This will show the pre-requisite from the program... In my case Variable X needed to match what was checked in this box.
This resulted in a successful build of the project without the warning.

Visual Studio 2012 - Custom prerequisites are not appearing in the Properties > Prerequisites dialog box

I've created my first Office Add-in using Visual Studio. It targets the 4.0 .Net framework and was created using the new VS 2012. I need to distribute/install this project on various 32-bit XP and 64-bit Windows 7 computers around the office. So I configured the project to be installed on XP (which was my first speed bump because I didn't realize VS 2012 needed an update in order to make a solution that was XP compatible). Now that I have a valid win32 application, I am getting another error:
The following error occurred attempting to install 'C:\filepath...\Import Contacts.vsto':
"No application is associated with the specified file for this operation."
After doing some digging, I think I need to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime on the client computer. To do this, I would like to use the prerequisites properties for the project. So I read up on creating custom prerequisites using some noteworthy sites (e.g, Creating Bootstrapper Packages, Application Deployment Prerequisites, Adding Custom Prerequisites, and Creating a Bootstrapper package for Office 2013 in Visual Studio 2012). I created the files according to that last URL (even though I'm not sure it pertains to the package I need just yet), but it is not appearing in the dialog box under Project > Properties > Publish > Prerequisites
If you read the article, it says the VS prerequisites dialog box should automatically update once I restart VS 2012, which I did but to no avail. I know I'll need to use this feature again in the future, so I would really like to know what I'm doing wrong and fix this. Please help! And I promise to quickly give the ACCEPT to whoever helps me fix this problem! Thank you in advance.
I didn't have any problems following the directions given in the web page and got the bootstrapper added to the Prerequisites dialog. However, there are plenty of possible ways to get it wrong. Some possibilities:
Triple-check the folder you added these files to. Be sure that you picked Program Files (x86) on a 64-bit version of Windows and not Program Files. And be sure that you now see the added VSTOR40 folder along with the other existing bootstrapper folders, like ReportViewer and VBPowerPacks.
You do not have write permission to this folder, UAC prevents copying files there. Be sure that you managed to copy them from, say, an elevated command prompt. Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and click "Run as Administrator".
If you created the .xml files with Notepad then make sure you didn't accidentally saved them with the .txt extension. If necessary, put Explorer in "programmer mode" so you can see the filename extensions. Control Panel + Folder Options, View tab, untick the "Hide extensions for known file types" checkbox. If you now see product.xml.txt then rename the file to product.xml, same for package.xml.txt
If you created the .xml files with Notepad then be sure to save the file in UTF-8 encoding. File + Save As, Encoding combobox.
For all those who still may face similar issue I think that I found the cause of this issue. It seems that copying folder with custom bootstrapper package (and all necessary files in it) does not "refreshes" the list of available packages. Only when i went through this walkthrough and manually created folder in %Programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\ for sample package from this walkthrough my package has shown

The mapping for the solution could not found while opening silverlight application

I am trying to open silverlight project. It has 12 projects inside.last two projects does not load properly. i am trying to reload those two project a pop up window opened and that is asking download silverlight runtime(silverlight developer.exe). while downloading this software it is giving error message : A 64 bit version of silverlight is already installed.
I closed visual studio i reopned same project again last two projects not loadded properly.
Can you please give me any suggestions why i am getting issue.
I think you developed the application in old version of silverlight. And you laptop/computer has now the latest version.
You have corrupted silverlight runtime. So remove the current installation and re-install silverlight runtime again.

How do I upgrade a .NET 2.0 website to 3.5?

My website is VB.NET 2.0. I already opened a it in VS2k8 and told it not to upgrade. Now I want to upgrade, how do I trigger it? All the posts say 'just open it in 2k8 and it will prompt you'. Well I did, and it did, and I didn't want to yet. Now I cant get it to come up.
Open your project properties and choose Target Framework in the Application tab. There should be values such as ".NET Framework 3.5", ".NET Framework 2.0", etc. You can access project properties in your Solution Explorer by right-clicking on your project name and choosing Properties from the right-click menu.
If Solution Explorer isn't showing for you in Visual Studio, you can access it via the View menu > Solution Explorer.