Labview: Access denied: Another process is using this target - labview

I have a Labview 2013 project that makes use of a NI RT controller. Upon the start of the main VI everything is deployed on the target system (the RT controller). Therefore an ethernet connection is used.
When loosing the connection to the target RT controller, I'm unable to later redeploy my project. Labview reports unresolved conflicts:
Access denied: Another project is using this target. You must disconnect the existing project from the target or restart the target before establishing a new connection. Note: The existing project may be running on a different host computer.
The same error message appears, when I try to re-connect to the target system from Project Explorer.
When right-clicking on the target in Labview Project Explorer the Disconnect context menu item is disabled. Thus it's not possible to disconnect the project from the target. Since restarting (=rebooting) the target RT controller is quite time consuming, I'd like to know if there's another solution to undeploy or disconnect an old project from/reset the target RT controller?

The Compare Project & System dialog can be used to resolve conflicts and to redeploy a modified project on the target system. This dialog can be accessed through Project Explorer from the Utilites submenu of the target devices context menu.

After you have reopened the LabVIEW project. Right click on the target and go to connect. It will tell you that the target is in use. Do it again and it will connect.


Attaching to process over SSH with VS2019 and ASP.NET core not working

I am running an docker container remotely. I have enabled SSH, mapped the port and also installed VSDBG in the container.
In visual studio I am able to attach to process over SSH. I choose my project dll file. There are no error alerts and it appears to be debugging but on every breakpoint there is this message:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The breakpoint is pending and will be resolved when debugging starts.
Also if I open modules window there is no entries.
What is going on? Why is remoe debugging not working?
There are usually two reasons:
1. project publication made with release instead of debug configuration
2. the projects are not consistent. There is a difference between the project on the local machine and the server.

Changing from AnyCPU to x86 causes System.BadImageFormatException error

I have created a WinForms UserControl.
When I leave the platform at AnyCPU, I can debug it without any problem:
When I press Play, the preview comes up.
Then I try to change the project to x86.
Therefore I click "AnyCPU", then "Configuration Manager".
At "Active project platform", I select "New...".
Now I select "x86" and click "Ok".
Then, when I click "Play", I get the error "System.BadImageFormatException".
Is that a common problem, or something very, very wrong on my system?
It happens each time I try this with a new project.
I can reproduce the error you find in VS 2017 15.9.8 just by:
Create new (VB or C#) Windows Forms Control Library
Check it runs via default AnyCpu solution platform
Create new x86 solution platform
Try and run the project
When you debug a WindowsFormsControlLibrary in Visual Studio, your DLL is loaded via debug host "UserControlTestContainer.exe" which is built for 'AnyCpu (64 bit preferred)'.
You can find details of this by right clicking the running debug host's task bar, right clicking on its icon, select Properties to find its path, and passing to e.g. ILSpy.
So I think that when the debug host runs as 64 bit, and is passed a 32 bit dll to load, the mismatch in bitness causes Assembly.LoadFrom to fail.
This does seem to be a bug as it prevents (easily) debugging a WinForms control library that has a dependency (e.g. unmanaged code) that is x86 only.
But I doubt that WinForms debugging problems for x86 only are something the VS team would prioritise.
As a workaround you can write your own test container (!) or:
Start the VS command prompt as admin
Make a copy of UserControlTestContainer.exe
Use corflags /32bitreq+ /32bitpref+ <PathToExe> to set the copy to run as x86
Set the copy as the "Start external program" target in debug options
Set the path to your dll as the debug command line argument
This is a common problem that usually means that you are trying to call 64-bit library from 32-bit executable. Make sure you are using 32-bit libraries when you compile for x86.

how to open already Implemented mvc solution into my system?

unable to open Implemented solution into my system by using vs2013 and .net framework is 452, when i am trying to open solution First i get bellow dialogue box about TFS:-
Team Foundation Server version Control : The solution you are opening bound to source control on the following TeamFoundationServer http://tfs:8080/tfs/default connection. would you like to connect this server to try to enable source control integration? (yes/ no) , But i'm not using TFS here, then i clicked on No button then
Again I got one dialogue box with source control with in this dialogue box message like"The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to recover this missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control." (Ok and help) i clicked on ok. then solution opened files with message load failed. ex:- In solution explorer projectName(load failed)
You can ignore the messages about the solution/project being under source control. That is not causing the project not to load.
You likely don't have some required Visual Studio plugin to open that project. The Output window should have more details as to why the project couldn't load. Typically this is because you don't have an older version of MVC installed.

Distribute my VB.Net App

I've made a simple calculator. My VB.Net (WinForm) App is inside Bin\Debug.
I have some files. These are the files:
What I want to do is to run my app on another computer. I've installed the right
Framework, in this case is 4.0
Could anybody help me telling me if I've got to copy all files (to the other computer) to run my app, or just the AppName.exe is enough?
Build your application in Release mode and then copy the contents of bin\Release to the other computer. Create a shortcut on the new computer to AppName.exe and rename it to an appropriate name if you wish.
Note: Building in Release mode does not include the .pdb files, which are necessary for proper debugging and it also optimizes the compiled code.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (

I'm doing my project in my project name is "Bellows". My front end is Back end is Ms Access.
i Create My project in Windows Application
i complete my project. i copy the .exe file from "E:\BellowNet(new)\Bellows\obj\Debug" and put the shortcut into my desktop. now it's running.
similarly i copied my Bellows.exe from another system desktop but it not running.
How i want to run my Bellows.exe from another systems (maximum 10 systems).
Note : In my system only having Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Remaining system doesn't have.
I put bellows.exe from another system. in that system doesn't having E Drive. it showing this error
The application Filed to initialize properly(0xc0000135). Click Ok to terminate the application
Similarly I put bellows.exe from another system. in that system having E Drive.
if i click that Bellows.exe the login form is open.. and main form is open. in that main form wen i click button it show the error.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If u click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If u click Quit, the application will close immediately. Could not load file or assembly ‘ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublickeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified
Good practice to run your project on another systems is to create its setup file and then install it on to another systems on which you want to run your project and of course you need to install .NetFramework as well with the same version which you used to developed your project. How to create setup and how to add Serial Key for those steps refer my blog
It sounds like either the .Net Framework is not installed on your target system or that there's an app.config file ( that you need to copy over as well.
Another thing that concerns me is what your expectations are for the access database. Do you want all the workstations to share a common database? If so, I highly recommend you convert your app to use Sql Server Express Edition (free). Access is an in-process database engine, and like all such engines it doesn't behave well when shared. If you don't expect them to share the database, you probably want to make sure you copy that *.mdb file over to your target machines as well.
Finally, let me re-iterate the advice in other answers about using a Release build and/or deployment project.
What errors do you see?
It could be:
The other system does not have .Net
framework 2.0 installed
You copied only the exe from the dev machine without other required files from the Debug directory (e.g., app.config, supporting DLLs).
If you are going to copy and paste the exe file then the all Prerequiest should be installed on that machine like framework.So make a setup file which is easy and add all Prerequiest on the setup after that do setup on new machine..
I can only guess, but try this suggestions.
The application Filed to initialize
properly(0xc0000135). Click Ok to
terminate the application
.NET framework is not installed on this machine. Install the runtime.
Could not load file or
assembly ‘ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0,
PublickeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or
one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified
ADO.NET drivers are missing. You need to install Microsoft Data Access Components
You can avoid this problems if you make an install procedure and do the proper install on every machine.
The appropriate .NET framework must be installed in each machine as well as the appropriate MDAC. You can add them as part of the installation package.
And if you want to make it even more easier for your clients to get hold of it; use ClickOnce to distribute it from a central server.