How to correctly deploy multi meteor instances WITH SSL on one digitalocean droplet using mup? - ssl

my mup.json config for first meteor instance:
"servers": [
"host": "111.222.333.444",
"username": "root",
"password": "mypass"
"setupMongo": true,
"setupNode": true,
"nodeVersion": "0.10.40",
"setupPhantom": false,
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
"appName": "myapp1",
"app": "../myapp1",
"env": {
"PORT": 3001,
"ROOT_URL": ""
"ssl": {
"pem": "./ssl.pem"
"deployCheckWaitTime": 15
So after deployment I want to get access to this instance by Then with similar configuration I want to deploy second instance to same droplet and get access to it by
The problem is that after deployment accessing by https taking ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED, but accessing by http is OK.
How can I make it working?

Finally, I did it.
Firstly, I used mupx. But there I had troubles too. Later I found that my fault was writing same ports for different apps or protocols. So, there is working configurations of first and second apps:
"servers": [{
"host": "111.222.333.444",
"username": "root",
"password": "mypass",
"env": {}
"setupMongo": true,
"appName": "myapp1",
"app": "../myapp1",
"env": {
"PORT": 8000,
"ROOT_URL": ""
"deployCheckWaitTime": 15,
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
"ssl": {
"certificate": "../ssl/bundle.crt",
"key": "../ssl/private.key",
"port": 8001
"servers": [{
"host": "111.222.333.444",
"username": "root",
"password": "mypass",
"env": {}
"setupMongo": true,
"appName": "myapp2",
"app": "../myapp2",
"env": {
"PORT": 8100,
"ROOT_URL": ""
"deployCheckWaitTime": 15,
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
"ssl": {
"certificate": "../ssl/bundle.crt",
"key": "../ssl/private.key",
"port": 8101
bundle.crt and private.key are common for all apps.
Don't forget to use mupx.
So after
mupx setup
mupx deploy
We can get access for first app by
And for second app by
EDIT: accessing by http is not working. I don't know why, maybe it just for my configuration. But this feature I don't need, I need only https. So if you know how to fix, please, write.
EDIT2: it's alright, http access works. The reason was Chrome browser, it always redirects my domain from http to https. After cleaning browser history it do all good.


Cannot merge Ocelot config files

As per the documentation i tried to merge my config files so they are a bit more readable. The generated ocelot.json file however is not like expected. My folder structure is like follows:
Folder structure
Below is a text representation of this:
└── Ocelot route configs
├── ocelot.pokemon.json
├── ocelot.tweet.json
The ocelot.pokemon.json file looks like following (the others are similar to this):
"Routes": [
"DownstreamPathTemplate": "/api/v2/pokemon",
"DownstreamScheme": "https",
"DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
"Host": "",
"Port": 443
"UpstreamPathTemplate": "/api/pokemon",
"UpstreamHttpMethod": [ "GET" ],
"AuthenticationOptions": {
"AuthenticationProviderKey": "MyTestKey",
"AllowedScopes": []
"DownstreamPathTemplate": "/api/v2/pokemon/ditto",
"DownstreamScheme": "https",
"DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
"Host": "",
"Port": 443
"UpstreamPathTemplate": "/api/pokemon/ditto",
"UpstreamHttpMethod": [ "GET" ]
The generated ocelot.json file looks like this:
"Routes": [
"DynamicRoutes": [
"Aggregates": [
"GlobalConfiguration": {
"RequestIdKey": null,
"ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
"Scheme": null,
"Host": null,
"Port": 0,
"Type": null,
"Token": null,
"ConfigurationKey": null,
"PollingInterval": 0,
"Namespace": null
"RateLimitOptions": {
"ClientIdHeader": "ClientId",
"QuotaExceededMessage": null,
"RateLimitCounterPrefix": "ocelot",
"DisableRateLimitHeaders": false,
"HttpStatusCode": 429
"QoSOptions": {
"ExceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": 0,
"DurationOfBreak": 0,
"TimeoutValue": 0
"BaseUrl": null,
"LoadBalancerOptions": {
"Type": null,
"Key": null,
"Expiry": 0
"DownstreamScheme": null,
"HttpHandlerOptions": {
"AllowAutoRedirect": false,
"UseCookieContainer": false,
"UseTracing": false,
"UseProxy": true,
"MaxConnectionsPerServer": 2147483647
"DownstreamHttpVersion": null
As you can see, the routes I defined were not added. I tried looking on the internet for this specific issue but couldn't find anything. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, help will be appreciated.
Since your different route configuration files are located in a folder you should make sure the correct overload of the AddOcelot method is called. In this case the method should be called with the folder name containing the route files.
For example:
config.AddOcelot("Ocelot route configs", hostingContext.HostingEnvironment)
UPDATE: .NET Core 3+ with Ocelot 17.0.0
As the method AddOcelot needs an IWebHostEnvironment, and this is not available in HostBuilderContext:
You need to get it via WebHostBuilderContext:
I created two different directories Development and Production and with the below code, I'm able to read ocelot configuration according to development environment to generate the final ocelot.json that will be use by ocelot middleware.

Chaostoolkit istio extension hangs when playing experiment

I'm trying to use the chaos toolkit istio extension, my problem is as follows:
I have a experiment.json file which contains a single probe to retrieve a virtual service. The file looks similar to the following:
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "test",
"description": "N/A",
"tags": []
"secrets": {
"istio": {
"type": "env",
"method": [
"type": "probe",
"name": get_virtual_service:,
"provider": {
"type": "python",
"module": "chaosistio.fault.probes",
"func": "get_virtual_service",
"arguments": {
"virtual_service_name": "test"
"ns": "test-ns"
I have set KUBERNETES_CONTEXT and http/https proxy as env vars. My authorisation is using $HOME/.kube/config.
When playing the experiment it validates the file fine and tries to perform the action but becomes stuck and just hangs until it times out.
The error I see in the logs is a HTTPSConnectionPool error (failed to establish a new connection, operation timed out).
Am I missing any settings? All help appreciated.

Error with IPFS COR

When trying to use IPFS from my localhost I am having trouble accessing the IPFS service. I tried setting my config to accept the localhost and all server stuff, but nothing seems to work.
The error:
Failed to load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:63342' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
IPFS Config:
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"Addresses": {
"API": "/ip4/",
"Announce": [],
"Gateway": "/ip4/",
"NoAnnounce": [],
"Swarm": [
"Bootstrap": [
"Datastore": {
"BloomFilterSize": 0,
"GCPeriod": "1h",
"HashOnRead": false,
"Spec": {
"mounts": [
"child": {
"path": "blocks",
"shardFunc": "/repo/flatfs/shard/v1/next-to-last/2",
"sync": true,
"type": "flatfs"
"mountpoint": "/blocks",
"prefix": "flatfs.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"child": {
"compression": "none",
"path": "datastore",
"type": "levelds"
"mountpoint": "/",
"prefix": "leveldb.datastore",
"type": "measure"
"type": "mount"
"StorageGCWatermark": 90,
"StorageMax": "10GB"
"Discovery": {
"MDNS": {
"Enabled": true,
"Interval": 10
"Experimental": {
"FilestoreEnabled": false,
"Libp2pStreamMounting": false,
"ShardingEnabled": false
"Gateway": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"PathPrefixes": [],
"RootRedirect": "",
"Writable": false
"Identity": {
"PeerID": "QmRgQdig4Z4QNEqs5kp45bmq6gTtWi2qpN2WFBX7hFsenm"
"Ipns": {
"RecordLifetime": "",
"RepublishPeriod": "",
"ResolveCacheSize": 128
"Mounts": {
"FuseAllowOther": false,
"IPFS": "/ipfs",
"IPNS": "/ipns"
"Reprovider": {
"Interval": "12h",
"Strategy": "all"
"Swarm": {
"AddrFilters": null,
"ConnMgr": {
"GracePeriod": "20s",
"HighWater": 900,
"LowWater": 600,
"Type": "basic"
"DisableBandwidthMetrics": false,
"DisableNatPortMap": false,
"DisableRelay": false,
"EnableRelayHop": false
Ben, try replacing with localhost. go-ipfs whitelists localhost only. Also check
my answer might come very late, however I am trying to solve some CORS issues with IPFS on my end; therefore I might have a solution for you:
by running:
# please update origin according to your setup...
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["'"$origin"'", "","http://localhost:3000", "", "", ""]'
ipfs config API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin
and restarting your ipfs daemon it might fix it
if the "fetch" button in the following linked page works : you are all set !
This Command Works for me
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin
'["'"$origin"'", "","http://localhost:3000"]'
you can allow the request from multiple origins

Swagger UI and Docker Container Communication

I have a docker container running Swagger UI on port 80 and I have another API running in another container on port 32788 >>> returns swagger UI >>> returns swagger API def
But when I put the json file into the Swagger UI field and hit explore, it says
NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Any ideas on how to solve this. The docs say that they should automatically be connected to the bridge network.
Below is the result of the network inspection
docker network inspect bridge
"Name": "bridge",
"Id": "4b5cc1526055297df70dc9adc4959fcee93384c412fbf90500c041b5b83ed43a",
"Created": "2018-01-17T03:48:39.2325461Z",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "bridge",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": null,
"Config": [
"Subnet": "",
"Gateway": ""
"Internal": false,
"Attachable": false,
"Ingress": false,
"ConfigFrom": {
"Network": ""
"ConfigOnly": false,
"Containers": {
"257a15af9ab9b25c6c5622fb0ebe599e5703b2ca5f2e4eaa97a8745a21e7f9a9": {
"Name": "pensive_neumann",
"EndpointID": "22be4b781f75e071bcb0098b917b81b16ca493e9080848188dd7a811c27070ec",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"30de904a599a19075d5e20ef5d974a11be9d7e58a68d984a24f4af9e22c4d92b": {
"Name": "naughty_mirzakhani",
"EndpointID": "f704b3e103a82ca5c56d5955ac27845d8951cfe13f0bc3e1ccc8717ea9c28d39",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"Options": {
"": "true",
"": "true",
"": "true",
"": "",
"": "docker0",
"": "1500"
"Labels": {}
Edit to explain how started each:
The API is part of Azure Machine Learning so its hard to say how it gets started exactly (unless there is some command I can run in docker):
az ml service create realtime
Swagger UI was started as follows:
docker run -p 80:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-ui

Declaring service UI in DCOS results in broken links

I need a mini-hdfs service that can run in a single agent, so I started building one in a docker container. I then deployed it to DCOS. The Namenode UI comes up, but un-styled. It turns out that the references inside the UI we not prefixed.
My service is at http://m1.dcos/service/small-hdfs/dfshealth.html
The browser generates requests such as http://m1.dcos/static/bootstrap-3.0.2/css/bootstrap.min.css
Instead of http://m1.dcos/service/small-hdfs/static/bootstrap-3.0.2/css/bootstrap.min.css
This is my marathon.json - very basic for now - I'll expose the volumes after I get it basically working ...
How do I fix this. If I can pass the prefix into the container, I may be able to configure a Hadoop property with the prefix, but not sure if that is possible. I also did not see any documented way of passing this prefix.
"id": "small-hdfs",
"cmd": "/root/",
"cpus": 1.5,
"mem": 4096.0,
"instances": 1,
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "slowenthal/small-hdfs",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "containerPort": 9000, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" },
{ "containerPort": 50070, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" }
"labels": {
"DCOS_SERVICE_NAME": "small-hdfs",