How to get the file back after using "unlink" in R? - restore

I accidentally deleted some of my useful files. The files were deleted and I could not find them in recycle bin. I want to know how can I get it back?
I am using windows 8.1. All the files in My documents deleted using unlink in R. I try to using R-delete to recover, but it only can recover the file deleted from recycle bin not unlink using R.
Thank you.

Though not being an expert of R, I assume that your file has been unlinked at the file-system level. You can't expect finding it in the recycle bin of your operating system. If it is very important, the only real solution is:
stop immediately doing anything with your computer;
take the time reading and understanding from another computer
try accessing your hard drive (or whatever) from another mounted filesystem/operating-system (boot with a USB stick for instance)
use some undelete tool adapted to your filesystem.
You don't tell about your operating system and OS; maybe there will be some tool usable from the mounted filesystem and it may be easier; but anyway, don't use your computer too much before doing it...


Attaching a specific piece of non-intrusive info to a file or folder to keep a connection to a program

This is going to be a question with a lot of hypotheticals, but it's been on my mind for a while now and I finally want to get some perspectives on how to tackle this "issue". For the sake of the question, I'll make up an example requirement of how the program I want to make would work on a conceptual level without too many specifics.
The Problem
I want to create a program to keep track of miscellaneous info for files and folders. This miscellaneous info can be anything from comments, authors, to more specific info like the original source of the file (a URL for example), categories, tags, and more. All this info is kept track of in an SQLite database.
Now... how would you create a connection to the file (or folder) to the database? Whatever file is added to the program, the file should continue to operate on an independent level from the program, meaning you should be able to edit, copy, move, rename or do anything else with the file you would usually do with your OS of choice - even deleting it.
You should even be able to archive it, zip it, upload it somewhere or do other things that temporarily or permanently removes the file from your system, without losing the connection to the database. The program itself doesn't actually ever touch the files themselves, unless to generate a new entry in the database, but obviously, there should be some kind of reference in the file to a database entry in the program.
Yes, I know that if you delete the file, you would have a dead entry in the database. For now, just treat this as an unfortunate reality that can't be solved unless you incorporate the file more closely into the program.
Possible solutions and why I decided against them
Reference inside Filename
Probably the most obvious choice, you could just have a reference inside the filename to point to a database entry, for example by including the id at the start of the filename:
#1 my-example-file.txt
#12814 this-is-one-of-many-files.txt
Obviously, that goes against what I established earlier, as you would be restricted from freely renaming the file. You would always have to keep in mind to not mess with the id inside the filename, or else the connection to your program is broken. Unfortunately, that is the best bet I currently have, but I would like to avoid using that approach if possible.
Alternate Data Streams (ADS)
A pretty cool feature I recently discovered that's available on NTFS file systems, ADS allows you to store different streams of data for your files, to grossly simplify it. You could attach a data stream to your file that saves the id for the database entry in the program, and a regular user would never be able to mess directly with that.
However, since this is a feature reserved for specific file systems, there's some ugly side effects to ADS, as you can easily lose that part of the file by:
moving/copying it to a file system that doesn't support ADS, such as the file systems most often used in removable drives
uploading it to a cloud then later downloading it
moving it to another OS that might not support ADS or treats it in an unexpected way
zipping it
Thus I can't really rely on ADS either.

Is Dropbox considered a Distributed File System?

I was just reading this
The definition of a DFS seems to exactly describe Dropbox to me but it isn't in the list of examples, which of course it would be if it was one I think.
So what is different about Dropbox which makes it not fall into this category?
Usually, when talking about distributed file-systems, you expect properties that Dropbox doesn't support. For example, if you and I share a folder, I can create a file called "work.txt" in it and you can create a file "work.txt" in it, and if we do it fast enough (or when we're not syncing with dropbox) we'll have conflicting copies of the same file.
A similar example would be if we both edit the same file concurrently - we'll have conflicting copies, which is something a distributed file system should prevent. In the link you refer to, this is called "Concurrency transparency; all clients have the same view of the state of the file system".
Another example of a property dropbox doesn't support: if my computer fails (e.g., my hard-drive is corrupted) I might lose data that wasn't uploaded to Dropbox. There is a small window in which I think my data was written to the local disk, but if my computer fails, I lose that data.
Lastly, I'm not sure how Dropbox will operate with file locks. For example, MS office takes locks on .doc files, to ensure no one else is working on them at the same time. I don't think Dropbox supports this feature.
I've written a blog post about some of complexities of implementing a distributed file-system, you might find it helpful as well.

Ensure a file is not changed while trying to remove it

In a POSIX environment, I want to remove a file from disk, but calculate its checksum before removing it, to make sure it was not changed. Is locking enough? Should I open it, unlink, calculate checksum, and then close it (so the OS can remove its inode)? Is there any way to ensure no other process has an open file descriptor on the file?
To give a bit of context, the code performs synchronization of files across hosts, and there's an opportunity for data loss if a remote host removes a file but the file is being changed locally.
Your proposal of open,unlink,checksum,close won't work as is, because you'll be stuck if the checksum doesn't match (there is no POSIX-portable way of creating a link to a file given by a file descriptor). A better variant is rename,checksum,unlink,close, which lets you undo the rename or redo the copy if the checksum doesn't match. You'll still need to think of what you want to do if a third program has recreated the file in the meantime.
POSIX offers only cooperative locks. If you have control over the programs that may modify the file, make sure they use locks; if that's not an option, you're stuck without locks.
There is no portable way to see what (or even whether) processes have opened a file. On most Unix systems, lsof will show you, but this is not universal, not robust (a program could open the files just after lsof has finished looking), and incomplete (if the files are exported over NFS, there may be no way to know about active clients).
You may benefit from looking at what other synchronization programs are doing, such as rsync and unison.

Quick backup system for large projects

I've always backed up all my source codes into .zip files and put it in my usb drive and uploaded to my server somewhere else in the world.. however I only do this once every two weeks, because my project is a little big.
Right now my project directories (I have a few of them) contains a hierarchy of c++ files in it, and interspersed with them are .o files which would make backing up take a while if not ignored.
What tools exist out there that will let me just back things up efficiently, conveniently and lets me specify which file types to back up (lots of .png, .jpg and some text types in there), and which directories to be ignored (esp. the build dirs)?
Or is there any ingenious methods out there that people use?
Though not a backup solution, a version control manager on a remote server responds to most of your needs:
only changes are saved, not the whole project
you can filter out what you don't want to save
Moreover, you can create archives of your repository for true backup purposes.
If you want to learn about version control, take a look at Eric Sink's weblog, in particular:
Source Control HOWTO, for the basics of source control
Mercurial, Subversion, and Wesley Snipes for the links to articles on distributed version control systems
I use dropbox, im a single developer developing software. In some projects I work out from my dropbox which means they synchronize every time i build. Other projects i copy the source code there my self. But most important is that i can work on all my computers with dropbox installed on them... works for my simple needs
Agree with mouviciel. If you do not want that, consider rsync or unison to efficiently keep an up-to-date copy, be it on the same or a different machine.

Cross platform file-access tracking

I'd like to be able to track file read/writes of specific program invocations. No information about the actual transactions is required, just the file names involved.
Is there a cross platform solution to this?
What are various platform specific methods?
On Linux I know there's strace/ptrace (if there are faster methods that'd be good too). I think on mac os there's ktrace.
What about Windows?
Also, it would be amazing if it would be possible to block (stall out) file accesses until some later time.
The short answer is no. There are plenty of platform specific solutions which all probably have similar interfaces, but they aren't inherently cross platform since file systems tend to be platform specific.
How do I do it well on each platform?
Again, it will depend on the platform :) For Windows, if you want to track reads/writes in flight, you might have to go with IFS. If you just want to get notified of changes, you can use ReadDirectoryChangesW or the NTFS change journal.
I'd recommend using the NTFS change journal only because it tends to be more reliable.
On Windows you can use the command line tool Handle or the GUI version Process Explorer to see which files a given process has open.
If you're looking for a get this information in your own program you can use the IFS kit from Microsoft to write a file system filter. The file system filter will show all file system operation for all process. File system filters are used in AV software to scan files before they are open or to scan newly created files.
As long as your program launches the processes you want to monitor, you can write a debugger and then you'll be notified every time a process starts or exits. When a process starts, you can inject a DLL to hook the CreateFile system calls for each individual process. The hook can then use a pipe or a socket to report file activity to the debugger.