AppleScriptTask throwing an error 5 - invalid procedure call or argument - vba

I'm facing a problem on Mac 2016 Powerpoint. In my VBA module I need to run an applescript. As we cannot use MacScript anymore I followed RonDeBruin's explanation to use AppleScriptTask. My Applescript is working fine on his own but when I try to call it like this :
AppleScriptTask("hello.scpt", "myhandler", "hello")
With in my apple script
on myhandler(paramString)
say paramString
End myhandler
It gives me an error 5 - Invalid procedure call or argument
my script is placed in Library/Application Scripts/ is this path alright?
Thank you for your help

I know this is an old thread but I was receiving this error and the issue was the location of my AppleScript.
I originally had it under
/Library/Application Scripts/
and I should have had it under my Library
/Users/username/Library/Application Scripts/

I did get that error originally but now it works for me with your stated folder location but only after I rebooted my Mac and tried the same script with Excel:mac 2016 (I'm not sure which action is responsible for the success). Interestingly, I thought that since Microsoft is very protective of their trademarks that I originally thought that the folder name needed to be "" but that did't work.


How to fix types.ArgumentError: argument 1: <class 'TypeError'>: expected LP_POINT instance instead of pointer to POINT?

I'm using selenium, pyautogui, pywinauto to automate the desktop app. I'm automating settings app. And based on the user's input value I'm trying to change the value of the current brightness of the computer. but it keeps on showing this error.
The most important part is I wasn't getting the error 3 weeks ago and everything was working fine but yesterday when I run the script it started throwing the error.
The complete error I'm getting is-
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: : expected LP_POINT instance instead of pointer to POINT
Some part of the script where the process get stuck and starts throwing the error. the script stop running at the 3rd line...
slider = content_of_page.find_element_by_id("SystemSettings_Display_Brightness_Slider")
pyautogui.dragRel(args.value, 0, duration=1.0, button='left')
I'm using pyautogui=0.9.47
I also had the same issue and reinstall did not help. I found solution in:
After installing pywinauto==0.6.6 all work ok for me.
I had the exact problem just right now.
I fixed it by un- and reinstalling pyautogui and pywinauto.
The problem persisted after reinstalling pyautogui, but was fixed after reinstalling pywinauto. So I am not sure if you need to reinstall both or just pywinauto.
Hope that helps!

Mysterious errors after updating to Xcode 6

I am getting mysterious console errors when building my application since I updated Xcode to 6.1 from 5. The application works fine, but I'd like to find out what is causing these errors and get rid of them.
Errors are as follows. An exception breakpoint just halts in main, so no real clues there.
2014-11-08 09:30:28.800 Finances[5848:1545133] Failed to connect
(accountSupplementaryDataValue) outlet from (FINAccountEditorWindowController) to
(NSWindow): missing setter or instance variable
2014-11-08 09:30:28.800 Finances[5848:1545133] Failed to connect (delegate) outlet
from (FINAccountEditorWindowController) to (FINAppDelegate): missing setter
or instance variable
objc[5848]: Class _NSZombie_OS_dispatch_queue_runloop is implemented in
both ?? and ??. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Any ideas?
Apparently you can ignore it? From Greg Parker’s Twitter feed: “Race in the zombie implementation, maybe? You can ignore it.”
For me when I had those problems I carefully went through them and googled them bit by bit to solve them. Though for some what I did was put the file on a flash drive and delete the file from my computer and then reboot the Xcode and with some the computer too and put the projects back on from the flash drive. If that don't work then maybe try loading them on to a computer with Xcode 5 and seeing if the errors are still there?

German language version of the form is not working

I've created a language version for a Form using "Web Form for Marketers" in Sitecore. The usual english version is working fine. Now, I've created the German version of the Form and trying to load the page.
It is breaking with Error:
"{System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerWrapper'"
Sitecore.Data.Query.ParseException: End of string expected at position 39.
Am I missing something? What are the steps to create a language version for WFFM Form? Please suggest.
Got the reason for the error. There was a hyphen "-" in the path. Removed it and my page started working. "Web Forms for Marketeres" doesn't work with "-".

pygame2exe "Runtime Error! This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way..."

I've started making a game using python and pygame, and tried using py2exe. It didn't work, (like it should), so I used the pygame2exe code found here:
It still doesn't work, and comes up with the error stated in the title. I have a suspicion it's to do with not having the correct dlls, but I'm clueless apart from that.
Also, I managed to create a pygame executable in what I think was exactly the same way a few months ago, but now it doesn't work. If you'd like me o add a little more info I'd be happy to.
Here's a screenshot of the error message (I can't post images yet):
I've met the same problem and I finally solved it. The problem is with my font definition:
basicFont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)
overFont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 60)
Using a default font to replace 'None' in your definition and add '.ttf' files in your dist folder can help

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore error : "com.mycompany.myappname" has no valid entitlment

I set the entitlements file correctly.
I'm getting the cloud url.
the error happen after im trying to save values in the keyValue store.
I can write and read from the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore,
But after the method finished, I got the error I wrote in the title of the question.
this error happen on ipad 1,
when compiling the same project to the iphone, it works ok without error.
This usually happens when you download your app from the AppStore and update it using XCode.
Have a look at the "Recommended Testing Procedure" in Technote 2285
Are you using different targets for iPhone and iPad versions of your app? Check your entitlements file and make sure it has the correct values for organization all targets.
You might also want to do a text search in your projects folder and see if any files contain the line "com.mycompany.myappname".