Debug angular2 modules with source mapping - npm

Can you suggest if it is possible to debug code for Angular2 modules with ts source mapping in browser. I used "npm install" command according to to install my project. Source mapping is available for my code but not for angular2 modules.

Source mapping is for your code not for angular. By default when you running not bundled angular2 application it will load angular2 modules in browser and when you run your application you can debug through the angular2 modules if that is what you want!


How to create web component for third party website with Vue 3.x

Recently I migrated my web application to Vue 3 which is implemented with Vue 2 earlier. This app is using as a web component for other websites with different frameworks. In vue 2 once the application is build as web component it is nicely generating the the compressed version of js files and can add to other website direcly. In vue 2 I used below command to build the web component.
vue-cli-service build --target wc --name widget-v2 ./src/components/EntryComponent.vue
It is generating the js files and we can simply import that files to other website and add the web component tag like : <widget-v2></widget-v2> to html and it works.
But once I migrated the app to Vue 3 when I try to build the app as web component it is showing the below error.
I search through internet and found out we have to change the build command like below.
vue-cli-service build --target lib --name widget-v3 src/components/EntryComponent.vue
But the issue is once the js files are generated and when I import the js to other web page and add the tag same as easier it does not work.
I checked the demo.html how the widget added in there. But it is different from earlier than Vue2 version which is added like this. But we can pass props in this method which I tried and generated errors.
My question is how can we add the web component as simply as in Vue 2 when we use Vue 3.

Use babel standalone to compile vue project on browser

I'm working on an online-based IDE-like code sandbox. I found browserFS like a library to store files locally but now I want to compile the Vue project to render it on the browser. How to do it with babel standalone inside the browser itself instead of requesting a server? or are there any other solutions?

How should generated code on Nuxt universal mode look like?

I have a more general question about nuxt, universal deployment mode and the code that comes as a result.
I have a nuxt application, deployed through npm run build and npm run start (universal mode) and when the CI/CD pipeline is finished and the code is successfully deployed, I go and see the code that is generated by nuxt.
As a reference, here is my link: view-source:
Is this how the source code is supposed to look in universal mode? Shouldn't I be able to see the HTML markup and stuff?
Thank you for your help in advance.

Vue CLI creates empty project

I installed the Vue CLI globally and tried to create a new project
my package manager is npm
my first git message is "init"
I add Babel, Router, Vuex, Linter, Unit Testing and config files manually
I lint on save with Prettier
My unit testing solution is Jest
This is what I get:
It only installs the node modules, nothing else..
I tried to reinstall the cli but it didn't help. Within the Vue ui admin panel each tab is completely empty because the project seems to be corrupted
(the language is german)
What might be wrong?

OpenShift application for web app with minified static files (npm run build)

I'm currently developing a web application composed of:
api: an API built with Flask in Python
app: a web app built with vue-cli (based on webpack), and minified with npm run build
I've successfully built the api with an OpenShift Python S2I (source-to-image) image: python-36-rhel7.
I'd like to be able to automatically build the static web app from source and serve it through Nginx or Apache, in a separate app from the same project.
It should:
download the app source from the git repo (context-dir=/app/)
install npm
build it with npm install and npm run build
serve the built html+js+css files
There exist a node.js S2I image but it seems to be more suited for Express.js apps.
What would be the best way to build and serve a minified static web app on OpenShift?