Master data services deployment - sql

What is the best approach to keep Production,dev and test enviroments in sync?
We have Master Data Services database in our development, Test and Production environments. Data is been entered into Production and we need to keep our test and development servers in Sync. I couldn't find the documentation to handle this.
I am not sure if this process is correct-
For moving updated data from Development we are following this process-
create second version of the model and make the changes in it and then deploy the 2nd version to test and prod.
Can we do this same above process from Production to test and Development to keep them in Sync?

Two options come to mind:
Snapshot replication
Snapshot replication distributes data exactly as it appears at a specific moment in time and does not monitor for updates to the data. When synchronization occurs, the entire snapshot is generated and sent to Subscribers.
Log shipping
SQL Server Log shipping allows you to automatically send transaction log backups from a primary database on a primary server instance to one or more secondary databases on separate secondary server instances. The transaction log backups are applied to each of the secondary databases individually.

MDS has tool which is called MDSModelDeploy. You can create package with all business rules, schema and data. Ship it over to some other machine and.
clone model (preserving keys, etc)
update model
More information here


How do I perform a nightly production to test database copy between Azure SQL Servers

We’re trying to migrate to Azure SQL, and have built a prod and test SQL server (using Azure Devops, Bicep and Powershell). We have a requirement for a manual process in an Azure Devops pipeline (this needs to be manual as we need a steady state in test when getting ready for a release) to copy the prod databases over the top of the test ones when we need to refresh the data. As the prod databases may not be consistent in the day, when this is triggered, the database we want to restore is as at 4am this morning.
We originally attempted this with a nightly pipeline that ran New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy to copy the prod databases to a serverless backup copy (I couldn’t use the elastic pool the test databases are sat in, as its at the limit of the number of databases it can hold) on the test server, we could then drop the test database and do a create as copy of to create the test database as needed. This worked really nicely in performance but resulted in us running up a massive bill (think six times the bill for the whole company), we’re still trying to understand why that is with the support team, but I suspect it’s to do with the interplay of the retention period of Azure deleted databases, and us doing a delete and restore every night.
Ideally, I’d like to do a restore from a point in time of the prod database, over the top of the existing database on the test server, but combinations of New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy and Restore-AzSqlDatabase don’t seem to be able to get me there. I’d also need to be sure that this approach wouldn’t slow down the prod databases or cost an excessive amount, and would be reasonably performant.
I’d be comfortable with detaching the backup from the restore, and running the backup step early every morning as a fallback, again as long as it didn’t cost an excessive amount.
In terms of speed, I’m not too fussed about how long the backup step costs as long as it’s detached from the restore, but ideally the restore step needs to be efficient as possible, as it puts our test instance out of action for the time it runs for.
Has anyone got to such a solution that works effectively and efficiently, any help greatfully recieved!
Sort of is the honest answer! We never worked out a way of doing it across two servers and Microsoft support ended up saying they didn't think it was feasible, but we got to a nice compromise.
We created a single server for both sets of databases, but placed them in two elastic pools. As the server is just a logical arrangement and the thing we wanted to protect against was overwhelming of compute, the elastic pools ring fenced the live compute nicely.
We could then do point in time restores from live into test using powershell to restore live from last night without the need to backup. This approach does mean that secrets are shared between the two, but it covered off our needs well.

What dataset to work on when Azure role is in staging deployment?

AFAIK staging deployments are intended for testing Azure roles which implies that I could deploy a role with errors in code into staging. If that error damages my data I could be screwed.
How do I address that? I can't stage a role without reasonable data (hard to test it) and I can't let an unstable role damage the data.
Do I have to maintain a separate dataset for staging? How is this problem typically solved?
AFAIK staging deployments are intended for testing Azure roles which implies that I could deploy a role with errors in code into staging. If that error damages my data I could be screwed.
Staging is really designed to be a place for deployment - for spinning up new role instances prior to the instant virtual IP address swap. While you can do some testing there - e.g. making some final checks that your deployment is valid - it's not really there to allow you to do lots of testing.
How do I address that? I can't stage a role without reasonable data (hard to test it) and I can't let an unstable role damage the data.
I've generally tested on a development environment with fake data or deployed as a separate Azure service with fake data. However, I admit this has never been in the situation where I've needed huge amounts of data for testing - generally these tests have been test deployments with just 1 or 2 users.
Staging, as an environmentis meant to acurately simulate your production environment, including the data.
We have the following strategy: production is production, staging is connected to the same DB as staging, because the updates in Azure work the way they do; meaning I want to be able to upgrade my staging deployment, give the client a chance to verify again, and then swap the VIPs for the deployments, thus transitioning the application seamlessly. For those times, when there are breaking changes in the database, we decided to either create a new deployment alltogether, or turn-off the production one, giving users a maintenance notice.
Ultimately it's whatever you decide. But again, bearing in mind what Azure's staging is, I'd suggest keeping the data real, and consider it a beta access "program". Unless of course you have other requirements. But that's besides the point.

Creating tables in SQL Server 2005 master DB

I am adding a monitoring script to check the size of my DB files so I can deliver a weekly report which shows each files size and how much it grew over the last week. In order to get the growth, I was simply going to log a record into a table each week with each DB's size, then compare to the previous week's results. The only trick is where to keep that table. What are the trade-offs in using the master DB instead of just creating a new DB to hold these logs? (I'm assuming there will be other monitors we will add in the future)
The main reason is that master is not calibrated for additional load: it is not installed on IO system with proper capacity planning, is hard to move around to new IO location, it's maintenance plan takes backups and log backups are as frequent as needed for a very low volume of activity, its initial size and growth rate are planned as if no changes are expected. Another reason against it is that many troubleshooting scenarios you would want a copy of the database to inspect, but you'd have to attach a new master to your instance. These are the main reasons why adding objects to master is discouraged. Also many admins understandably prefer an application to use it's own database so it can be properly accounted for, and ultimately easily uninstalled.
Similar problems exist for msdb, but if push comes to shove it would be better to store app data in msdb rather than master since the former is an ordinary database (despite widespread believe that is system, is actually not).
The Master DB is a system database that belongs to SQL Server. It should not be used for any other purposes. Create your own DB to hold your logs.
I would refrain from putting anything in master, it could be overwritten/recreated on an upgrade.
I have put a DBA only ServerInfo database on each server for uses like this, as well as any application specific environmental things (things that differ between prod and test and dev).
You should add a separat database for the logging. It is not garanteed that the master database is not breaking the next patch of sql server if you leave your objects in there.
And microsoft itself does advise you to not do it.

NService Bus: Nitty-Gritty Deployment Issues

Please consider the following questions in the context of multiple publications from a scaled out publisher (using DB subscription storage) and multiple subscriptions with scaled out subscribers (using distributors) where installs and uninstalls happen regularly for initial deployments, upgrades, etc. using automated MSI's.
Using DB subscription storage, what happens if the DB goes down? If access to the Subscription DB is required in order to Publish a message, how will it be delivered? Will it get lost? Will the call to Bus.Publish throw an exception?
Assuming you need to have no down-time deployments: What if you want to move your subscription DB for a particular publication to a different server? How do you manage a transition like this?
Same question goes for a distributor on the subscriber side: What if you want to move your distributor endpoint? One scenario I can think of is if you have multiple subscriptions utilizing a single distributor machine, it might be hard if you want to move some of them to another distributor server to reduce load.
What would the install/uninstall scenarios look like for a setup like this (both initially, and for continuous upgrades)? It seems like you would want to have some special install/uninstall scripts for deployment of the "logical publication" and subscription DB, as well as for the "logical subscriptions" and the distributors. The publisher instances wouldn't need any special install/uninstall logic (since they just start publishing messages using the configured subscription DB, and then stop when they are uninstalled). The subscriber worker nodes wouldn't need anything special on install other than the correct configuration of the distributor endpoint, but would need uninstall logic to make sure they are removed from the distributors list of worker nodes.
Eventually the publisher will fail and the messages will build up in the internal queue. You will have to plan the size of disk you need to handle this based on the message size and how long you want to wait for a DB to come up. From there it is based how much downtime you can handle. You can use DB mirroring or clustering to make the DB have less downtime.
Mirroring and clustering technologies can also help with this. Depends on if you want to do manual or automatic failover and where your doing it(remote sites?).
Clustering MSMQ could help you here. If you want to drop a distributor and move it within a cluster you'd be ok. Another possibility is to expose your distributors via HTTP and load balance them behind either a software or hardware load balancing solution. Behind the load balancer you'd be more free to move things around.
Sounds like you have a good grasp on this one already :)
To your first question, about the high availability of the subscription DB, you can use a cluster for failover. If the DB is down, then the Bus.Publish will throw an exception, yes. It is recommended to keep the subscription DB separate from your applicative DB to avoid having to bring it down when upgrading your app. This doesn't have to be a separate DB server, a separate DB on the same DB server will be fine.
About moving servers, this is usually managed at a DNS level where for a certain period of time you'll have both running, until communication moves over.
On your third question about distributors - don't share a distributor between different publishers or subscribers.
As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to not add/remove subscribers when doing these kinds of maintainenance activities. This usually simplifies things quite a bit.

Database Replication or Mirroring?

What is the difference between Replication and Mirroring in SQL server 2005?
In short, mirroring allows you to have a second server be a "hot" stand-by copy of the main server, ready to take over any moment the main server fails. So mirroring offers fail-over and reliability.
Replication, on the other hand, allows two or more servers to stay "in sync" - that means the secondary servers can answer queries and (depending on setup) actually change data (it will be merged in the sync). You can also use it for local caching, load balancing, etc.
Mirroring is a feature that creates a copy of your database at bit level. Basically you have the same, identical, database in two places. You cannot optionally leave out parts of the database. You can have only one mirror, and the 'mirror' is always offline (it cannot be modified). Mirroring works by shipping the database log as is being created to the mirror and apply (redo-ing) the log on the mirror. Mirroring is a technology for high availability and disaster recoverability.
Replication is a feature that allow 'slices' of a database to be replicated between several sites. The 'slice' can be a set of database objects (ie. tables) but it can also contain parts of a table, like only certain rows (horizontal slicing) or only certain columns to be replicated. You can have multiple replicas and the 'replicas' are available to query and even can be updated. Replication works by tracking/detecting changes (either by triggers or by scanning the log) and shipping the changes, as T-SQL statements, to the subscribers (replicas). Replication is a technology for making data available at off sites and to consolidate data to central sites. Although it is sometimes used for high availability or for disaster recoverability, it is an artificial use for a problem that mirroring and log shipping address better.
There are several types and flavours of replication (merge, transactional, peer-to-peer etc.) and they differ in how they implement change tracking or update propagation, if you want to know more details you should read the MSDN spec on the subject.
Database mirroring is used to increase database uptime and reliability.
Replication is used primarily to distribute portions of your primary database -- the publisher -- to one or more subscriber databases. This is often done to make data available (typically for read only) on remote servers so that remote clients can access the data locally (to them) rather than directly from the publisher across a slower WAN connection. Although, as the previous posts indicate, there are more complex scenarios where updates are permitted on the subscribers. It also can have the benefit of reducing the I/O load on the publisher.