I'm trying to 'GET' this file (http://www.nbp.pl/Kursy/xml/dir.txt) with ServerXMLHttp 6.0, but it timeouts for somewhat reason.
Though XMLHttp works fine on the same URL with the same code..
XmlHttp.setTimeouts(900000, 900000, 900000, 900000); // Only applicable to ServerXMlHttp
The code above applies to both ServerXMLHttp and XMLHttp. Only the setTimeouts methods is used for ServerXMLHttp only.
Any ideas why could one work and the other fail?
So the problem was pointed out in Mak Sim comment.
You need to add this line before Open method when using serverXMLHttp:
I'm new to oauth2, but I have tried my best to learn it.
this should be just a simple first step into getting token.
so the situation is like this.
I have succeeded trying it with postman web, but postman desktop always failed (callback timeout or Esockettimeout).
what I did was only filling in the type oauth2, granttype = client_credentials, client id = client_id and client secret = client_secret.
I dont know why, I have tried to view the console and making sure all parameter is the same. I have tried to disable my firewall and antivirus, and disable proxy and ssl on postman desktop's setting but still the same.
so I tried with powershell and iwr. using this :
iwr 'https://thesite.com/token?grant_type=client_credentials' -Headers #{ 'Authorization' = 'Basic OAuthE='} -Method "POST"
of course "thesite.com" should be my site, and "OAuthE=" was the authorization base64 from clientid:clientsecret.
this was successful in getting token.
I did it just to prove that my router and firewall setup is ok that the request and the token should be able to pass through.
so I tried to translate this to .net with newest restsharp (108.0.3).
Dim client As RestClient
client = New RestClient("https://thesite.com/token")
client.Authenticator = New HttpBasicAuthenticator("clientid", "clientsecret")
Dim Request = New RestRequest(Method.POST)
Request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
Request.AddParameter("grant_type", "client_credentials")
Dim response = client.Execute(Request)
with this, response.content always empty, and response.statuscode always 0.
I have tried many other ways like putting the client id and client secret in request.addheader or request.addparameter. I even tried the executeasync, like :
client.ExecuteAsync(Request, Sub(response)
End Sub)
but I'm not familiar with async, and have trouble getting it to not error. I want to get the response.content to a global variable to be use later, but I couldnt get it to not error, so the only way I can get it to run successfully only with console.write above, but it still return empty.
all the example or questions/answered about this seems to be simple only like that. But why mine always return empty ?
please help.
oh and please give me the answer and example in vb.net. All the other samples that I saw using c#, and I'm afraid that my trouble was because I translate it to vb.net wrong. And if can, I dont want to use async, only if it's really2 needed.
thx very much
this is just for future reference if somebody encounter the same problem
so I have tried all things that I found (even tried the certificate and protocol of tls12, etc), and almost gave up.
when at last, I tried to change the addparameter for grant-type to :
Request.AddQueryParameter("grant_type", "client_credentials", True)
at last I got the token after a week trying
I have the following request in postman:
I have been using request library since the beginning automation on API: https://marketsquare.github.io/robotframework-requests/doc/RequestsLibrary.html#POST%20On%20Session
I tried to automate based on the postman request above with several trial and errors:
It always return 400 although the headers value set already correct:
What did I miss in the steps above?
Thank you in advance!
You should pass file descriptor not dictionary and "POST On Session" accepts file as "data" argument not "files". Try this
${file_stream} = Get File For Streaming Upload ${file_path}
${response} = POST On Session ${alias} ${URI} data=${file_stream}
On the second line you should add the rest arguments.
P.S. Next time please don't post code as screenshot, it makes hard for someone to copy and run it.
this is a false-negative due to the framework used by developers.
The developer has updated their framework and it works fine now.
No issues on the Robot Framework Request Library
Thank you.
I'm developing some APIs with Laravel 5.5
The methods I am using are only 'GET'/'POST'/'PUT'/'PATCH'/'DELETE'.
All works fine except if the request is HEAD or LOCK (for example) ....
In this case, the backend returns a 405 error with an html response. And in this html response there are a lot confidential data.
Is it possible , only for some methods, that the back returns a single text "Method not allowed" and not an html file ? Is it a good practice to do that or not necessary?
I imagine a middleware, but which one?
The reason you're getting debug information with confidential data is likely due to debug being set to true in your config. If you turn this to false, the error message will remove the confidential data.
I found a solution.
File Exceptions/handler.php, method render, I had this:
if ($request->is('api/*') and ! in_array($request->method(), ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete']) ){
return response()->json("request not allowed", 405);
It works fine. Now I receive a JSON response instead of an HTML response for all my API routes, depending on 'get/put/post/delete'.
I'm trying to get my access token for my application, using this URL:
https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=//CLIENT ID//&client_secret=//CLIENT SECRET//=&scope=http://api.microsofttranslator.com
Obviously I replace //CLIENT ID// and //CLIENT SECRET// with my applications information.
I tried encoding the tokens with HtmlEncode in my application but got a 400 error. So I tried the request in my browser and this is the JSON response I got:
"error_description":"ACS90007: Request method not allowed. \r\nTrace ID: 2144c829-f3fa-4ed8-80e6-40841e6a3f69\r\nTimestamp: 2012-06-27 01:11:27Z"
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, any help?
I believe when you are making the WebRequest call your parameter is set to use GET and this will cause error ACS90007. When making the WebRequest call please use POST along with application/x-www-form-urlencoded set Content-Type.
If you still have problem post your WebRquest code snippet and i will take a look.
It would be better if you can provide the code for AdmAuthentication. For now, please make sure you have correctly translated the code on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh454950 to VB. Please also try to use Fiddler to monitor the request to ensure it is sending a POST request.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Making my own client secret helped my cause
I have a project set up using ASP.NET WebAPI on top of Azure, and am having a problem whenever I try to make an HTTP Post where the content-length is too long in the header.
Normally I would've just ignored this problem, because you should be correctly setting the content-length on POST, but it turns out that when this happens, it causes the session to hang indefinitely, and then the Azure emulator crashes.
I have a custom JSON Formatter which extends MediaTypeFormatter, and I set a breakpoint on the first line of my implementation of OnReadFromStreamAsync(). However, the breakpoint is never hit because the hangup happens before ever hitting the JSON Deserializer.
I really have no idea where this hanging is occurring from because I receive no exception, just an indefinite hang and occasional Azure emulator crash.
Thank you in advance for any help or insight you might provide!
This sounds like a bug. The good thing is that you can get updated developer bits form codeplex.
There is a chance what your experiencing is related to one of these:
WebAPI: Stream uploading under webhost is not working
DevDiv 388456 -- WebHost should not use Transfer-Encoding chunked when
content length is known.
Zero ContentLength without content type header in body is throwing
If the updated bits don't fix your problem I suggest you try the standard media formatters to rule in/out your formatter. Failing that, then submit an issue.