How to organize casperjs test with es6 modules - phantomjs

Is there a way to use ES6 modules to organise the test for CasperJS, and if not what is the normal way to organise the tests?

You can use the patchRequire method to include your CasperJs module.
Documentation: Writing CasperJS modules


Mocking node module in Detox test

Is it possible to mock a node_module using guide provided here:
I was able to mock a regular file, but is it also possible for node modules? If so, how would I do that?

How can I automate phantomjs and casperjs tests in Karma

I am trying to find a way to automate tests written in phantomjs &&/|| Casperjs with karma. Apparently you can run tests in phantomjs, but you cannot use phantomjs or casper as a framework/plugin like Jasmine. I know phantomjs in not a framework, but you can write tests with it. It is a bit confusing.
What I want to achieve is basically what you can do in Rails when you run Rspec. Is it possible? Am I using the wrong tools ?

How should I set up a web project using Kotlin on the back-end and in the browser?

If I wanted to build a website which used Kotlin both on the back-end, and in the browser - how would I set this up? Is there a Maven archetype or a Gradle template that captures best-practices for something like this?
The easiest way is to keep the modules separate, and I guess conceptually you'd probably want to do that also. While IntelliJ IDEA for instance doesn't natively support the ability to output to JS and JVM with Kotlin, in principle with Gradle/Maven you could. Here are instructions on targeting JVM and JavaScript for Gradle

jEdit plugin best practise

Which plugin could be example of the best jEdit plugin? In terms of the code, the use of tests.
I've made Markdown plugin and want to update it. This plugin has no any tests and uses a singleton. Which plugin can I use as example?
I don't think there is an example of the "best" jEdit plugin.
It always depends on what you try to implement how to do it.

How to generate JavaScript files from CoffeeScript in IntelliJ IDEA?

I'm trying out CoffeeScript support in IntelliJ, and although the highlighting/completion/refactoring support looks great, I can't figure out a way to automatically compile my .coffee files to their .js counterparts in order to use them in web pages, unit tests, etc.
The documentation mentions using Node for this purpose, but I'm primarily interested in writing client side code. I'd probably be able to create a run configuration that would use Cake to create my JS files, but this won't integrate nicely with IDEA's integrated unit test support, etc.
So... any help?
Use the IntelliJ IDEA plugin: File Watchers.
You would need to install coffee-script package in the global directory. (npm install -g coffee-script).
While you are editing the CoffeeScript file in IntelliJ editor, there would be a notification showing on the top.
Click "Add watcher" and the IDE will compile your code for you on the fly.
More advanced options could be accessed via Project Settings/File Watchers.
See also the official document.