NCrunch test fails with FileNotFoundException - ncrunch

My test requires an NHibernate configuration file. The file is added through NCrunch configuration:
But the test still fails with:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: NHibernate configuration file not found.
File name: 'C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\NCrunch\9176\20\_ncrunchreferences.
Is there any way to force files being added to _ncrunchreferences folder?

Fixed the issue with a help of Copy Referenced Assemblies To Workspace option. Might need to clean NCrunch cache for this to take effect.
Other options to the problem would possibly be using a pre-build event to copy needed resources over (Run pre-build events option has to be enabled in NCrunch project configuration).


Visual Studio Extension build failing with Error VSSDK1077: Unable to locate the extensions directory. "Value cannot be null

I have configured a TFS(2017) build pipeline to compile a VS extension with debug mode for a specific requirement which require .pdb files.
The build solution task fails for "debug" configuration with below error, however same pipeline works for the release configuration.
I have tried the approach mentioned in the following discussion as well, howewer it doesn't resolve my issue.
Appreciate if someone can help me to resolve this issue.
Following is the build configuration used for the Build Solution task:
Following build variables are used to configure build parameters.
Build Error message:
(633, 5)
Error VSSDK1077: Unable to locate the extensions directory. "Value
cannot be null. Parameter name: path1". Process 'msbuild.exe' exited
with code '1'.
Update your Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package to latest version 15.9.3032, just in case it is a problem already solved.
Release configurations can also generate PDB files (Project properties, Build tab, Advanced...button, Output > Debugging information). So, if the Release configuration works for you, you can keep using it while also generating a pdb file with full debug information.
The error is happening when, once compiled correctly, the generated VSIX output file is going to be deployed to the folder for extensions of the experimental VS instance, which is a required step to debug the VSIX file. A possible explanation of the different behavior for Debug/Release configurations is that maybe your .csproj specifies <DeployExtension>False</DeployExtension> for the Release configuration. By default, if not set, that property is set to true in the Microsoft.VsSDK.targets file:
<DeployExtension Condition="'$(DeployExtension)' == ''">true</DeployExtension>
Since likely you don't need to deploy the VSIX to the VS experimental instance when building on a build server (because you are not going to debug it), you can set that property to False to skip the deployment. This can be done with a 3rd build configuration (ex: "DebugBuildServer"), for which you specify DeployExtension to False in the .csproj file, or sticking to two build configurations but passing the /p:DeployExtension=false in the MSBuild arguments of the Visual Studio Build task of your build pipeline.

Code builds fine in VS (2017) but not msbuild or TFS "assemblies manifest does not match the assembly reference

OK - here we go again. I posted an almost identical question here, but this one is a little different. I just generated a new version of a NuGet package and updated all of our csproj and config files to point to it and it builds locally fine, but when I kick off a TFS build it fails with the message:
##[error]ASPNETCOMPILER(0,0): Error ASPCONFIG: Could not load file or assembly 'PacsgearLib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=05b30ac9ab9dbb8e' or one of its dependencies. The
located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly
reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Pacsgearlib 2.5.4 is the NuGet package I just generated, but all of our other projects build fine (and they share a lot of the same code). The main difference is that this project has a website in it. MSBuild is version
Here's a picture of the actual error:
Any ideas here? I've tried NuGet package manager to uninstall the package and reinstall it for the website and that hasn't helped.
I've been at this for a few hours so I thought maybe someone else (or a second set of eyes) might help.
I also just saw this and will check it out first thing Monday morning.
I finally got this to work by taking out the assemblybinding section of the web.config (someone else suggested that in another related post) and I also found a few .csproj files that had not been properly updated and were still pointing at 2.5.3.
If the local builds fine, and the error exist with TFS build. Besides, all of our other projects build fine (and they share a lot of the same code).
Combine with both, the issue may related to the specific package PacsgearLib, Version= on build agent. You could try to delete the packages and clean build agent, then try again.
Another way is update your package version number(do not update the package content), use TFS trigger the build again. Check if TFS build server will pick up the latest version of package.
Also set system.debug=true to Enable Verbose Debug Mode with more detail log info for troubleshooting

Build using TeamCity: Failed to start MSBuild; please specify a nuspec or project file to use

I'm trying to build a website in Teamcity, but the first build step "starting MSBuild" is failing.It seems that the command is trying to install nuget, but it is complaining that there is no nuspec or project file specified.
I have a "nuget.targets" file and the code compiles fine outside of teamcity , so I think it must be a setting I am missing, and not a file I actually need to add but maybe I do need to add a nuspec or project file? Assuming I do, how would I go about doing that?
[Exec] C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\61cf1fbc18b86c6f\.nuget\NuGet.targets
(109, 9): Please specify a nuspec or project file to use.
I am completely new to Teamcity (~3hrs); how do I resolve this problem?
If a build fails or behaves differntly in TeamCity than locally, then it is recommended to run the build in the working folder on agent machine under the same user that the agent is running. Find more details here.

Build server fails to load custom code analysis ruleset

We are using Code Analysis on our projects. As part of this we have Code Analysis enabled on the build server allowing for continious checks.
Now we are receiving this error:
CA0063 : * Failed to load rule set file '[name].ruleset' or one of its
dependent rule set files.
[name] being a ruleset on our internal network, available for everyone.
Code Analysis runs perfectly fine on each local machine, but not on the build server. How can we fix this issue?
We use a custom made ruleset
We are not using any custom rules (yet)
I was having this issue as well. How I solved it was to add my custom ruleset into version control (Git) as a new directory within my project files. We are using Jenkins for our CI, so in my I then made sure to specify the absolute file path to my ruleset on the Jenkins server, which you can get by looking at your Workspace on Jenkins. For example the path may look like :
In file, I added an argument to the msbuild.exe program execution with:
<arg line="/p:RunCodeAnalysis=true;CodeAnalysisRuleSet=e:\Jenkins\workspace\SampleProject-Dev\Rulesets\CustomRules.ruleset"/>
Before I had tried using a relative path but with a build containing many sub-projects, Jenkins tried to append the path onto a changing path. This path was based on the currently building sub-project, resulting in the same error you received.
I stumbled onto a fix for this tonight for a project that has been suffering from it for ages. I created a new configuration CHECKED and the problem disappeared. Then by:
Deleting the existing configurations from Configuration Manger;
Exiting and saving (this step might not be necessary); and finally
Recreating the dropped configurations from the newly created one, CHECKED
the problem has now disappeared completely in all configurations.
This was all in Visual Studio 2013.

SpecFlow error on build server

I am getting a strange error on the build server, this does NOT happen locally.
Error during file generation. The target file 'C:...\AcceptanceTest\Features\HelloWorld.feature.cs'
is read-only, but different from the transformation result. This
problem can be a sign of an inconsistent source code package. Compile
and check-in the current version of the file from the development
environment or remove the read-only flag from the generation result.
To compile a solution that contains messaging project on a build
server, you can also exclude the messaging project from the
build-server solution or set the msbuild
project parameter to 'true' in the messaging project file.
I'm not sure what to do to fix this, I don't have a "messaging" project (or know what is being referred too). And the code is the latest
This is the full message (some folder names have been obfuscated):
error : Error during file generation. The target file
is read-only, but different from the transformation result. This
problem can be a sign of an inconsistent source code package. Compile
and check-in the current version of the file from the development
environment or remove the read-only flag from the generation result.
To compile a solution that contains messaging project on a build
server, you can also exclude the messaging project from the
build-server solution or set the msbuild
project parameter to 'true' in the messaging project file.
error : Could not find file
: error : Generation error: Could not find file
Delete HelloWorld.feature.cs from source control.
TFS will checkout files as read-only during a build and so SpecFlow fails to re-generate the file because it already exists and SpecFlow doesn't overwrite read-only files.
I created a new request for SpecFlow to not automatically add the file to source control here:
I'm not sure what the messaging project refers to, that's something I haven't seen before.
However the error reads as if the problem is due to an issue with the generation of the *.feature.cs from the *.feature file, but I am confused as to why this should be happening on the build server. Normally the generation of *.feature.cs occurs in the IDE when you save the *.feature file. This gets checked in and with some version control systems (VCS) you may end up with a read-only file status.
Your error reads as the build server is trying to re-generate the *.feature.cs file and cannot overwrite it.
Some things to check;
What VCS are you running? Does it leave checked-in files as read-only?
How are you building the files on the build server? Is there a custom step involved, or is it just a simple compile?
Can you replicate this error on your machine by setting the *.feature.cs to read-only and running the same build script on your local machine?
Good luck.