Revoking access to gsutil OAuth Token - gsutil

we had configured standalone gsutil on a remote server, however we do not have access to the server anymore. How do we revoke access provided to gsutil on that server. The .boto file will have the refresh Oauth2.0 token.
we do not have access to the server and so cannot remove .boto file.
The project configured is active in our console but we cannot see any specific access in permissions section.
A standalone gsutil script was installed (not gcloud).

Use gcloud auth revoke.
The .gsutil directory just gets recreated within 10 seconds for me.

OK we can revoke access to gsutil from account permissions through this link:
screenshot for Google Security Permissions Page

Just remove credstore files.
rm -rf ~/.gsutil/


Create an SSH key for other account on Google Cloud Platform

I have installed the Cloud SDK for Google Cloud. I've logged in using auth which redirected me to the gmail-login. Created the SSH key and even logged in by SFTP using Filezilla.
The problem is, when I log in using the gmail auth, SDK shell (or putty?) logs me into an account that is not admin. It has created another SSH user account (named 'Acer', after my pc) and logs me into it. Due to this, FTP starts at the /home/Acer folder. I want access to the /home/admin/web folder, but I don't have it now.
How can I create a SSH key for the admin account so that I can gain access to the folder mentioned above? Otherwise, is it possible to grant 'Acer' the permissions to access all the folders?
I have a few suggestions.
First a bit of background. If you run this command on your home workstation:
sudo find / -iname gcloud
You'll discover a gcloud configuration folder for each user on your home workstation. You'll probably see something like this:
If you change directory into /home/Acer/.config/gcloud/configurations you'll see a file named 'config_default'. This file will contain the default account to use for that user ('Acer').
Because you have performed gcloud auth login as that user, and during that process selected your gmail account, it will contain that gmail ID/account within the config file for that user. If you would like a user named 'admin' to log into your project, you could try adding a user named 'admin' to your home workstation, and then before attempting to use gcloud auth login, ensure you switch user on your home workstation to user 'admin'. This will generate a gcloud configuration on your home workstation for user admin, and propagate SSH keys etc.
If you want to create ssh keys manually there's some useful info here.
(For what it's worth, if you decide to use gcloud compute ssh to log into your instance home workstation, you can specify the user in the command you would like to log in as. For example gcloud compute ssh admin#INSTANCE_NAME).
I want access to the /home/admin/web folder, but I don't have it now.
Even if you are logged into the machine as a different user (in this case 'Acer'), the folder /home/admin/web should still exist on the instance if it existed previously. If you land in folder /home/Acer have you tried changing directory to the folder above and then listing the folders to see if /home/admin/ exists?
For example, from /home/Acer run:
$ cd ..
$ ls
You should be able to see /home/admin/.
Otherwise, is it possible to grant 'Acer' the permissions to access
all the folders?
Yes this is also possible. If you access the instance as the project owner (the easiest way would be to log into the Console as the owner of the project and use the SSH functionality in the console to access the instance). Now you can run this command:
$ sudo chown Acer.Acer -R /home/admin/web
This will make user 'Acer' owner of directory /home/admin/web and all files/directories below it (thanks to the -R switch).
Now when you next access the instance as user 'Acer' you'll be able to access /home/admin/web by running the following and you'll also have read/write capabilities:
$ cd /home/admin/web

Gcloud auth login saves to legacy_credentials folder

I have no idea why, but I am running gcloud auth login, I have tried beta and application-default. All of them do not create the file: ~/.config/gcloud/credentials, instead I can find ~/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials.
The issue I am having is that the library I am using does not want legacy_credentials, and renaming the folder did not work.
Here are my settings:
Google Cloud SDK 183.0.0
alpha 20
beta 2017.12.08
bq 2.0.27
core 2017.12.08
gsutil 4.28
Also I am using Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS on digitalocean. I will be glad to supply any other information I can think of.
The credentials in the legacy folder contain:
" ============================================================================
" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v155)
" /root/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/
" Sorted by name
" Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:special
" ==============================================================================
gcloud no longer uses ~/.config/gcloud/credentials, instead it stores credentials in sqlite3 ~/.config/gcloud/credentials.db.
These credentials files are considered internal to gcloud, they can change at any time. You should not be using them. What you likely want to use is
gcloud auth application-default login
instead of gcloud auth login. The former will create ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json key file for user logged in account.
That said depending what you trying to do you probably want use service accounts (instead of user account). You can create the key file via
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create
See documentation for more info. Or you can use Google Cloud Platform Console to create key file.
Once you obtain json key file you can use it in your application as application default credentials, see
You can also use this key in gcloud by using gcloud auth activate-service-account command.

How to switch Intellij Idea project vcs between Gitlab and Amazon CodeCommit?

I am new with Amazon codecommit.
Following their instruction, I did some works like below
make a new IAM user with AdministratorAccess
make a new codecommit repository
install awscli and did aws configure
When I right finished those things, I could pull/push from codecommit.
However it became disabled with intellij Idea.
I did something like...
I pull a project from gitlab
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [code commit url]
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master
Now I type git [pull / push] origin master, I got this error message.
unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
When I access this url via browser, it requires id/pw. But my IAM user account information is not working.
What should I do? Is there any way to switch gitlab and codecommit in intellij?
IntelliJ does not use awscli. It uses the default system shell.
From the description, it looks like push/pull does not work for the command-line git in the native shell, so the issue is not IntelliJ-related.
Probably git tries to use wrong credentials save in its credential.helper, that is why it fails.
Check git config credential.helper to see if any is configured. If there is one, try disabling it or clear the saved credentials.
From the description it looks like you are trying to connect to a CodeCommit repository in Intellij using https. To do this you need to generate GitCredentials(username/password) for your iam user in the IAM console.
Detailed steps are documented in the aws documentation:
Once you have the username/password you can use those credentials to connect to your CodeCommit repository in Intellij.
Tested on a Mac. Your milage may vary!
I just ran into the same issue. MacOS stores the GIT UID and PW in the Keychain (in your Applications > Utilities Folder). I deleted all references to AWS Code Commit from the keychain, which forced me to reenter the UID & PW. This seems to have solve the problem.
As a side note: I think this happened because I revoked a prior GIT credential on AWS and created a new one. I think that the keychain was entering the old UID/PW which then failed during authentication.
First, you are going to want to create an IAM user with appropriate permissions and then create Git credentials. Then go to IntelliJ IDEA and say you are opening project from VCS with Git credentials, use the AWS git credentials you created and log in. Once you have logged in, you should be able to pull/push to the repo. If you are still having issues and have checked the credentials you are using are active, along with the IAM user those credentials are attached to have the right permissions, I would recommend creating a ticket on AWS support as there may be something wrong with your account that AWS staff will need to fix.

Your credentials are invalid. Please run $ gcloud auth login

gsutil was working as a stand-alone on my system.
Then I installed SDK, including some authentication stuff.
Now gsutil says my credentials are invalid.
$ gcloud auth login
WARNING: `gcloud auth login` no longer writes application default credentials.
If you need to use ADC, see:
gcloud auth application-default --help
You are now logged in as [redacted].
Your current project is [redacted]. You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
$ gsutil ls
Your credentials are invalid. Please run
$ gcloud auth login
How to set my credentials so that gsutil runs again?
$ gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 146.0.0
core 2017.02.28
core-nix 2017.02.28
gcloud-deps 2017.02.28
gcloud-deps-linux-x86_64 2017.02.28
gsutil 4.22
gsutil-nix 4.22
If you previously had gsutil configured with credentials, it is possible that it is picking up those old credentials that will no longer work in the Cloud SDK mode. Take a look in your boto file (typically at ~/.boto) and remove any credentials found in there.
You can see the list of the valid fields in the boto file here:
The marked solution did not work sometimes. But You can create a new configure setting by using the
gcloud init
Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.
Settings from your current configuration [old config file's name] are:
account: [account]
disable_usage_reporting: 'True'
project: [projectname]
Pick configuration to use:
[1] Re-initialize this configuration [old config file's name] with new settings
[2] Create a new configuration
[3] Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [default]
Please enter your numeric choice:
Then you can use option 2 to create new configuration. Try this will work these who not able to done using the above solution.
Also this will work when someone cannot use gsutil cors set [filename].json gs://[BucketName] command to set CORS.
Then try again.

gsutil AccessDenied Exception - Login Required in both API Explorer and Service Account

I am using gsutil with a service account to download a file from a gs bucket. I ran it once an hour ago and it worked without a problem, and then I ran the same code again and I get an AccessDeniedException: 401 Login Required.
To get more information, I run the command with a -D flag, like:
gsutil -D cp gs://mybucket/file localpath
In the debug output, I look at:
Command being run: /path/to/gsutil
config_file_list: /path/to/boto/config
Case 1: Running gsutil under a service account or as another user
I configured a service account using the executable at /path/to/gsutil, not gcloud auth or any other gsutil executable on the machine, using:
/path/to/gsutil config -e
This created a .boto config file in my home directory, $HOME/.boto, which I then moved to another location to refer to by the service.
Since I'm running the service as another user, I need to reference the newly-created .boto file. I set the environment variable BOTO_CONFIG:
I can confirm that I am referencing the correct config file by looking at the config_file_list variable in the gsutil -D command's output.
To set up the service account, I followed:
The key file from the service account set-up process was downloaded, and the path to it is included during the gsutil config -e step.
However, the response to running the gsutil command from the service account is AccessDeniedException: 401 Login Required.
Case 2: API Explorer
On further exploration, I used the web-based API explorer storage.objects.get at:
to get the object's "mediaLink". When I click the mediaLink, I still receive a response that says "Login Required", despite being logged into my google account on the browser.
Why am I receiving the above "Login Required" responses in both cases, when I have set up the service account as instructed in Case 1, and am logged into the API explorer in Case 2?
I was able to solve this problem by looking at the read permissions on the .boto file. The file that was created by
gsutil config -e
only had read permissions set for the current user. Since it was being read by a service running as a different user, it wasn't able to read the file and yielding a 401 Login Required error. I fixed it by adding read permissions for the service's group.
In the least sophisticated case, you could fix it by giving any user read permission with
chmod a+r .boto