I created two projects using grizzly.
One is for jax-rs and one for jax-ws.
The code to get the jax-rs running looks like this:
String BASE_URI = "http://localhost:8080/myapp/";
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig().packages("za.co.quinn.grizzly.rest");
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(URI.create(BASE_URI), rc);
The code to get the jax-ws running looks like this:
HttpServer httpServer = new HttpServer();
ServerConfiguration configuration = httpServer.getServerConfiguration();
configuration.addHttpHandler(new JaxwsHandler(new AddService()), "/add");
httpServer.addListener(new NetworkListener("jaxws-listener", "", 8080));
I want to combine the two to get jax-ws and jax-rs working in the same project.
It would have been nice to have a JaxrsHandler which I could just add like so:
configuration.addHttpHandler(new JaxrsHandler(new AddAnotherService()), "/addAnother");
But no JaxrsHandler exist.
Is there another way I can combine the two?
This solved my problem:
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new JpaPersistModule("myJpaUnit"),
new ServletModule() {
protected void configureServlets() {
bind(new TypeLiteral<ExerciseDao>() {
ResourceConfig rc = new PackagesResourceConfig("za.co.quinn.ws");
IoCComponentProviderFactory ioc = new GuiceComponentProviderFactory(rc, injector);
PersistInitializer initializer = injector.getInstance(PersistInitializer.class);
HttpServer server = GrizzlyServerFactory.createHttpServer(BASE_URI, rc, ioc);
I'm using Apache Ignite on Azure Kubernetes as a distributed cache.
Also, I have a web API on Azure based on .NET6
The Ignite service works stable and very well on AKS.
But at first request, the API tries to connect Ignite and it takes around 3 seconds. After that, Ignite responses take around 100 ms which is great. Here are my Web API performance outputs for the GetProduct function.
At first, I've tried adding the Ignite Service to Singleton but it failed sometimes as 'connection closed'. How can I keep open the Ignite connection always? or does anyone has something better idea?
here is my latest GetProduct code,
public IActionResult GetProduct(string barcode)
Stopwatch _stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
Product product;
CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager();
cacheManager.ProductCache.TryGet(barcode, out product);
if(product == null)
return NotFound(new ApiResponse<Product>(product));
_logger.LogWarning("Loaded in " + _stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms...");
return Ok(new ApiResponse<Product>(product));
Also, I add CacheManager class here;
public CacheManager()
public void ConnectIgnite()
_ignite = Ignition.StartClient(GetIgniteConfiguration());
public IgniteClientConfiguration GetIgniteConfiguration()
var appSettingsJson = AppSettingsJson.GetAppSettings();
var igniteEndpoints = appSettingsJson["AppSettings:IgniteEndpoint"];
var igniteUser = appSettingsJson["AppSettings:IgniteUser"];
var ignitePassword = appSettingsJson["AppSettings:IgnitePassword"];
var nodeList = igniteEndpoints.Split(",");
var config = new IgniteClientConfiguration
Endpoints = nodeList,
UserName = igniteUser,
Password = ignitePassword,
EnablePartitionAwareness = true,
SocketTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite)
return config;
Make it a singleton. Ignite node, even in client mode, is supposed to be running for the entire lifetime of your application. All Ignite APIs are thread-safe. If you get a connection error, please provide more details (exception stack trace, how do you create the singleton, etc).
You can also try the Ignite thin client which consumes fewer resources and connects instantly: https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/thin-clients/dotnet-thin-client.
I have cases, where I want to configure services based on objects which are registered in the dependency injection container.
For example I have the following registration for WS Federation:
authenticationBuilder.AddWsFederation((options) =>{
options.MetadataAddress = "...";
options.Wtrealm = "...";
My goal in the above case is to use a configuration object, which is available via the DI container to configure the WsFederation-middleware.
It looks to me that IPostConfigureOptions<> is the way to go, but until now, I have not found a way to accomplish this.
How can this be done, or is it not possible?
See https://andrewlock.net/simplifying-dependency-injection-for-iconfigureoptions-with-the-configureoptions-helper/ for the I(Post)ConfigureOptions<T> way, but I find that way too cumbersome.
I generally use this pattern:
// Get my custom config section
var fooSettingsSection = configuration.GetSection("Foo");
// Parse it to my custom section's settings class
var fooSettings = fooSettingsSection.Get<FooSettings>()
?? throw new ArgumentException("Foo not configured");
// Register it for services who ask for an IOptions<FooSettings>
// Use the settings instance
services.AddSomeOtherService(options => {
ServiceFoo = fooSettings.ServiceFoo;
A little more explicit, but you have all your configuration and DI code in one place.
Of course this bypasses the I(Post)ConfigureOptions<T> entirely, so if there's other code that uses those interfaces to modify the FooSettings afterwards, my code won't notice it as it's reading directly from the configuration file. Given I control FooSettings and its users, that's no problem for me.
This should be the approach if you do want to use that interface:
First, register your custom config section that you want to pull the settings from:
var fooSettingsSection = configuration.GetSection("Foo");
Then, create an options configurer:
public class ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions
: IPostConfigureOptions<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.WsFederation.WsFederationOptions>
private readonly FooSettings _fooSettings;
public ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions(IOptions<FooSettings> fooSettings)
_fooSettings = fooSettings.Value;
public void Configure(WsFederationOptions options)
options.MetadataAddress = _fooSettings.WsFedMetadataAddress;
options.Wtrealm = _fooSettings.WsFedWtRealm;
And finally link the stuff together:
services.AddTransient<IPostConfigureOptions<WsFederationOptions>, ConfigureWSFedFromFooSettingsOptions>();
The configurer will get your IOptions<FooSettings> injected, instantiated from the appsettings, and then be used to further configure the WsFederationOptions.
So, I have created a Kafka Application that basically uses filter function. Now, I have created the jar file of this application.
I want to import this application as a library in some other program and call the method to start the filtering process. Then I also want to stop this filtering using some command or API call. How can I do this??
I have provide the topology builder function below for which I want to convert into a library and call from other application.
public static Topology builderFunc(String id) {
final Serializer<JsonNode> jsonNodeSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
final Deserializer<JsonNode> jsonNodeDeserializer = new JsonDeserializer();
final Serde<JsonNode> jsonNodeSerde = Serdes.serdeFrom(jsonNodeSerializer, jsonNodeDeserializer);
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
KStream<String, JsonNode> inputStream =
builder.stream("input-records", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), jsonNodeSerde));
inputStream.filter((key, value) -> key.equals(id))
.to("output-records", Produced.with(Serdes.String(), jsonNodeSerde));
final Topology topology = builder.build();
return topology;
Using version 2.0.2 I just cannot find where to set the serializer settings for the Nest.JsonNetSerializer to avoid Self referencing loop detected exception.
And i guess that the documentation is not updated for version 2.
There is one PR in the NEST repo explaining how you can handle this situation in version 2.x.x.
var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connectionSettings => new MyJsonNetSerializer(connectionSettings))
public class MyJsonNetSerializer : JsonNetSerializer
public MyJsonNetSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings) : base(settings)
protected override void ModifyJsonSerializerSettings(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings settings)
settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
Hope it helps.
Once again there are some significant changes to how this is handled in v.5.
I found this example in the tests and it worked for me...
/**=== Overriding Json.NET settings
* Overriding the default Json.NET behaviour in NEST is an expert behavior but if you need to get to the nitty gritty, this can be really useful.
* The easiest way is to create an instance of `SerializerFactory` that allows you to register a modification callback
* in the constructor
public void EasyWay()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(
new HttpConnection(),
new SerializerFactory((jsonSettings, nestSettings) => jsonSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All));
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
In the beta 8 of ASP.NET 5, I had access to the CallContextServiceLocator. This is no longer available in the RC1.
How can I replace the call to CallContextServiceLocator in the following code below. I am using that code to create test instance of the service.
private static TestServer CreateTestServer(HttpMessageHandler backchannelHttpHandler = null)
HostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment = new HostingEnvironment { EnvironmentName = "Testing", };
Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions.IApplicationEnvironment appEnv =
Startup serviceStartup = new Startup(hostingEnvironment, appEnv, backchannelHttpHandler);
Action<IApplicationBuilder> configureApp = app => serviceStartup.Configure(app, appEnv, new LoggerFactory());
Action<IServiceCollection> configureServices = svc => serviceStartup.ConfigureServices(svc);
WebApplicationBuilder webAppBuilder = new WebApplicationBuilder();
return new TestServer(webAppBuilder);
There's no replacement per se, it's dead gone buried RIP :). You can use platform services to get specific components. Also the hosting API has been revamped to be less sucky so it doesn't require anything to be passed into it by default.
The replacement is PlatformServices.Default from Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions