Transform decimal is removing my zeros -

how can I make sure that the results dont remove the last 0 for example, this produces "1.454" instead of "1.4540"
Dim test1 As Decimal = 14540
Debug.Print(TransformDecimal(test1, 1))
Private Shared Function TransformDecimal(value As Decimal, numberOfPlaces As Integer) As Decimal
Dim min = CDec(Math.Pow(10, numberOfPlaces - 1))
Dim max = CDec(Math.Pow(10, numberOfPlaces))
If (value >= max) Then
While value >= max
value /= 10
End While
ElseIf (value < min) Then
While value < min
value *= 10
End While
End If
Return value
End Function

You really must put Option Explicit On.
When you don't and you have, for example, this code Dim x As Decimal = 1.0 you are creating a Double and then converting it to Decimal. With Option Strict On this code won't compile.
When you write this code Dim x As Decimal = 1.0d you are immediately creating a Decimal- and that preserves the decimal places.
So, if you now write your method like this:
Private Shared Function TransformDecimal(value As Decimal, numberOfPlaces As Integer) As Decimal
Dim min = CDec(Math.Pow(10, numberOfPlaces - 1))
Dim max = CDec(Math.Pow(10, numberOfPlaces))
If (value >= max) Then
While value >= max
Dim bits = Decimal.GetBits(value)
bits(3) = ((bits(3) \ 65536) + 1) * 65536
value = New Decimal(bits)
End While
ElseIf (value < min) Then
While value < min
Dim bits = Decimal.GetBits(value)
bits(3) = ((bits(3) \ 65536) - 1) * 65536
value = New Decimal(bits)
End While
End If
Return value
End Function
And call it like this:
Dim test1 As Decimal = 14540d
Debug.Print(TransformDecimal(test1, 1).ToString())
You'll find that you get the result you want:
The crux of this code is the lines bits(3) = ((bits(3) \ 65536) + 1) * 65536 & bits(3) = ((bits(3) \ 65536) - 1) * 65536 which shift the exponent to change the decimal by multiples of 10.


Get number from Excel column

I'm am using the code example below to represent an integer as an alphabetic string
Private Function GetExcelColumnName(columnNumber As Integer) As String
Dim dividend As Integer = columnNumber
Dim columnName As String = String.Empty
Dim modulo As Integer
While dividend > 0
modulo = (dividend - 1) Mod 26
columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() & columnName
dividend = CInt((dividend - modulo) / 26)
End While
Return columnName
End Function
I found the above example here:
Converting Numbers to Excel Letter Column
How do I get the reverse, for example:
123 = DS -- Reverse -- DS = 123
35623789 = BYXUWS -- Reverse -- BYXUWS = 35623789
Is it possible to get the number from the alphabetic string without importing Excel?
I found an answer from another post. This function below will work to get the reverse
Public Function GetCol(c As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, t As Long
c = UCase(c)
For i = Len(c) To 1 Step -1
t = t + ((Asc(Mid(c, i, 1)) - 64) * (26 ^ (Len(c) - i)))
Next i
GetCol = t
End Function

stack overflow exception in quicksort

I am trying to make a quick sort however i am having trouble with a stack overflow exception in
The sort works correctly when x = 3, intermittently when x = 5 and on one occasion sorted half of the list when x = 10.
Please advise, thanks
Dim x As Integer = 10
Dim numArrray(x - 1) As Integer
For i = 0 To x - 1
numArrray(i) = CInt(Rnd() * 9)
Quicksort(numArrray, 0, numArrray.Length - 1)
For i = 0 To x - 1
End Sub
Sub Quicksort(ByVal array() As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
Dim pivot As Integer
If min < max Then
pivot = partition(array, min, max)
Quicksort(array, min, pivot - 1)
Quicksort(array, pivot + 1, max)
End If
End Sub
Function partition(ByVal array() As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) As Integer
Dim pivot As Integer = array(max)
Dim count As Integer = min - 1
Dim placeholder As Integer
For i = min To max - 1
If array(i) < pivot Then
count += 1
placeholder = array(count)
array(count) = array(i)
array(i) = placeholder
End If
If array(max) < array(count + 1) Then
placeholder = array(count + 1)
array(count + 1) = array(max)
array(max) = placeholder
End If
Return count
End Function
Since its a stack overflow it will be in the nested calls to Quicksort, looking at partition I think you have a bounds error, as per this version of the algorithm you should return count + 1 from partition, on your current implementation count can start below min and stay that way which would be an infinite regression as your nested call would have the same inputs (ie if you return count = min - 1 then you do a recursive call back to Quicksort(array, pivot + 1, max) == Quicksort(array, min, max)

Rounding up to nearest higher integer in VBA

I'm trying to calculate how many layers a commodity will be stacked in. I have a variable quantity (iQty), a given width for the loadbed (dRTW), a width per unit for the commodity (dWidth) and a quantity per layer (iLayerQty).
The quantity per layer is calculated as iLayerQty = Int(dRTW/dWidth)
Now I need to divide the total quantity by the quantity per layer and round up. In an Excel formula it would be easy, but I'm trying to avoid WorksheetFunction calls to minimise A1/R1C1 confusion. At the moment I'm approximating it with this:
(Number of layers) = ((Int(iQty / iLayerQty) + 1)
And that works fine most of the time - except when the numbers give an integer (a cargo width of 0.5 m, for instance, fitting onto a 2.5 m rolltrailer). In those instances, of course, adding the one ruins the result.
Is there any handy way of tweaking that formula to get a better upward rounding?
I don't see any reason to avoid WorksheetFunction; I don't see any confusion here.
Number_of_layers = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(iQty / iLayerQty, 0)
You could also roll your own function:
Function RoundUp(ByVal Value As Double)
If Int(Value) = Value Then
RoundUp = Value
RoundUp = Int(Value) + 1
End If
End Function
Call it like this:
Number_of_layers = RoundUp(iQty / iLayerQty)
If using a WorksheetFunction object to access a ROUNDUP or CEILING function is off the table then the same can be accomplished with some maths.
Number of layers = Int(iQty / iLayerQty) - CBool(Int(iQty / iLayerQty) <> Round(iQty / iLayerQty, 14))
A VBA True is the equivalent of (-1) when used mathematically. The VBA Round is there to avoid 15 digit floating point errors.
I use -int(-x) to get the ceiling.
?-int(-1.1) ' get ceil(1.1)
?-int(1.1) ' get ceil(-1.1)
?-int(-5) ' get ceil(5)
These are the functions I put together for this purpose.
Function RoundUp(ByVal value As Double) as Integer
Dim intVal As Integer
Dim delta As Double
intVal = CInt(value)
delta = intVal - value
If delta < 0 Then
RoundUp = intVal + 1
RoundUp = intVal
End If
End Function
Function RoundDown(ByVal value As Double) as Integer
Dim intVal As Integer
Dim delta As Double
intVal = CInt(value)
delta = intVal - value
If delta <= 0 Then
RoundDown = intVal
ElseIf delta > 0 Then
RoundDown = intVal - 1
End If
End Function
This is my Ceiling in VBA.
Function Ceiling(ByVal Number As Double, ByVal Significance As Double) As Double
Dim intVal As Long
Dim delta As Double
Dim RoundValue As Double
Dim PreReturn As Double
If Significance = 0 Then
RoundValue = 1
RoundValue = 1 / Significance
End If
Number = Number * RoundValue
intVal = CLng(Number)
delta = intVal - Number
If delta < 0 Then
PreReturn = intVal + 1
PreReturn = intVal
End If
Ceiling = PreReturn / RoundValue
End Function

Automatic Calculation with given numbers

I would like to make CPU to calculate declared result from the given numbers that are also declared.
So far:
Dim ArrayOperators() As String = {"+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")"}
Dim GlavniBroj As Integer = GBRnb() 'Number between 1 and 999 that CPU needs to get from the numbers given below:
Dim OsnovniBrojevi() As Integer = {OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb()} '4 numbers from 1 to 9
Dim SrednjiBroj As Integer = SBRnb() '1 number, 10, 15 or 20 chosen randomly
Dim KrajnjiBroj As Integer = KBRnb() '25, 50, 75 or 100 are chosen randomly
Private Function GBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((999 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function OBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((9 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function SBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 10
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 15
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 20
End If
Return 0
End Function
Private Function KBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((4 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 25
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 50
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 75
ElseIf value = 4 Then
Return 100
End If
Return 0
End Function
Is there any way to make a program to calculate GlavniBroj(that is GBRnb declared) with the help of the other numbers (also without repeating), and with help of the given operators? Result should be displayed in the textbox, in a form of the whole procedure of how computer got that calculation with that numbers and operators. I tried to make it work by coding operations one by one, but that's a lot of writing... I'm not looking exactly for the code answer, but mainly for the coding algorithm. Any idea? Thanks! :)

Round an integer number in VB.NET

How could I round an integer number based on the last digit of the number?
For example:
Dim x As Integer = 12
Dim y As Integer = 139
Dim z As Integer = 2322
The result should be:
x = 20
y = 140
z = 2330
Math.Ceiling(value / 10) * 10
x = Math.Ceiling(x / 10.0) * 10
Module Module1
Public Function RoundUp(ByVal val As Double, ByVal pos As Integer) As Double
Dim base10 As Double = System.Math.Pow(10, pos) 'pos +: right from float point, -: left from float point.
If val > 0 Then
Return System.Math.Ceiling(val * base10) / base10
Return System.Math.Floor(val * base10) / base10
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
System.Console.WriteLine(RoundUp(12, -1)) '20
System.Console.WriteLine(RoundUp(139, -1)) '140
System.Console.WriteLine(RoundUp(2322, -1)) '2330
System.Console.WriteLine(RoundUp(3.1415926, 3)) '3.142
End Sub
End Module
As an alternative, doing this subtraction is a fast way:
x = value + ((2200000000 - value) % 10)
Considering that value is int (2200000000 > int.MaxValue):