real time data conversion to a image - screenshot

I have a set of data values in a text file .I need to plot that data and store the resultant graph as an image in android studio.can anyone help me regarding ds?
Or is it possible to take one complete screenshot of 30 seconds duration real time graph?


Why I can not define Duration column as Duration?

now I am going to visualise my data and I can not properly define my Data type as Duration. All the types exept Text make error. Do you have an idea, how can I fix this issue?
enter image description here

In ArcGIS or QGIS is it possible to add timestamps to geotiffs from a CSV file containing the timestamps?

I have about 400 geotiffs consisting of satellite data obtained on different dates. I would like to make an animated time series from these data using GIS (either in ArcGIS or QGIS), Python or R. The issue I am having with the GIS approach is that the geotiffs do not have a 'date' field and so I cannot do this directly. However, I have a CSV file containing the geotiff file names in one column and the date for each geotiff in another. So my question is: Is it possible to populate the geotiffs with the time information contained in the CSV file? Furthermore, each of my geotiff filenames contain the date within them (in format YYYY-mm-dd), i.e. 'XYZ_2000-01-01.tif'.
So far I have tried using the Time Manager plugin in QGIS, with which I attempted to extract the date for each geotiff from the filename (see screenshot below). This was unsuccessful (Error = Could not find a suitable time format or date). I managed to create an animated time series for the data in R but I couldn't add a basemap, so the geographical context was lost.
You are specifying your date start wrongly and I think you probably want to add them as rasters not layers. Your date starts at a long way past 0 - 50 something. So I would rename all your files to put the date at the start to save counting all the way to the end.
My setup looks like (in QGIS Pi):

Converting a column of date and time of day into running seconds

I am just wondering if there is a way that I can convert the contents of the column described in the picture I have attached to a total of running seconds where the first row is of course zero seconds so that the next row would be ~8220 seconds and so on. This would make the analysis of time-series data much easier for me.

power bi: dynamic y-scale values based on data

I'm building a dashboard in power bi and I have a dataset with a few percentages. There are several categories of data, but only one category is shown at a time. What I want to do is to dynamically change the y-axis values to reflect the data. At the moment, it's done automatically, but it makes the data look "worse" than it is, so I want to take the min and the max for that one category and add let's say another 10-20% to it, and use those values as the new scale. For example, if my data starts at 41% and ends at 63%, power bi automatically scales the chart between around 40% and 65%. I want to take these values, add 10% on each side and have the chart start at 30% up to 75% (roughly).
Is there a way to do this?
If your visual is a line diagram then you can solve it by adding two additional measures to the plot:
y_top = MAX([pct_measure])+0,1
y_bottom = MIN([pct_measure])-0,1
Add both to the line diagram and then set their line widths to 0.
It's a variation of this:
Power Bi Tips - Center X-axis on a line chart

Using VBA to scale excel graph X-axis?

I'm using a macro to generate graphs from a table such that the x-axis is a time stamp(date, time) and the y-axis is for the data at that time. So far, there is no problem getting this to work but the result is a graph that has "blank space" before and after the data(roughly 5-10 minutes before and after on a 1-hour time-frame). I have space constraints and this cuts into them so I'd like to utilize the entire plot area. Can I eliminate the blank space by extending the data to end of the plot area somehow? Any help is appreciated.
Additionally the files I need to use are for different time frames and lengths of time(ie, different length of excel rows). Is there a way to only graph the rows with content instead of a "worst-case scenario" like using A2:A100000 because I know it will never be greater than 100,000 rows?