How to dock/lock "Highlight Properties" toolbar into main toolbar of Acrobat? - acrobat

I'm currently using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro with Windows 7.
By selecting Ctrl + e a floating 'Properties' toolbar appears. When I select highlighted text or the highlighter tool this advanced tools toolbar becomes a 'Highlight Properties' toolbar.
However, I want to dock (aka lock) this toolbar into the main toolbar at the top of the Acrobat window so that it's always there. I can't figure out how to do this.
Acrobat XI does now allow some modification of the main toolbar ribbon at the top of the window (vs. Acrobat X), but I can't find where the "Highlight Properties' toolset is located in the toolbar customization window.


MS Visual Studio 2019: how to change background color of text editor's tooltip window

Winforms project, a form has some code in the Form_KeyDown event.
When i hover the mouse over the name of the event (Form_KeyDown) in the text editor of the form, a tooltip window appears. Going to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors i've searched around but i could not find how to change the tooltip's background color, either in Show Settings for: "Text Editor" or "Editor Tooltip" or "[All Text Tool Windows]". Where is the setting for changing the tooltip's background color (if any)?
For future reference, i have finally found the answer here:
Check answer by Paul Chen in that link.
This was fixed in some update of VS2015.
Switch "Show settings for:" to "Environment" and you'll see "Tooltip" and "Tooltip Border", try change the "Background Color" of them.

Any JetBrains IDE: How can I map Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to Page Up / Down actions?

Or more generic, how do I map mouse shortcuts (as opposed to keyboard shortcuts)?
(used to this behavior from Eclipse)
I do not see any issues here, at all (at very least for the Ctrl + Mouse Wheel shortcuts).
Screenshots are from PhpStorm 2020.3.2 on Windows 10 x64.
Settings/Preferences | Keymap
Find the desired action (use the search box to filter available actions)
Right click and choose the right option (Add Mouse Shortcut):
Use the desired "mouse shortcut" there (press and hold Ctrl and do Mouse Wheel Up):
Apply and start using it:

How do I narrow a JetBrains IDE tool window?

In some of my JetBrains IDEs my the tool windows launched for the bottom bar open to fill the full width of my IDE window, while in others they are limited to the width of the middle pane of the IDE window. I prefer the latter, but can't figure out how to get there from the former.
How do I narrow a JetBrains IDE tool window to the width of the middle pane of my IDE?
Appearance & Behavior | Appearance
Widescreen tool window layout option under Window options section.

How do you change the folder and menu font-size in Sublime Text 3?

I'm not talking about the font-size of the editor window, simply the font-size of the text in the main menu bar and the folder/file navigation side panel.
I've googled all over and read through all the docs I could find to no avail. Thanks in advance!
How do I do this in Windows 7?
Sidebar and tab font are modifiable:
Sublime Text 2 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?
The package is now located at /opt/sublime_text/Packages/Theme - Default.sublime-package (for Linux installation).
Extract Default.sublime-theme to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User and modify the content.
(This step can be simplified using the PackageResourceViewer package.)
Menu font doesn't seem to be modifiable.
As far as changing the font size in the main menu bar, this can be done through the Windows Control Panel, but any changes will be universal - they'll apply to all applications.
Finding the options to change the menu font and size is kind of complicated, but here's how I do it: Open the Control Panel and select Personalization, then down at the bottom click on Window Color. In the next window that opens, click on Advanced Appearance Settings... to open the Window Color and Appearance window. Click on the menu item Normal and select your preferred font and size, then click Apply to check it out. Hit OK when you're done, save your theme if you want, and you're all set.

Squeak smalltalk: why can't I activate the do it menu

I downloaded squeak 4.2 and watch this very basic tutorial
When I type 2 + 2 in workspace window and select right-click the line I can't get any popup menu with "do it" option.
Did I miss something ?
Depending on your platform and configuration that menu may be activated either by a right-click or a middle-click. For Squeak on Windows I believe the default is to middle-click.
If the default feels unintuitive you can invert the right and middle mouse buttons.
To invert the mouse buttons for the current image:
Click on the world background
Select open... from the World menu
Select Preference Browser
Search for mouse in the preferences
Toggle swapMouseButtons
To invert the mouse buttons on the Windows VM:
Open the system menu (small Squeak icon in the top-left window corner)
Under VM Preferrences > Mouse mapping toggle 3 button mouse
You can also activate that menu by ALT-clicking or use the quicker ALT-d shortcut for "do it".