How do you write a test for dynamic API content? - testing

I am working on a wrapper for an API, and one of the endpoints returns data that doesn't have the same results each time.
What is a good strategy to test that the endpoint is still valid?
This is a general question, although I am mostly interested in getting this to work in Python.

You need to define what you actually expect from the result. What are the statements that always hold for the result?
Popular candidates/examples are
it is valid JSON/HTML/XML
it contains certain substrings
it has certain "fields"
certain fields can be parsed as a date using a specific format, and the resulting date is within +/-1h of now.


REST API design: param value starts with

I need an REST API endpoint which will return all the records having name starting with ABC.
The SQL query would be something like:
But how should I define the query string in the REST endpoint?
Using equal sign in the query string would not be appropriate, I think.
{Base URL}/myresource?name=ABC
Sofar I found following specification that can be used as base for the definition of the query:
Equals is fine provided you use correct naming. For this request you can define i.e. 'namePrefix' parameter that is self-descriptive.
But how should I define the query string in the REST endpoint? Using equal sign in the query string would not be appropriate, I think.
Using an equal sign in the query string is fine -- the world wide web has been catastrophically successful, and you'll find query strings with encoded key/value pairs being used for all sorts of things.
There's no particular reason to assume that the spelling of a resource identifier should necessarily match the internal implementation details -- in fact, the opposite is the case: we're supposed to be able to change how a resource is implemented without necessarily needing to introduce a new identifier.
There's a tremendous advantage to using application/x-www-form-urlencoded data as your query string: that's how HTML GET forms do it, which in turn means that pretty much everyone has access to at least one general purpose library that knows how to construct resource identifiers that use that convention.
But if you would rather forego that advantage in favor of some other concern, that's OK too; REST/HTTP don't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers, so long as the result is consistent with the production rules described in RFC 3986.

Advanced search REST API

My requirement is to implement advanced search Rest API for searching the phones. The URI for the search API is http://myservice/api/v1/phones/search?q=${query_expression}
Where q is the complex query expression. Have the following questions
1) Since advanced search involves a lengthy query expression, the URI will not fit in a GET call. Is it alright to implement the search API via POST request and still maintain the RESTfulness?
2) I have come across the following implementations for the advanced search:
1st approach - Send the complete infix expression for the query expression.
2nd approach - Constructing entire query expression in the form of a json.
],"criteria":"( 1 AND (2 OR 3) )"}
3rd approach - Alternative way to implement the query expression as a json.
Which approach would be considered more RESTful out of the three? Suggestions for any other approaches are welcome :)
You could follow the approach taken by ElasticSearch, which out of the examples you had given is the third one.
The third approach is also easier to understand and easier to maintain.
For example if in the future you would need to add "fuzzy" query operator and it would have a completely different model, that would be an easy thing to do.
Yes, POST is a catch-all. It's preferable to use it for resource creation, but according to the spec it may be used in this way also. However, you should consider changing the endpoint to be /search-results. This gives you the flexibility to start storing search results later, and you can return a Location header pointing to the results of a particular complex query. Another alternative is to let users POST their search criteria, and then do a GET /search-results?criteria={id}.
Don't do the second one. It's hard to read and more complex than it should be. Either the first or the third are fine. The first is more compact but probably harder to handle on the back end. For the third, you really don't need the index.

RESTful API Design OR Predicates

I'm designing a RESTful API and I'm trying to work out how I could represent a predicate with OR an operator when querying for a resource.
For example if I had a resource Foo with a property Name, how would you search for all Foo resources with a name matching "Name1" OR "Name2"?
This is straight forward when it's an AND operator as I could do the following:
The other approach I've seen is to post the search in the body.
You will need to pick your own approach, but I can name few that seem to be pretty logical (although not without disadvantages):
Option 1.: Using | operator:|Name2
Option 2.: Using modified query param to allow selection by one of the values from the set (list of possible comma-separated values):,Name2
Option 3.: Using PHP-like notation to provide list instead of single string:[]=Name1&Name[]=Name2
All of the above mentioned options have one huge advantage: they do not interfere with other query params.
But as I mentioned, pick your own approach and be consistent about it across your API.
Well one quick way to fixing that is to add an additional parameter that is identifying the relationship between your parameters wether they're an and or an or for example:
Or for much more complex queries just keep a single parameter and in it include your whole query by making up your own little query language and on the server side you would parse the whole string and extract the information and the statement.

REST API Parameter precedence

I'm working on creating a REST API. Lets say the resource I'm serving is called object and it contains a number of properties.
Apart from requesting the entire set of objects like this
I want to allow requesting a single object by providing either the objectid or objectname,
like this
What I'm confused about is, how should I handle a request like this?
In this case, should I return a 400 Bad Request, or should one of the parameters take precedence over the other? How does REST define this behavior?
REST generally assumes there is a unique URL for a resource, so it would be:
Parameters are commonly used for searching, so you would have something like:
A better approach would be use a generic key in the parameter string to retrieve field values of your specific resource
It complements xpapad's suggestion, and can add scalable structure in how you define a consistent approach to your API design.

Query string with keys without values

What drawbacks can you think of if I design my REST API with query strings without parameter values? Like so:
Instead of e.g.:
( Edit: Any page-X?edit and page-X?delete links would trigger GET requests but wouldn't actually edit or delete the page. Instead, they show a page with a <form>, in which page-X can be edited, or a <form> with a Really delete page-X? confiramtion dialog. The actual edit/delete requests would be POST or DELETE requests. In the same manner as host/api/edit?page=path/to/page shows a page with an edit <form>. /Edit. )
Pleace note that ?action is not how query strings are usually formatted. Instead, they are usually formated like so: ?key=value;key2=v2;key3=v3
Moreover, sometimes I'd use URLs like this one:
That is, I'd include a query string parameter with no value (delete) and one parameter with a value (user=spammer) (in order to delete all comments posted by the spammer)
My Web framework copes fine with query strings like ?reply. So I suppose that what I'm mostly wondering about, is can you think of any client side issues? Or any problems, should I decide to use another Web framework? (Do you know if the frameworks you use provides information on query strings without parameter values?)
(My understanding from reading is that the query string format I use is just fine, but what does that matter to all clients and server frameworks everywhere.)
(I currently use the Lift-Web framework. I've tested Play Framework too and it was possible to get hold of the value-less query strings parameters, so both Play and Lift-Web seems okay from my point of view.)
Here is a related question about query strings with no values. However, it deals with ASP.NET functions returning null in some cases: Access Query string parameters with no values in ASP.NET
Kind regards, Kaj-Magnus
Query parameters without value are no problem, but putting actions into the URI, in particular destructive ones, is.
Are you seriously thinking about "restful" design, and having a GET be a destructive action?