Auto response after #seconds & #ofmessagelines - twitch

I want to count #ofmessagelines and #amountoftime that has passed.
Main script:
menu channel {
.Start: .timerAnnounce. $+ $chan 0 11 msg $chan $$?="Hi msg"
.Stop: .timerAnnounce. $+ $chan off
**Example given **
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
if (%announce) {
inc %msgcounter 1
if (%msgcounter >= 10) {
if ($calc($ctime - %announce) >= 600) {
msg #chan YOur msg here
unset %msgcounter
set %announce $ctime


AWK Output Produces Function Not Defined

I inherited this code so I'm seeing if someone can help me with the error message.
Here's the AWK file. This file uses a CSV file and is supposed to produce a formatted list.
The return error is FNR=1 fatal: function `header' not defined.
This must have worked at some point in time. Not sure how long it's been broken and I just learned about it a couple of days ago.
Can anyone help?
CSV File
# fieldname len
# 1 posn 6
# 2 status 1
# 3 title 30
# 4 begin_date 10
# 5 end_date 10
# 6 roll 1
# 7 a_number 8
# 8 a_number 9
# 9 first_name 15
# 10 last_name 30
# 11 egrp 4
BEGIN { pagelen = 20; pagewidth = 126
lenheader = 4; lendetail = 1; lenfooter = 2 }
header() {
print trititle("XXXXXXX", "Report",
sprintf("Page %d", pagenum))
print ""
print " Posn S Title Begin Date End Date " \
"R A-Number First Name Last Name Egrp"
print "------ - ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- " \
"- -------- --------- --------------- ------------------------------ ----" }
detail(X) {
printf "%-6.6s %-1.1s %-30.30s %-10.10s %-10.10s %-1.1s %-8.8s %-9.9s " \
"%-15.15s %-30.30s %-4.4s\n", X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4], X[5],
X[6], X[7], X[8], X[9], X[10], X[11] }
footer() { print ""; print trititle(user "#" sid, one_up, today) }
Shell Script
. $BANNER_HOME/local/exe/
PROG_LC=`echo $PROG | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`
PROG_UC=`echo $PROG | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"`
CSV=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.csv
LOG=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.log
echo "BANUID = $BANUID" >> $LOG
echo "ONE_UP = $ONE_UP" >> $LOG
echo "PROG = $PROG" >> $LOG
echo "PRNT = $PRNT" >> $LOG
echo "H = $H" >> $LOG
echo "PROG_LC = $PROG_LC" >> $LOG
echo "PROG_UC = $PROG_UC" >> $LOG
echo "CSV = $CSV" >> $LOG
echo "LOG = $LOG" >> $LOG
echo "WHOAMI = $WHOAMI" >> $LOG
sqlplus -s $BAN9UID/#${TARGETDB} <<EOF
variable status number
begin :status := storeprocs.write_csv_file('$PROG_LC', $ONE_UP);
exit :status
if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]
then echo "$PROG_UC completed successfully" >> $LOG
else echo "$PROG_UC completed with failure" >> $LOG
if [ -f $LOCAL_EXE/$PROG_LC.awk ]
then LIS=$H/$(basename $PROG_LC .shl)_${ONE_UP}.lis
LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8 gawk -f $LOCAL_EXE/csvtolis.awk \
gurinso -n $ONE_UP -l $LIS -j $PROG -w $BANUID $BAN9UID/#${TARGETDB}
exit $STATUS
BEGIN { linenum = 0
pagenum = 0
user = toupper(ENVIRON["BAN9UID"])
oneup = ENVIRON["ONE_UP"]
"date +%m/%d/%Y" | getline today }
function csvsplit(str, arr, i,j,n,s,fs,qt) {
# split comma-separated fields into arr; return number of fields in arr
# fields surrounded by double-quotes may contain commas;
# doubled double-quotes represent a single embedded quote
delete arr; s = "START"; n = 0; fs = ","; qt = "\""
for (i = 1; i <= length(str); i++) {
if (s == "START") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) { arr[++n] = "" }
else if (substr(str,i,1) == qt) { j = i+1; s = "INQUOTES" }
else { j = i; s = "INFIELD" } }
else if (s == "INFIELD") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,i-j); j = 0; s = "START" } }
else if (s == "INQUOTES") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == qt) { s = "MAYBEDOUBLE" } }
else if (s == "MAYBEDOUBLE") {
if (substr(str,i,1) == fs) {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,i-j-1)
gsub(qt qt, qt, arr[n]); j = 0; s = "START" } } }
if (s == "INFIELD" || s == "INQUOTES") { arr[++n] = substr(str,j) }
else if (s == "MAYBEDOUBLE") {
arr[++n] = substr(str,j,length(str)-j); gsub(qt qt, qt, arr[n]) }
else if (s == "START") { arr[++n] = "" }
return n }
function trititle(left, center, right, gap1, gap2) { # assume sufficient space
gap1 = int((pagewidth - length(center)) / 2) - length(left)
gap2 = pagewidth - length(left) - length(center) - length(right) - gap1
return left sprintf("%*s", gap1, "") center sprintf("%*s", gap2, "") right }
NR > 1 { nfields = csvsplit($0, csv); # print one record, with header/footer as needed
if (pagelen - (linenum % pagelen) - lenfooter < lendetail) {
while ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen != 0) { print ""; linenum++ }
footer(); linenum += lenfooter }
if (linenum % pagelen == 0) { pagenum++; header(); linenum += lenheader }
detail(csv); linenum += lendetail
if ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen == 0) { footer(); linenum += lenfooter } }
END { if (linenum % pagelen != 0) { # if not at top of page
while ((linenum + lenfooter) % pagelen != 0) { # while not at bottom
print ""; linenum++ } # skip to bottom
footer() } } # and print footer

tcl child process executed abnormally

I'm using the code here to run some processes in parallel.
Here is the code that I've modified.
foreach scenario $scenario_list {
set script {
set sname $scenario
puts "Scenario: $sname"
set sdir "$curr_dir/$sname"
puts "Results from: $sdir"
extract_system_kpis $sname "SUCCESS" $sdir $hw_instance_list $hbm_scheduler_pairs
set chan [open |[list [info nameofexecutable] <<$script 2>#stderr]]
dict set res $chan command $script
fconfigure $chan -blocking 0
lappend background $chan
while 1 {
foreach chan $background {
if {[eof $chan]} {
fconfigure $chan -blocking 1
if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $background $chan]] >= 0} {
set background [lreplace $background $idx $idx]
catch [close $chan] cres copts
dict set res $chan result $cres
dict set res $chan options $copts
} else {
puts -nonewline [read $chan]
if {[llength $background] == 0} {
after 100
return $res
I'm getting the error
child process exited abnormally
while executing
"close $chan"
Any ideas? I'm running TCL 8.6

MBED BLE Payload values

I am working on a BLE Scanner.Basically I am looking for an iBeacon device with 0x4c type and a payload size of 30. However when i run this mbed crashes after spitting out few print lines. This code is very hit and miss.
it is getting an index out of bound error(understandably). How do I catch the error and skip it?
void Scanner::onAdvertisingReport(const AdvertisingReportEvent &event)
printf("Looking for Devices\r\n");
AdvertisingDataParser adv_data(event.getPayload());
if (event.getPayload().size() == 30 and event.getPayload()[5] == 0x4c)
beacon_found = true;
printf("Found Beacon!\r\n");
printf("RSSI : %d\r\n",event.getRssi());
printf("PL: %d\r\n",event.getPayload().size());
printf("Major Value: %d\r\n",event.getPayload()[26]);
printf("Minor Value: %d\r\n",event.getPayload()[27]);
beacon_found = false;
printf("Couldnt find beacon!\r\n");
Error Status: 0x80FF0140 code 324 module 255
Assertion failed: 0 <= index && index < _size in Span.h

Segmentation fault in the below program

The below code is being called from a simple script like this.
method line-validation is rw {
my $file-data = slurp($!FileName, enc => "iso-8859-1");
my #lines = $file-data.lines;
my $start = now;
for #lines -> $line {
state $i = 1;
my #splitLine = split('|', $line);
if ($line.starts-with("H|") || $line.starts-with("T|")) {
my $lnObject = line => $line, FileType => $.FileType );
$lnObject.ColumnIds = %.ColumnIds;
my #promises;
my #validationIds;
for %.ValidationRules.keys -> $validationId {
if (%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationType> eq 'COLUMN') {
push #promises, start {$lnObject.ColumnValidationFunction(%.ValidationRules{$validationId}<ValidationFunction>, %.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Arguments>, $.ValidationRules{$validationId}<Description>); 1};
push #validationIds, $validationId;
my #promise-output = await #promises;
for #validationIds -> $valId {
state $j = 0;
my $result = #promise-output[$j];
if ($result.Bool == True) {
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> :!exists) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = 1;
} else {
%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> = %.ResultSet{$valId}<count> + 1;
my #prCol = (%.ValidationRules{$valId}<Arguments><column>, #.printColumns);
if (%.ResultSet{$valId}<count> <= 10) {
%.ResultSet{$valId}.push: (sample => join('|', #splitLine[#prCol[*;*]].map: { if ($_.Bool == False ) { $_ = ''} else {$_ = $_;} }));
%.ResultSet{$valId}<ColumnList> = #prCol[*;*];
say "Line validation completed in {now - $start } time for $.lineCount lines";
The code was working fine earlier but when run using larger files, it just arbitrarily throws the error Segmentation fault and exists. I cannot determine where it is failing either.

awk - restricting area in file, printing

I have a large input which part looks like:
Input-Output in F Format
No. Curve Input Param. Correction Output Param. Standard Deviation
9 0 43.8999000000 -0.2148692026 43.6850307974 0.1066086900
10 0 0.0883000000 -0.0081173828 0.0801826172 0.0006755954
11 0 2.5816650000 0.1530838229 2.7347488229 0.0114687081
15 0 0.2175000000 0.0018561462 0.2193561462 0.0017699976
16 0 80.4198910000 3.4449399961 83.8648309961 0.1158732928
20 0 1.9424000000 0.3078499311 2.2502499311 0.0047924544
23 0 3.5047300000 0.4315780848 3.9363080848 0.0052905759
24 0 5.5942300000 1.8976306735 7.4918606735 0.0092102115
26 0 54804.4046000000 -0.0029799077 54804.4016200923 0.0006133608
Input-Output in D Format
No. Curve Input Param. Correction Output Param. Standard Deviation
9 0 0.4389990000D+02 -0.2148692026D+00 0.4368503080D+02 0.1066086900D+00
10 0 0.8830000000D-01 -0.8117382819D-02 0.8018261718D-01 0.6755954153D-03
11 0 0.2581665000D+01 0.1530838229D+00 0.2734748823D+01 0.1146870812D-01
15 0 0.2175000000D+00 0.1856146162D-02 0.2193561462D+00 0.1769997586D-02
16 0 0.8041989100D+02 0.3444939996D+01 0.8386483100D+02 0.1158732928D+00
20 0 0.1942400000D+01 0.3078499311D+00 0.2250249931D+01 0.4792454358D-02
23 0 0.3504730000D+01 0.4315780848D+00 0.3936308085D+01 0.5290575930D-02
24 0 0.5594230000D+01 0.1897630674D+01 0.7491860674D+01 0.9210211480D-02
26 0 0.5480440460D+05 -0.2979907673D-02 0.5480440162D+05 0.6133608199D-03
I would like to print a column of numbers from the first table from column $5 and $6. I would like to applicate an arithmetic operations for numbers on rows 11, 15 and 20 and print these results instead of number in the table. I have a code:
BEGIN { CONVFMT="%0.17f" }
/D Format/ { exit }
$1 == 9 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 10 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 11 { prt(180,3.141592653589) }
$1 == 15 { prt(100,1) }
$1 == 16 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 20 { prt(10,1) }
$1 == 23 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 24 { prt(1,1) }
$1 != 26 { prt(1,1) }
function prt(mult, div) {
print trunc($5 * mult / div) ORS trunc($6 * mult / div)
function trunc(n, s) {
return (s ? substr(n,1,s+6) : n)
I would like to get an output:
but I am getting these number twice and I haven't got good restricted area in file.
So my questions are:
1) How to print numbers from tables only one times. I mean this 16 numbers:
$1 == 9 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 10 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 11 { prt(180,3.141592653589) }
$1 == 15 { prt(100,1) }
$1 == 16 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 20 { prt(10,1) }
$1 == 23 { prt(1,1) }
$1 == 24 { prt(1,1) }
2) How to restict an area that the program should works with table between strings /F Format/ to /D Format/?
Thank you very much.
Eddited code
BEGIN { CONVFMT="%0.17f" }
/D Format/ { exit }
$1 == 9 { prt(1,1); next }
$1 == 10 { prt(1,1); next }
$1 == 11 { prt(180,3.141592653589); next }
$1 == 15 { prt(100,1); next }
$1 == 16 { prt(1,1); next }
$1 == 20 { prt(10,1); next }
$1 == 23 { prt(1,1); next }
$1 == 24 { prt(1,1); next }
$1 != 26 && $1 + 0 > 0 { prt(1,1); next }
function prt(mult, div) {
print trunc($5 * mult / div) ORS trunc($6 * mult / div)
function trunc(n, s) {
return (s ? substr(n,1,s+6) : n)
The problem of duplicate outputs is due to a single line matching both its own number and the $1 != 26 condition in the end. A simple solution is to add ; next after each prt(…) call.
The problem with zero outputs is likewise due to the $1 != 26 matching too much. You could, for example, add additional conditions to this line (such as $1 != 26 && $1 + 0 > 0).
These changes should produce the desired output. Other than that, the script has a lot of redundancy that could be optimised (e.g., all the { prt(1,1); next } lines could be merged into one with a more complex condition), but that may not be worthwhile for a one-off script.
edit: For example, this could be a complete set of pattern lines for this example:
/D Format/ { exit }
!($1 ~ /^[1-9]/) { next }
$1 == 26 { next }
$1 == 11 { prt(180,3.141592653589); next }
{ prt(1,1) }