SQL Update IDs for columns in the same table - sql

I'm sure this is answered elsewhere, however I'm not sure how to search for this specific question.
Let's say I have 2 tables:
InputDataNames with columns [Prospect_Name], [Product_Name], [Market_Name]
Entity with columns [EntityId], [Name], [EntityTypeId], where [Name] is used in the InputDataNames table.
Now suppose I want to create a table equal to InputDataNames, but instead of Names, fill in with IDs from the Entity table:
InputDataIDs with columns [Prospect_ID], [Product_ID], [Market_ID]
Using the InputDataNames table to populate the appropriate combination of IDs, how can I join with the Entity table to get the desired effect?
Note: I know this is sloppy, just doing a little database cleanup.

You can join to the entity table three times. Assuming the EntityTypeId column determines whether or not the entity is a prospect, product, or market, then you should include that column in the join. If they are numbered 1,2,3:
pros.entityid, prod.entityid, mkt.entityid
inputdatanames id
inner join
entity pros on id.prospect_name = pros.name and pros.entitytypeid = 1
inner join
entity prod on id.product_name = prod.name and prod.entitytypeid = 2
inner join
entity mkt on id.market_name = mkt.name and mkt.entitytypeid = 3

insert InputDataIDs
(Prospect_ID, Product_ID, Market_ID)
select Prospect.EntityID
, Product.EntityID
, Market.EntityID
from InputDataNames
left join
Entity Prospect
on Prospect.EntityTypeId = 1 -- Type of prospect
and Prospect.Name = InputDataNames.Prospect_Name
left join
Entity Product
on Product.EntityTypeId = 2 -- Type of product
and Product.Name = InputDataNames.Product_Name
left join
Entity Market
on Market.EntityTypeId = 3 -- Type of market
and Market.Name = InputDataNames.Market_Name


How to work in case in join condition

How to find city when ContactID is provided and condition is if ContactID is coming as 123 then it will look whether it is P or C, If P then it will go to Person table and returns City(USA) as output and If C then it will go to Company table and gives City(AUS) as output.
NB: all tables contain thousands of record and City value comes from run time.
Unless you're dynamically generating the query (i.e. using some language other than SQL to execute it) then you need to join on both tables anyway. If you're joining on both tables then there's no need for a CASE statement:
select *
from contacts co
left outer join person p
on co.contactid = p.contactid
and co.person_company = 'P'
left outer join company c
on co.contactid = c.contactid
and co.person_company = 'C'
You'll start noting an issue here, for every column from PERSON and COMPANY you're going to have to add some business logic to work out which table you want the information from. This can get very tiresome
select co.contactid
, case when p.id is not null then p.name else c.name end as name
from contacts co
left outer join person p
on co.contactid = p.contactid
and co.person_company = 'P'
left outer join company c
on co.contactid = c.contactid
and co.person_company = 'C'
Your PERSON and COMPANY tables seem to have exactly the same information in them. If this is true in your actual data model then there's no need to split them up. You make the determination as to whether each entity is a person or a company in your CONTACTS table.
Creating additional tables to store data in this manner is only really helpful if you need to store additional data. Even then, I'd still put the data that means the same thing for a person or a companny (i.e. name or address) in a single table.
If there's a 1-2-1 relationship between CONTACTID and PID and CONTACTID and CID, which is what your sample data implies, then you have a number of additional IDs, which have no value.
Lastly, if you're not restricting that only companies can go in the COMPANY table and individuals in the PERSON table. You need the PERSON_COMPANY column to exist in both PERSON and COMPANY, though as a fixed string. It would be more normal to set up this data model as something like the following:
create table contacts (
id integer not null
, contact_type char(1) not null
, name varchar2(4000) not null
, city varchar2(3)
, constraint pk_contacts primary key (id)
, constraints uk_contacts unique (id, contact_type)
create table people (
id integer not null
, contact_type char(1) not null
, some_extra_info varchar2(4000)
, constraint pk_people primary key (id)
, constraint fk_people_contacts
foreign key (id, contact_type)
references contacts (id, contact_type)
, constraint chk_people_type check (contact_type = 'P')
you can LEFT JOIN all 3 tables and the using a CASE statement select the one that you need based on the P or C value
CASE c.[Person/Company]
WHEN 'C' THEN a.Name
FROM Contact c
LEFT JOIN Person p on p.ContactId = c.ContactId
LEFT JOIN Company a on a.ContachId = c.ContactId
Ben's answer is almost right. You might want to check that the first join has no match before doing the second one:
select c.*, coalesce(p.name, c.name) as p.name
from contacts c left outer join
person p
on c.contactid = p.contactid and
c.person_company = 'P' left join
company co
on c.contactid = co.contactid and
c.person_company = 'C' and
p.contactid is null;
This may not be important in your case. But in the event that the second join matches multiple rows and the first matches a single row, you might not want the additional rows in the output.

How do I do an SQL query based on a foreign key field?

I have the following tables:
id, name
id, people_id, name
I have tried the following:
SELECT * FROM people
LEFT JOIN parent ON people.id = parent.people_id
WHERE parent.name != 'Carol';
How do I find all the people whose parent's name is not Carol?
You can try below code
select people.name from people
inner join parent on people.id=parent.people_id
where parent.name not in ('Carol')
If the two tables are to be queried by using Foreign Key.
If you want to get all records from one table that have some related entry in a second table then use Inner join
Select * from People INNER JOIN parent ON people.id = parent.people_id
WHERE parent.name <> 'Carol'
Similarly LEFT JOIN will get all records from the LEFT linked table but if you have selected some columns from the RIGHT table, if there is no related records, these columns will contain NULL
First of all, why would you need two tables? why can't you have a single table named "Person" with ID,Name,ParentID columns
Where ParentID will be optional and reference the ID if it has got parent.
And run the following query
select * from PERSON where Name not like 'Carol%' and ParentID IS NOT NULL;
SELECT * FROM people WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM parent WHERE people_id = id AND name <> 'Carol')
First of all the table structure you have taken restrict the future growth. Like in future if you want to add parents of your parents then it wont work in this table structure.
You can do like :
id | parent_id | people_name
Here you can make parent_id null for the parent and add parent_id as id for those who have parent. Here to retrieve you have to use SELF join(join in the same table)
Select * from people P
INNER JOIN parent PA ON PA.people_id = P._id
where PA.name not in ('Carol')
Difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN
1) INNER JOIN bring only similar data between two table
for ex if in people table parent_id table is nullable then it will not discard the complete row,but in case of LEFT OUTER JOIN it will bring all the rows from LEFT table as well as related table from right table.with all null in right joined row..

Two group by tables stich another table

I have 3 tables I need to put together.
The first table is my main transaction table where I need to get distinct transaction id numbers and company id. It has all the important keys. The transaction ids are not unique.
The second table has item info which is linked to transaction id numbers which are not unique and I need to pull items.
The third table has company info which has company id.
Now I've sold some of these with the first one through a group by id. The second through a subquery which creates unique ids and joins onto the first one.
The issue I'm having is the third one by company. I cannot seem to create a query that works in the above combinations. Any ideas?
As suggested here is my code. It works but that's because for the company I used count which doesn't give the correct number. How else can I get the company number to come out correct?
sum(f.TotalOne) as TotalOne,
count(f.DimCurrentcompanyID) company
FROM dbo.ReportOne F with (nolock)
INNER JOIN dbo.DSaleItem csi with (nolock)
on f.DSaleItemID = csi.DSaleItemID
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCurrentcompany cv
ON f.DimCurrentcompanyID = cv.DimCurrentcompanyID
INNER JOIN dbo.DimDate dat
on f.DimDateID = dat.DimDateID
where (
dat.date >='2013-01-29 00:00:00.000'
and dat.date <= '2013-01-30 00:00:00.000'
) as dep
vend.Name vendname
FROM dbo.DimCurrentcompany vend
) As company
on dep.company = company.DimCurrentcompanyID
FROM dbo.dimitem AS C
) AS c1
JOIN dbo.dimitem AS c2 ON c1.ItemIDAPK = c2.ItemIDAPK
) as appd
ON dep.ItemIDAPK = appd.ItemIDAPK
For further information my output is the following example, I know the code executes and the companyid is incorrect as I just put it with a (count) in their to make the above code execute:
Current Results:
Item Number TLS CompanyID Company Name Item Number Item Name
111111 300 303 Johnson Corp 29323 Soap
Proposed Results:
Item Number TLS CompanyID Company Name Item Number Item Name
111111 300 29 Johnson Corp 29323 Soap

Update multiple row values to same row and different columns

I was trying to update table columns from another table.
In person table, there can be multiple contact persons with same inst_id.
I have a firm table, which will have latest 2 contact details from person table.
I am expecting the firm tables as below:
If there is only one contact person, update person1 and email1. If there are 2, update both. If there is 3, discard the 3rd one.
Can someone help me on this?
This should work:
;with cte (rn, id, inst_id, person_name, email) as (
select row_number() over (partition by inst_id order by id) rn, *
from person
update f
person1 = cte1.person_name,
email1 = cte1.email,
person2 = cte2.person_name,
email2 = cte2.email
from firm f
left join cte cte1 on f.inst_id = cte1.inst_id and cte1.rn = 1
left join cte cte2 on f.inst_id = cte2.inst_id and cte2.rn = 2
The common table expression (cte) used as a source for the update numbers rows in the person table, partitioned by inst_id, and then the update joins the cte twice (for top 1 and top 2).
Sample SQL Fiddle
I think you don't have to bother yourself with this update, if you rethink your database structure. One great advantage of relational databases is, that you don't need to store the same data several times in several tables, but have one single table for one kind of data (like the person's table in your case) and then reference it (by relationships or foreign keys for example).
So what does this mean for your example? I suggest, to create a institution's table where you insert two attributes like contactperson1 and contactperson2: but dont't insert all the contact details (like email and name), just the primary key of the person and make it a foreign key.
So you got a table 'Person', that should look something like this:
1 100 abc abc#inst.com
2 101 efg efg#xym.com
3 101 ijk ijk#fg.com
4 101 rtw rtw#rtw.com
And a table "Institution" like:
100 1 NULL
101 2 3
If you now want to change the email adress, just update the person's table. You don't need to update the firm's table.
And how do you get your desired "table" with the two contact persons' details? Just make a query:
SELECT i.id, p1.name, p1.email, p2.name, p2.email
FROM institution i LEFT OUTER JOIN person p1 ON (i.contactperson1 = p1.id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN person p2 ON (i.contactperson2 = p2.id)
If you need this query often and access it like a "table" just store it as a view.

Selecting from table with categories of people

I created a database in ms sql , in the database I have three category of persons namely staff, customers, suppliers whom I stored in different tables create serial unique id for each.
Now these persons id are stored under person_id and a column names person type which stores whether its a staff, custimer or supplier in the transaction table, The problem lies in selecting the records from the transaction table like this pseudo code
Select t.*,s.na as staff,sp.name as supplier, c.name as customer
From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This returns one row, instead of at least 3 or more, How do I solve this problem
My trans table
person_id Person_type Trans_id
1 staff 1
1 customer 2
2 customer 3
3 suppler 4
1 staff 5
Expected output
person_name Trans_id
james 1
mark 2
dan 3
jude 4
james 5
Staff, Customers, and suppliers are stored in their different tables
That's what the Join does, combine data from multiple tables into one result row. If you want to "keep the rows", not combine them, you can use UNION
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This will get you the multiple rows you want BUT still not sure you have defined it right. I see you are only taking columns from Trans, so you're not getting any data from the other tables. And you're doing left outer joins so the other tables won't affect the selection. So I think it's just that same as selecting from just Trans.
If what you want is data from Trans where there is corresponding entry in the other tables, then do the UNION, but also change the outer joins to inner.