User Control which triggers GeneXus events in iOS - objective-c

I'm developing an iOS User Control for Genexus X Ev3, is based on Maps an inherits from GXControlGridBase, the main function is to select a point in the map and return the geolocation updating Genexus attribute and launching an event showing a message with the coordinates stored in the attribute.
Searching I found this:
1- in control definition, .control file defines an event
2- in Genexus code
Event Control.EventName
3- To trigger from Objective-C
[self fireControlEvent:#"EventName" userInterfaceContext:nil withEntityData:nil];
Steps 1&2 are ready (and they work, there is a UC version for Android).
In case of Objective-C ¿where I can put that line? ¿how update the genexus attribute value?
Thanks in advance.

To select a point in a map, you can use the SD Geolocation user control that is built-in in GeneXus.
If you, however, want to make your own user control, you'll probably want to make it a subclass of GXControlEditableWithLabelBase or GXControlEditableWithLabelSingleEditorViewBase. That is, given that you want it to have an associated attribute. You say you are using a GXControlGridBase subclass, that is for lists of values, not just an attribute.
As for the last part of your question, if you need to update the attribute's value, there is no need to trigger an event. You can call this method from the control's implementation:
[self updateEntityDataResolvedFieldWithValue:fieldValue];
The method -updateEntityDataResolvedFieldWithValue: is defined in the GXControlEditableWithLabelBase base class.


How to use a custom icon in a dolphin smalltalk treeview?

In a Dolphin smalltalk treeview I'd like to use a custom icon, depending on the state of the item displayed, (differente state, different icon)
How can I do that ?
I cannot really understand how to use a "my" icon.
I've create a class "connection", with an instance variable "connected"
and two class methods "connectedIcon and unconnectedIcon that returns icon images.
Then an instance function "icon" that returns one or the other image based on the connection state.
I can add instances of this class to a tree view and see the name of the connections.
But how to show my Icons ?
I tried to sustitute the getImageBlock of my presenter view with the following expression [:obj | obj icon] but it doesn't work.
(nothing seems to happen).
this is made in my presenter initialize :
super initialize.
treePresenter view getImageBlock: [:obj | obj icon]
what's wrong with it ?
best regards
When you are editing a TreeView, one of the properties is getImageBlock. By default it is not really a block but another object that understands the message #'value:' (the class IconicListAbstract). You can replace this property with a code block (or other object that understands #'value:') and answer the image you want displayed.
In Microsoft Windows, icons are typically stored in a DLL. You should be able to use an icon explorer or editing tool to see the icons in a dll. For example, get IconExplorer from and try opening DolphinDR7.dll. Do the icons and numbers match what you see when you return a number in your application?
To determine (or override) the resource library used, see SessionManager>>#'defaultResLibPath'.
Typically, the getImageBlock is set using the property editor in the GUI editor, but setting it through code can work as well.
Wonderful Dolphin Smalltalk!
I had two problems
1) how and where to modify the getImageBlock method of my Treepresenter.
2) where to put the icons ad how to get the imageindex of each icon.
This is the solution :
1) it's not needed.
The treeview sends an #iconImageIndex" message to my model
this is handled by the default method (in the Object class) that send to my object the message #icon
and to the result of this message (an icon) the message #iconIndex.
This message is understood from the icon that answers with its own iconIndex.
So the only method I need to impement is #icon in my class Connection
that I implemented as follows:
opened ifTrue: [^Connection connectedIcon] ifFalse: [^Connection unconnectedIcon]
In the class itself the two icons are imported in the image by evaluating the createIconMethod,
as explained in the blog article 'Beauty with less Beast'.
So my problems are solved.
Thanks to all.

Xcode 7+ Is there a way to Preserve App State after Recompiling

My application has deep navigational chains of 8+ screens deep (Wizard-style). When i'm editing a View Controller, and i want to make a quick visual change and re-test, As a tester, I have to go through the full flow to end up where I was before recompiling, in the same Data state. Is there a way that Xcode can somehow preserve the application state, and re-run the same view controller?
If there was an automated way to detect the last launched screen, and re-display it after the recompile, that would save a lot of developers a lot of time.
I realize something like this can be built custom. Something like:
IF A Certain Debug Flag is ON:
- Retrieve from NSUserDefaults the Class Name of the last controller used, and redisplay it.
The problem with this is: Data State and Navigation State will not be preserved. Also, all other object state which invokes and depends on your controller will not be included. That's why I need a more universal solution.
IF A Certain Debug Flag is ON: - Retrieve from NSUserDefaults the Class Name of the last controller used, and redisplay it.
The problem with this is: Data State and Navigation State will not be preserved.
But this is exactly the problem that the built-in state saving and restoration mechanism is intended to solve, is it not?
I recommend you use a User Interface target and then create an XCTestCase that works on your view controller and exercise it. Use the new record button in Xcode 7 to get you started with the test case. Familiarize yourself with some of the new queries it uses for some of the dynamic information you may be creating.
Another option would be to inject your test case's UI state into the application delegate in the setup function of an XCTestCase. Then it will need custom logic to navigate to the correct view controller. Then your test case could focus on just that ViewController once the Application delegate has navigated to it.
Of course you can use the debugger and breakpoints in the Test Case and your View Controller while UI Testing. By "scripting" this you do significantly less manual clicking on a device to test a ViewCOntroller
Also you've now got a Test! Hopefully worth something to you down the road when you change something

Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint

Im new to unreal
I have a problem with the communication from Hud_Blueprint to Level_Blueprint.
I want to have a slider in the Hud which controls the rotation of a cube in the level.
In the Hud_Blueprint i have the slider I made in a Widget_Blueprint.
Works perfect, printline values from 0 to 1.
I tried to use a Interface_Blueprint, like in the following link without success.
my Blueprints: (404 response)
Seems like i have no connection between the Blueprints.
The function works just in the Hud_Blueprint.
Well, your problem is maybe solved, but someone can find it helpful:
First, create new WidgetBlueprint and name it "Slider".
In Slider editor create Event Dispatcher called "ValueChanged" with float input. In designer, add slider and add it's OnValueChanged. From that node you must call ValueChanged with obtained Value as parameter.
In level blueprint, on EventBeginPlay create SliderWidget and Add (return value) To Viewport. You must promote Slider to variable to use it in next step - Assign ValueChanged with new event which will cover up rotation login in it's execution. See image at Dropbox
If you select your cube in the level outliner and drag that into your HUD_BP you can obtain a reference to the object that way. You can then drag a pin off the object reference and call SetActorRotation

Methods best practice - VB.NET

I have a program that is getting pretty big and it is a pain to find everything through all the functions and classes.
I am trying to break it up into other files based on their method.
Some of these functions have calls to others in the main class. I changed most my functions from private to public to access this. I had problems calling certain code created windows so importing mainwindow helped that.
My last problem is editing the mainwindow ui from one of the module files. I want to make sure im on the right page before i continue breaking it up. My only guess is that anything they updates the ui should be left on the main class.
The only code in your form class should be code that talks to other classes and updates the UI based on data from other classes.
Depending on your application, the form class might handle change events from other classes to update the UI or pass user input to other classes in Change or Click events.
A couple options:
Use callbacks into the your main window.
Create events for when you need the form updated. Your program logic raises the events, and your main window class can consume them.

what is EKEvent on iPhone?

I want to ask a question about the iPhone application.
I read the document published by Apple
However, I have not idea of the EKEvent, can anyone explain more to me? Thank you very much.
The EKEvent and eventWithEventStore is used to add/modify events in your calendar app. Use its properties to get/set event's title and descriptions.
An EKEvent object represents an event added to a calendar in Event Kit.
Use the eventWithEventStore: method to create a new event. Use the properties in the class to get and modify certain information about an event.
You can add and remove alarms from an event with the addAlarm: and removeAlarm: methods.
Maybe you can tell me what you would like to do?