Where is the Persistence tool window in Intellij IDEA 15? - intellij-idea

I want to generate model Class from mysql database, but I cannot find the persistence tool window which is easily searched in IDEA 14.

If you haven't included JavaEE Persistance when you created your project as #Freek de Bruijn suggested, you can go into:
File - > Project Structure - > Modules -> + -> "JPA"
That will enable persistence under Tool windows as well if, like me, you checked out your project from version control. Took me quite a bit of time to find that setting actually.

The persistence support is available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (and not in the Community Edition, I think). When you create a new project in for example IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3 EAP (build 143.1453.5), the New Project dialog opens:
There you can for example select "Java Enterprise" in the left panel and "JavaEE Persistence (2.0)" in the "Additional Libraries and Frameworks" list. Now the Persistence panel can be opened via the View | Tool Windows | Persistence menu. The Persistence panel is visible here in the bottom left part:

Echoing what #0x6C38 said here.
File-> Project Structure -> Modules -> + then type in JPA.
Then you will have it in the Tool Windows.

If the persistence tool window is not visible then maybe it will help to add the Framework Support with this:
In the project window. Right click at the name then 'Add Framework Support...'
Enable here the JPA support.


Old project don't show current windows in Intellij IDEA

When i open "test" project then "Loop" project gone from window. But I want see my all project in one windows.
From the docs:
The first thing you'll notice when launching IntelliJ IDEA is that it has no workspace concept. This means that you can work with only one project at a time.
It may well be the case that you don't need to switch projects in IntelliJ, since you could create an IntelliJ project which contains multiple modules. However, if you are dealing with distinct projects here then it is possible to switch between currently open projects in IntelliJ using keystrokes or a menu. From the docs:
To switch between the currently opened projects, do one of the following
On the main menu, choose Window | Next Project Window/Previous Project Window.
Press ⌘ or ⇧⌘.
On the main menu, point to Window, and then select the name of the desired project.
For what I know, you can't get multiple projects into one window with JetStorm IDEs.
You can make them in multiple windows with different projects. Or, you can just make a project and add the projects in it.
IntelliJ can indeed only open one project at a time - but you can easily open (and alt-tab) between projects.
If you have 2 projects that are dependent or closely related, you can look at a form of project modularisation.
A popular framework is maven, based on the project object model (pom.xml) specification.
When you have a multi-module maven project in intellij, you can view all modules in the project view (tree based configuration).

Intellij Idea Missing Diagram Context Menu [duplicate]

According to this page I can get UML model using "CTRL+ALT+U" shortcut.
But I cannot make it work in my instance of IDEA, Community Edition version 13.1.3
Possible steps:
1) Right click on a package from the project panel
2) Near the bottom of the popup, select "Diagrams" then "Show Diagram"
3) Hopefully you will see a class model of the package.
Diagrams are not available in the Community Edition.
Community vs Ultimate editions comparison.

Unable to find the persistence window in Intellij 14.1.4

I've been going through all the documents from JetBrains, but couldn't find the Persistence Window for my project so that I could auto generate the Pojo classes for the database tables without manually creating them.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can find any window using the Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut and typing in Persistence. This also tells you if there's any bindings to quickly open that window. Having done this, it doesn't have a keyboard shortcut.
From the menu you can access it by View → Tool Windows → Persistence
As #Bohuslav said in the comments, you need to add a JPA facet to the project for the window to be actionable.
Got it working, by enabling the persistence configuration. Went to persistence.xml which would be ideally located under the META-INF, and it would automatically ask you, whether to enable the persistence.
There after from View > Tool Windows, you could find Persistence Window.

CodeLens style in-context information in IntelliJ IDEA

For a while now, newer versions of Visual Studio have been able to display in-line information for methods, fields etc relating to how many times they may have been referenced or changed and who changed the code last. This feature is known as CodeLens.
Is there any plugin or feature in IntelliJ IDEA similar to this that would be able to display information on an individual class/field/method basis?
(22-Aug-2022 updated) The hints from git blame are also available in the latest IntelliJ IDEA.
(For CodeLens function references feature) Now it's a built-in feature after version IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.
You can enable it from:
Ref: https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2020/03/intellij-idea-2020-1-beta2/
There is no such plugin (yet).
You can of course right click the left gutter (gray editor to the left of the editor) and select "Annotate". That gives you at least the last edit per line.
More similar to your desired feature (but unfortunately not inline):
Select some text (e.g. a method), then right-click Git -> Show History for Selection.
Now there is JetBrains plugin named GitToolBox.
It has some similar functionality, including the current line "blame annotation" at the end of the line with detailed commit information:
This feature is available for Rider, but not for IntelliJ yet.
In Rider it's called Code Vision
You can vote for this feature request in IntelliJ IDEA here

How to Hide Eclipse editor while doing back ground processing

How to Hide Eclipse editor while doing back ground processing, means
How to do some working pro-grammatically on Eclipse editor without showing it to end-user.
I am working on UML diagram. Activity Diagram gets jumbled on editor when making pro-grammatically, Then I call 'Arrange Selection' action to arrange Activity, it works properly. Now I need to save the images of all UML diagrams on the fly but running as a background processing; editor should not be opened to the user but 'Arrange Selection' code requires editor to be opened & diagram elements should be selected e.g.
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.actions.internal.ArrangeAction.createArrangeSelectionAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage)
How can I achieve this.
Please tell if this is possible??
Thanks in advance
You can run background jobs in the Eclipse IDE.
In Eclipse Help, see the Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Programmer's Guide > Runtime overview > Concurrency infrastructure for an explanation and examples on how to create Eclipse background jobs.