Unable to find the persistence window in Intellij 14.1.4 - intellij-idea

I've been going through all the documents from JetBrains, but couldn't find the Persistence Window for my project so that I could auto generate the Pojo classes for the database tables without manually creating them.
Any help would be appreciated.

You can find any window using the Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut and typing in Persistence. This also tells you if there's any bindings to quickly open that window. Having done this, it doesn't have a keyboard shortcut.
From the menu you can access it by View → Tool Windows → Persistence
As #Bohuslav said in the comments, you need to add a JPA facet to the project for the window to be actionable.

Got it working, by enabling the persistence configuration. Went to persistence.xml which would be ideally located under the META-INF, and it would automatically ask you, whether to enable the persistence.
There after from View > Tool Windows, you could find Persistence Window.


Change default tool window behaviour in IntelliJ IDEA 2016

Every time I open a new project in IntelliJ IDEA, the first time I open a particular tool window, for example 'Maven Projects', it appears in 'pinned' mode and remains visible until either I close it, or I go to the view settings for the window (the little cog) and deselect "Pinned Mode". I don't want any of my tool windows to be pinned so this gets a little annoying.
Do you know of a way to change the default behaviour of new project / tool windows?
As far as IJ 2016.2 I don't know about a dedicated setting for this. However I used an approach which allows you to define a default layout for all projects. Although the window-pinning works, which is what this question is about, some may not be persisted, such as Group Modules setting in the maven tool-window.
Nonetheless, to configure the pinning, you need to do 2 simple things, which you can also see in the GIF below:
1) Manually go and unpin all desired windows
2) Open the Windows menu and select Store current layout as default
P.S. If you'll be using tool-windows that you've never opened before, or install new plugins which add their own tool-windows, just follow these steps again.

Where is the Persistence tool window in Intellij IDEA 15?

I want to generate model Class from mysql database, but I cannot find the persistence tool window which is easily searched in IDEA 14.
If you haven't included JavaEE Persistance when you created your project as #Freek de Bruijn suggested, you can go into:
File - > Project Structure - > Modules -> + -> "JPA"
That will enable persistence under Tool windows as well if, like me, you checked out your project from version control. Took me quite a bit of time to find that setting actually.
The persistence support is available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (and not in the Community Edition, I think). When you create a new project in for example IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3 EAP (build 143.1453.5), the New Project dialog opens:
There you can for example select "Java Enterprise" in the left panel and "JavaEE Persistence (2.0)" in the "Additional Libraries and Frameworks" list. Now the Persistence panel can be opened via the View | Tool Windows | Persistence menu. The Persistence panel is visible here in the bottom left part:
Echoing what #0x6C38 said here.
File-> Project Structure -> Modules -> + then type in JPA.
Then you will have it in the Tool Windows.
If the persistence tool window is not visible then maybe it will help to add the Framework Support with this:
In the project window. Right click at the name then 'Add Framework Support...'
Enable here the JPA support.

MobileFirst V6.3 folder common/js/services in design perspective

I want create a folder named “services” below “common/js”. Unfortunately, Eclipse seems to get confused with this name while in MFP Design perspective. It doesn’t display the content of the folder, but instead the same services I can see in the services folder in the project root.
As soon as I rename my folder to something else, everything is fine again.
This is no big issue, but can be interesting understand if a sort of filter is applied in Design perspective.
If you will open the Navigator view, in either Java EE or Design perspectives you will see the files that you place in the common\js\services folder. You will also see the files' properties in the Design perspective's Properties view.
You will not see them if you are in the Project Explorer view, in either Java EE or Design perspectives.
It's an odd one. We'll take a look.
This is a curious little default setting in Eclipse, to make your services folder visible:
In the project explorer, select the little down arrow in the top right, in the resulting Menu select Customise View.
Select the Content tab and uncheck the Services Navigator Content option.

How to disable the auto layout of the IntelliJ IDEA UML Diagram?

I've moved from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA and I like the its responsiveness.
In Eclipse I use ObjectAid to assist in designing my application structure. IntelliJ IDEA does have a UML diagram but it got really annoying when it keeps re-adjusting my diagram layout to what it thinks is a neat structure. Everytime I add/remove a class, it will re-adjust the layout. It may look neat, but it makes little sense to me. I like to manually place my class model in the exact place I leave it. Why oh why does IntelliJ think it knows best? Can I change this behavior? I can't find any settings in the settings menu.
You can disable this behaviour in the preferences under "Tools" -> "Diagrams". There is an option "Do relayout when new elements were added" which you need to disable.
Note: IntelliJ 2016.3

Eclipse Freezes when writing '.' in a query? (BIRT Report Designer)

I'm using Eclipse for BIRT Reports. When I edit a data set and work on a query, every time I press '.' for example to access table.field, the window freezes for a good 3 minutes. I have no idea what it is doing but it is very inconvenient. Is there a way to disable this type of behavior?
Using BIRT 4.2 on Eclipse JUNO.
I suspect you could disable this behavior by disabling the auto activation of a 'Content Assist' specific to BIRT Report Designer.
I have not used that specific flavor of eclipse so would not be able to advise on specifically which Content Assist to disable. However, it might be worth going into Eclipse Preferences (Window -> Preferences) and searching for 'Content Assist'.
For example if I had to disable the content assist inside Java classes I could un-check 'Enable Auto Activation', like so :