How to select entire content in Geb? - geb

Suppose I would like to write a Module, which can catch both data from <input> tag and as raw:
<div><input type="text" value="Value2"></div>
and I write
class MaybeInput extends Module {
static content = {
hasInput {
if( $("input").length )
return true;
else {
return false;
nav {
if( hasInput ) {
// return entire content! how?
so that I can catch with
static content = {
elem {
i -> $("div", i).module(MaybeInput)
How to return entire content in MaybeInput?


Type mismatch, required node, found string

Trying to use the snippet at Kotlin site under HTML Builder tap, so I wrote the below:
val tbl = createHTML().table {
for ((num, string) in data) {
tr {
td { +"$num" }
td { +string }
but the IDE is underlying the tbl with error as below:
What mistake I;m doing here?
createHtml() produces a String, which cannot be passed to appendChild(). You should instead use
val tbl = document.create.table {
which produces an HTMLElement (which is a Node) or simply skip the variable.
document.getElementById("container")!!.append.table {
createHTML().xxx is best used with server where you create something like:
val html = createHTML().html {
body {
form(action = "/login", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded, method = {
p {
textInput(name = "user") {
value = principal?.name ?: ""
p {
passwordInput(name = "pass")
p {
submitInput() { value = "Login" }
Then send it to the browser using:
call.respondText(html, ContentType.Text.Html)

Update web api record with knockout.js

I have this method in controller:
// PUT: api/Books/5
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutBook(int id, Book book)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
if (id != book.Id)
return BadRequest();
db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (!BookExists(id))
return NotFound();
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
I have this method in Knockout.js
self.PutBook = function (item, book) {
ajaxHelper(booksUri + item.Id, 'PUT').done(function (item) {
self.books.put(item, book);
I want to update record with values that are entered in frontend input fields. What is missing in knockout.js? I'm not able to solve it.
From the javscript above, you should have used different variable name inside done because your action controller doesn't return item and you want to get the item object.
self.PutBook = function (item, book) {
ajaxHelper(booksUri + item.Id, 'PUT').done(function (result) {
self.books.put(item, book);

Moving from hard-coded to SOLID principles in PHP

I am actually reading theory about clean code and SOLID principles. I know understand well that we should program to an interface and not to an implementation.
So, I actually try to apply those principles to a little part of my code. I would like to have your advice or point of view so I can know if I am going in the good direction. I'll show you my previous code and my actual so you can visualize the evolution.
To start, i had a method in my controller to check some requirements for every step of an order process (4 steps that the user have to follow in the right order => 1 then 2 then 3 and then 4)
This is my old code :
private function isAuthorizedStep($stepNumber)
$isStepAccessAuthorized = TRUE;
switch($stepNumber) {
case self::ORDER_STEP_TWO: // ORDER_STEP_TWO = 2
if (!($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] >= ORDER_STEP_ONE)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
case self::ORDER_STEP_THREE:
if (!($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] >= ORDER_STEP_TWO)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
return $isStepAccessAuthorized;
public function orderStepTwo()
if ($this->isAuthorizedStep(self::ORDER_STEP_TWO) {
... // do some stuff
// after all the verifications:
$_SESSION['actualOrderStep'] = ORDER_STEP_TWO
Trying to fit to SOLID principles, I splited my code following this logic:
Extracting hard-coded logic from controllers to put it in classes (reusability)
Using Dependency Injection and abstraction
interface RuleInterface {
public function matches($int);
class StepAccessControl
protected $rules;
public function __construct(array $rules)
foreach($rules as $key => $rule) {
$this->addRule($key, $rule);
public isAccessGranted($actualOrderStep)
$isAccessGranted = TRUE;
foreach($this->rules as $rule) {
if (!$rule->matches($actualOrderStep) {
$isAccessGranted = FALSE;
return $isAccessGranted;
public function addRule($key, RuleInterface $rule)
$this->rules[$key] = $rule;
class OrderStepTwoRule implements RuleInterface
public function matches($actualStep)
$matches = TRUE;
if (!($actualStep >= 1)) {
$isStepAccessAuthorized = FALSE;
return $matches;
class StepAccessControlFactory
public function build($stepNumber)
if ($stepNumber == 1) {
} elseif ($stepNumber == 2) {
$orderStepTwoRule = new OrderStepTwoRule();
return new StepAcessControl($orderStepTwoRule);
and then in the controller :
public function stepTwoAction()
$stepAccessControlFactory = new StepAccessControlFactory();
$stepTwoAccessControl = $stepAccessControlFactory(2);
if (!$stepTwoAccessControl->isAccesGranted($_SESSION['actualOrderStep'])) {
return FALSE;
I would like to know if I get the spirit and if I am on the good way :)

composing html file in aurelia

I'd like to achieve something similar as "include" in android but in aurelia:
How to inject a plain html file content into my view, with binding evaluated within the parent View, and without using a custom element?
Binding innerhtml is not enough as, according to the doc, the bindings expressions are bypassed.
As already said by Ashley, using <compose view="./your-view.html"></compose> element will work with an existing HTML file and it will inherit the parent context.
If you want to compose HTML dynamically (from a file, database, or built-up programmatically) then using the ViewCompiler will give you the best performance and flexibility, as this is one layer less than compose compared to how aurelia builds custom elements internally.
I gave a similar answer to a different (but related) question here:
Aurelia dynamic binding
You'd use the text plugin to load your HTML file as text into a variable, and then pass that to the ViewCompiler. I have a custom element for this which, in terms of performance, is probably not better than compose but it does allow for more control when working with raw html as input and you could do your own performance optimizations specific to your situation as needed:
import * as markup from "text!./your-element.html";
export class SomeViewModel {
constructor() {
this.markup = markup;
And the view:
<dynamic-html html.bind="markup"></dynamic-html>
For completeness sake, here is the custom element I encapsulated the ViewCompiler in:
import {
} from "aurelia-framework";
#inject(DOM.Element, TaskQueue, Container, ViewCompiler)
export class DynamicHtml {
public html: string;
public element: HTMLElement;
private tq: TaskQueue;
private container: Container;
private viewCompiler: ViewCompiler;
private runtimeView: View;
private runtimeViewSlot: ViewSlot;
private runtimeViewFactory: ViewFactory;
private runtimeViewAnchor: HTMLDivElement;
constructor(element, tq, container, viewCompiler) {
this.element = <HTMLElement>element;
this.tq = tq;
this.container = container;
this.viewCompiler = viewCompiler;
public bindingContext: any;
public overrideContext: any;
public bind(bindingContext: any, overrideContext: any): void {
this.bindingContext = bindingContext;
this.overrideContext = overrideContext;
if (this.html) {
this.htmlChanged(this.html, undefined);
public unbind(): void {
this.bindingContext = null;
this.overrideContext = null;
public needsApply: boolean = false;
public isAttached: boolean = false;
public attached(): void {
this.runtimeViewAnchor = <HTMLDivElement>this.element.firstElementChild;
this.isAttached = true;
if (this.needsApply) {
this.needsApply = false;
public detached(): void {
this.isAttached = false;
this.runtimeViewAnchor = null;
private htmlChanged(newValue: string, oldValue: void): void {
if (newValue) {
if (this.isAttached) {
this.tq.queueMicroTask(() => {
} else {
this.needsApply = true;
} else {
if (this.isApplied) {
private isApplied: boolean = false;
private apply(): void {
if (this.isApplied) {
private disposeView(): void {
if (this.runtimeViewSlot) {
this.runtimeViewSlot = null;
if (this.runtimeViewFactory) {
this.runtimeViewFactory = null;
if (this.runtimeView) {
this.runtimeView = null;
this.isApplied = false;
private compileView(): void {
this.runtimeViewFactory = createViewFactory(this.viewCompiler, this.container, this.html);
this.runtimeView = createView(this.runtimeViewFactory, this.container);
this.runtimeViewSlot = createViewSlot(this.runtimeViewAnchor);
this.runtimeViewSlot.bind(this.bindingContext, this.overrideContext);
this.isApplied = true;
function createViewFactory(viewCompiler: ViewCompiler, container: Container, html: string): ViewFactory {
if (!html.startsWith("<template>")) {
html = `<template>${html}</template>`;
let viewResources: ViewResources = container.get(ViewResources);
let viewFactory = viewCompiler.compile(html, viewResources);
return viewFactory;
function createView(viewFactory: ViewFactory, container: Container): View {
let childContainer = container.createChild();
let view = viewFactory.create(childContainer);
return view;
function createViewSlot(containerElement: Element): ViewSlot {
let viewSlot = new ViewSlot(containerElement, true);
return viewSlot;

Aurelia dynamic binding

I've created a custom element that generates tabular data. For good reasons, this generates the actual HTML and inserts into the DOM without using a template.
I need to attach click observers to specific elements to I can run a function in the custom element in response to a click. If using a template, I'd use click.delegate, but I can't use that with generated HTML.
How do you attach an event handler with Aurelia other than by using jQuery?
I know this answer is late, but in case this hasn't been (properly) solved yet and/or someone else finds this in the future:
In order to make any aurelia behavior work in dynamically generated HTML, you need to compile that HTML.
I have worked on a custom element (based on how aurelia's enhance and compose work) that allows you to pass in a string of HTML and it will then be compiled, so that any behaviors like bindables, custom elements / attributes will just work. It will also re-compile when the html changes.
Here's an example:
<dynamic-html html.bind="dynamicHtml"></dynamic-html>
export class App {
public dynamicHtml: string = `
<button click.delegate="handleClick()">Click me</button>
public handleClick(): void {
import {
} from "aurelia-framework";
#inject(DOM.Element, TaskQueue, Container, ViewCompiler)
export class DynamicHtml {
public html: string;
public element: HTMLElement;
private tq: TaskQueue;
private container: Container;
private viewCompiler: ViewCompile;
private runtimeView: View;
private runtimeViewSlot: ViewSlot;
private runtimeViewFactory: ViewFactory;
private runtimeViewAnchor: HTMLDivElement;
constructor(element, tq, container, viewCompiler) {
this.element = <HTMLElement>element;
this.tq = tq;
this.container = container;
this.viewCompiler = viewCompiler;
public bindingContext: any;
public overrideContext: any;
public bind(bindingContext: any, overrideContext: any): void {
this.bindingContext = bindingContext;
this.overrideContext = overrideContext;
if (this.html) {
this.htmlChanged(this.html, undefined);
public unbind(): void {
this.bindingContext = null;
this.overrideContext = null;
public needsApply: boolean = false;
public isAttached: boolean = false;
public attached(): void {
this.runtimeViewAnchor = this.element.firstElementChild;
this.isAttached = true;
if (this.needsApply) {
this.needsApply = false;
public detached(): void {
this.isAttached = false;
this.runtimeViewAnchor = null;
private htmlChanged(newValue: string, oldValue: void): void {
if (newValue) {
if (this.isAttached) {
this.tq.queueMicroTask(() => {
} else {
this.needsApply = true;
} else {
if (this.isApplied) {
private isApplied: boolean = false;
private apply(): void {
if (this.isApplied) {
private disposeView(): void {
if (this.runtimeViewSlot) {
this.runtimeViewSlot = null;
if (this.runtimeViewFactory) {
this.runtimeViewFactory = null;
if (this.runtimeView) {
this.runtimeView = null;
this.isApplied = false;
private compileView(): void {
this.runtimeViewFactory = createViewFactory(this.viewCompiler, this.container, this.html);
this.runtimeView = createView(this.runtimeViewFactory, this.container);
this.runtimeViewSlot = createViewSlot(this.runtimeViewAnchor);
this.runtimeViewSlot.bind(this.bindingContext, this.overrideContext);
this.isApplied = true;
function createViewFactory(viewCompiler: ViewCompiler, container: Container, html: string): ViewFactory {
if (!html.startsWith("<template>")) {
html = `<template>${html}</template>`;
let viewResources: ViewResources = container.get(ViewResources);
let viewFactory = viewCompiler.compile(html, viewResources);
return viewFactory;
function createView(viewFactory: ViewFactory, container: Container): View {
let childContainer = container.createChild();
let view = viewFactory.create(childContainer);
return view;
function createViewSlot(containerElement: Element): ViewSlot {
let viewSlot = new ViewSlot(containerElement, true);
return viewSlot;