How to turn-off autocompletion inside strings in RubyMine? - ide

In specs very often RubyMine is hanging when I writing the spec description string. It seems like it is searching for something. I suspect autocompletion.
Where can I configure autocompletion settings or set just how to behave inside strings? What can be the possible cause of this hanging when I write strings in spec description?
Thank you for your suggestions.

As far as I know there isn't a way to turn off autocompletion for specific circumstances, but the settings that are available are in the preferences menu > Editor > General > Code Completion.


Is there a way to make IDEs (IntelliJ, PyCharm, VS Code) have fewer popups but still have completion?

I learned to program 30 years ago with Emacs. I'm starting to learn moderns IDEs such as "IntelliJ IDEA", "PyCharm", and "VS Code".
It's hard to adjust to how visually "busy" they are, with constant pop-up menus appearing every character I type.
Of course I want to be able to get suggestions for completion or parameter hints or other popups when necessary. I just don't want them to appear by default.
Some people are asking why popups are annoying. The main problem is that popups cover code above or below where I'm typing.
Emacs has completion. But it doesn't need a popup. For instance, dynamic completion works just fine 90% of the time, even though it's not smart enough to parse syntax or look up function and method definitions.
So I'd like to know if there are settings in JetBrains or VS Code IDE's that would help.
I'm aware of two kinds of popups.
(1) An offer to complete my typing, which appears below.
(2) Annotation of argument names and definitions, which appears above.
There may be other popups as well.
I'm aware that a popup can be dismissed with ESC. But often they just come back the moment you type another character.
What would be great is if the popup would not appear by default, but I could cause it to appear with a single keystroke. Or I could dismiss it and it would stay dismissed.
For PyCharm You can also try writing in "Disctraction Free Mode"
View -> Enter Distraction Free Mode
Which should give you a little screen of calm which will feel a lot more like emacs to you.
It's possible to adjust the behaviour via "Settings".
In IntelliJ IDEA, goto Menu File --> Settings ... , then navigate to Editor --> General --> Code Completion , or type something in the search field (upper left).
Perhaps you find more settings when you browse through Settings dialog.
To be honest, I didn't make a lot of tests with these settings, because I find the helper popups very useful.
Another option to get rid of some "noise" is to adjust settings for displaying parameter names in the code editor.
I switched this off completely.
Go to Settings --> Editor --> General --> Appearance
The new IDEs are really busy looking for libraries, checking/auto closing balanced parentheses, indenting, surrounding methods/functions/procedures/classes as you type. Sometimes I feel the same, but these IDEs are not plain text editors anymore. Every key stroke triggers something which can be time consuming. When the project gets larger and when it has lots of libraries, it can get even slower. Some IDEs have options to turn some of these options off. Every feature turned off will have some positive effect on responsiveness to some degree
But I think, instead of turning these features off, the best way to have these features on a responsive modern IDE is to use a computer with a fast cpu, an ssd drive and sufficient memory.

IDEA: How to suppress warnings for spelling typos?

One of my functions encrypts a string and one of my tests verifies that it took place. Naturally, strings like sldjf982389 are not recognized as a valid English word, so IntelliJ complains.
If there a way to suppress these warnings without adding junk to the dictionary?
You can use following #SuppressWarnings
For example idea is complaining about "contentid" that should be "contentId" according to him
public static final String ARG_CONTENT_ID = "contentid";
You can disable that in the Inspections menu. Click on the little green box at the top of source code, or navigate to File > Settings > Inspections, under the Project Settings divider. You can then untick the box shown below.
SUPPRESSION facility for ANY inpection is built in :
Pay attention to right arrows on the menus.
For Intellij IDEA 2020, the path to uncheck typos is File > Settings > Editor > Inspections > Proofreading > Typo
For what it's worth, on intelliJ v2019.2
Go to File > Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General > Errors and Warnings > Typo and uncheck Effects check box. Fin!
Project-level versus Application-level dictionaries
JetBrains is apparently steering people away from the complexity of inline-code spell-checker suppressions in favor of having the word added to the appropriate dictionary.
At first, I was also seeking the inline-code suppression, however, I can see that the dictionary philosophy is easier in the bigger picture of completing work and not becoming bogged down with inline-code suppressions and the clutter thereof e.g. for words that may commonly be used elsewhere in the project or several projects.
The option to use dictionary per-project or app-wide is available.
Find controls for per-project & app-wide dictionaries at menu item Editor > Natural Languages > Spelling. See the Dictionaries section of Spellchecking page of the IntelliJ manual.
In case you want to turn off spellchecking forever (for all projects) — I just found quick and dirty hack.
Go to File / Settings, then Editor / Colors & Fonts / General. Find settings for typo errors and set color for underline to color of background.

Is there a Textmate equivalent of "Format indenting of selected code" in Sublime Text 2?

In Textmate, the keyboard shortcut ⌘⌥[ properly indents all the nesting on selected code.
Is there a similar option in Sublime Text 2? It's the only thing holding me back from switching and I've checked all documentation to try and find something similar.
I'm not sure if Sublime Text 2 has a generic code formatter, but there are a lot of really good packages out there that will provide various formatting for different languages.
Take a look at Package Control (used to manage plugins for Sublime).
For formatting Ruby there's a pretty good package called BeautifyRuby.
What you are actually looking for is "reindent". It's under the Edit -> Line -> Reindent option. Strangely enough it's not bound to a keystroke. Simply installing code syntax packages will not cause them to apply the formatting to existing code.

IntelliJ Idea 10: how to turn off auto-complete in .txt files

I've just upgraded to IntelliJ IDEA 10, and it has started doing something extremely annoying. While writing documentation in a .txt file it has started giving me word suggestions as I type. This is, instead of helping, just irritating me while also consuming system resources. I haven't been able to find a way to turn this off in the Settings window. Perhaps there's a way of telling Idea not to do this for certain file types or in code comments?
Settings/Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Code Completion
and untick Show the parameter info popup to something like 1000 (ms), then it give you time to carry on typing before the pop up.
Or disable settings such as Show suggestions as you type
For intelliJ 2016.2.2, it defaults to auto insert code suggestions which is very annoying. Even when typing space, it overrides what I'm typing and puts something random in. Here's the solution:
Go to Settings > Editor > General > Code Completion
Then, UNCHECK the box that says "Insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc." See screenshot below
You are not alone, please watch/vote for IDEABKL-5963.

Auto-Completion in Unix VI editor

After using graphical IDE's like Visual Studio, I'm used to pressing CTRL+Space to auto-complete a variable or function name. Now, I know such a thing isn't completely possible in VI, but I heard there was a list of commands that could be mapped that allowed automatic completion of variables and functions in the current file opened. Does anyone know what this sequence is?
Just noticed that you said "vi"; I hope that "vim" is also okay.
It depends on the particular programming language, but in general, the magic word is Omnicomplete.
Put this into .vimrc:
filetype plugin on
set ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete
Press Ctrl+N or Ctrl+P to trigger the completion. This is insanely customizable; you might like the tips here that make it work more like other IDEs.