How can I show brief instructions in CMake GUI - cmake

Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running.But I can't find the brief instructions anymore.Please tell me how to reset CMake GUI so that I can see brief instructions.

in the menu bar Go to
view -> perspective -> Code::Blocks Default.
This should bring your status window back up. Pressing F2 has the same effect.


How to show Reactor marble diagram in quick documentation?

I'm new to IntelliJ Ultimate edition and I found that others can see the marble diagram of Reactor just like this
... when they hover methods.
But I can only see this (just some texts, without any diagram picture):
Is there any option for enabling to render the diagram?
This is my IntelliJ version.
Open the method documentation by Ctrl clicking the method.
Then choose "Download sources" option at the top of the Editor screen.
Once the sources are downloaded, you should be able to see the diagrams.
Press Ctrl+Shift+A and search and select "Download sources and documentation" as showed in the image.
enter image description here

Is there a way to keep quick documentation always on in Intellij?

Is there a way to keep the quick documentation always on or pinned to tip's window in Intellij rather than pressing F1 everytime?
I see this.
But would like to see this without pressing F1.
Configure it to Open as a Tool Window:
and have it always opened on the side:

How could I get docs while typing a method in IntelliJ? Not after

Here is what happend in Eclipse. When I am typing a method, I could know the docs.
Invoke the quick documentation action. On mac it's F1 or CTRL+J. Look it up in settings -> keymap to find and/or assign keyboard shortcut for this action.
The details in the rectangular are shown after the action is invoked.
It's also possible to show the quick documentation when moving the mouse cursor on a method. If you want that, go to settings -> editor -> general and check the option Show quick documentation on mouse move and specify the delay you prefer.

Textexpander 5 optional section keyboard shortcut

I'm using TextExpander 5. Is it possible to use a keyboard instead of a mouse then working with a popup window with importing choices? Like, if I don't want to include a section I'd rather use my keyboard to uncheck a checkbox then reaching out for a mouse.
Actually completed such task by using Mac OS X built-in ability to TAB focusing on non-inputable UI elements.
You can change it at System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
At a bottom of a window you will found «Full Keyboard Access». This guy will help you to do that I was hoping to get (and finally got).
If you are interested in following my adventures on this, go here
tldr version of the link above;
Found somewhat "almost-there" solution. I can check current status of this option by typing in terminal:
defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
It will return 0 (off) or 2 (on) dependent of current setting.
Right now, I'm using Keyboard Maestro Macro for doing this.

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.