I have a webserver running in an VM (VirtualBox, configured with vagrant) which is assigned the private ip I can reach the webserver with Google Chrome, but not with Microsoft Edge. I have activated Allow Localhost Loopback in about:flags.
Does anybody what could be the problem?
Not sure about the root cause of the problem, but here are some options to work around this:
Configure VM Networking to be Bridged rather than NAT;
Use a proxy, e.g. Fiddler;
Port forward, using netsh, ssh or other utilities.
For option 2 and 3, see this answer for details.
I have the same problem and can't find a workaroud -- even after 2 years. I guess the final answer is: Stop using Edge.
Looks like Microsoft is dumping it: [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/12/post-mortem-tying-edge-to-windows-10-was-a-fatal-error/]
Go to the start menu and type "Internet Options" Select internet options and open he security tab click on Local Intranet then press the sites button.
Control Panel > Internet Options > Security > Local Intranet > Sites
Uncheck "include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones" and "Include all sites that bypass the proxy server".
Restart Edge and try again.
If your machine with the webserver has internet access you could use a tool like ngrok to create a tunnel with a public URL to your machine.
I'm running the latest win 10 V 1809 build 17763.253.
I have checked several threads that don't show any solution, but I found one thread with a workaround by adding the local IP range to the trusted sites, it works for me.
Second workaround is using the server name instead of the IP address.
Example: http://Computer-name/ which gets resolved to IP version 6 address.
Since this is bug only happens with MS EDGE and works fine with all other browsers, where is the official MS solution ?
enter image description here
I have installed the Windows 10 Insider Program. Everything works, except Apache. When I try to start it, it says that port 80 is blocked. Is there a way to unblock it or tell Apache to use another port instead?
I was using Windows 7 before. I had trouble with port 80 with skype, but i have disabled it.
I had the same problem on windows 10, IIS/10.0 was using port 80
To solve that:
find service "W3SVC"
disable it, or set it to "manual"
French name is: "Service de publication World Wide Web"
English name is: "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
german name is: "WWW-Publishingdienst" – thanks #fiffy
Polish name is: "Usługa publikowania w sieci WWW" - thanks #KrzysDan
Russian name is "Служба веб-публикаций" – thanks #Kreozot
Italian name is "Servizio Pubblicazione sul Web" – thanks #Claudio-Venturini
Español name is "Servicio de publicación World Wide Web" - thanks #Daniel-Santarriaga
Portuguese (Brazil) name is "Serviço de publicação da World Wide Web" - thanks #thiago-born
Alternatives :
Another solution is to shutodwn the service via an admin console with command sc stop W3SVC
see community wiki from Tobias Hochgürtel Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)
Edit 07 oct 2015: For more details, see Matthew Stumphy's answer Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)
This answer is intended as an addendum to the highest rated answer on this thread by paaacman. I just wanted to add some helpful detail for users like myself who don't know their way around Windows 10 as well.
Windows 10 runs IIS (Internet Information Services, Microsoft's web server software) automatically during Startup on Port 80. In order to use Apache Server on that port, IIS must be stopped.
paaacman's response refers to the IIS server as "W3SVC", or the "World Wide Web Publishing Service". I suppose that's because Windows 10 runs IIS as a service. In order to disable it or modify how the service runs, you need to know where to find "Services" in your system.
I found the easiest way there was to click on the search button next to the start menu button in the Windows 10 taskbar and type "Administrative Tools". You can either hit return or click on the "Administrative Tools" link that Windows finds for you.
A control panel window will open with a list of tools. The one you want is "Services." Double-click it.
Another window will open called "Services." Locate the one named "World Wide Web Publishing Service." Some other users in this thread have listed what it is called in other languages, if your list is not in English.
If you only want to turn off the IIS server for this Windows session, but want it to run automatically again the next time you start up Windows, right-click "World Wide Web Publishing Service" and choose "Stop." The server will stop, and Port 80 will be freed up for Apache (or whatever else you want to use it for).
If you want to prevent the IIS server from running automatically when you start up Windows in the future, right-click "World Wide Web Publishing Serivce" and select "Properties." In the window that appears, locate the "Startup type" dropdown, and set it "Manual." Click "Apply" or "OK" to save your changes. You should be all set.
With Windows 10 IIS runs on Port 80 by default which can be changed:
Run appwiz.cpl use Turn Windows features on or off and install the IIS Manager Console.
Run InetMgr.exe and go to "Connections -> Sites" and open with right-mouse click the context menu on the default entry "Default Website". In Context Menu select "Bindings" to open the Server address and port configuration.
I had the exact same problem and solved it running the folowing command from the command line as an admin :
1) first stop the service with the following
net stop http /y
2) then disable the startup (optional)
sc config http start= disabled
Type in command line
netstat -aon | findstr :80
You'll see PID of process which uses port 80.
Then try to configure this app to use another port, or just kill it
I'll write my comment here to be more clear: according to this link, in Windows 10, it is the MsDepSvc service which occupies port 80. It's for IIS or Web Matrix 2. If you will not use IIS or Web Matrix 2 for any web development, you can try shutting down the service
And for the second part of your question, you can tell Apache to use another port by editing [Apache folder]/conf/httpd.conf. It has "Listen 80" string. Change 80 to whatever free port you want and reload Apache
You may need to terminate SQL Server Reporting Services as well.
In my case I need both XAMPP for Apache development & IIS Express for .Net 2013 development; so I do the following:
In Command Prompt typed services.msc, this loads "Windows Services" where I located "World Wide Web Publishing Service" and stop it.
World Wide Web Publishing Service STOP
The I start XAMPP Control Panel click on "Config", then choose "Apache httpd.conf". Search for "80" then change that to "8080" in both "Listen 80" and "ServerName localhost:80". Save the file from "Save As" & choose "All files" to not save it as text from "Save As Type" & the "Encoding" should be "UTF-8".
Apache httpd.conf
Quit XAMPP Control Panel, then start it again and from "Action" start Apache & MySQL. Now you will see the port changed. As you know now you have to get to your Apache server by using "localhost:8080" instead of "localhost". Also you have both Apache & IIS Express running in the same Windows 10 PC.
I read a post some where were the writer suggested to use port "9080" but it did not work for me.
The problem happens whenever a process uses port 80.
You can run Netstat which is available in XAMPP Control Panel and check which process uses port 80 in your system.
For me it wasn't IIS, but Skype.
Turn off that process/application and then start the Apache services.
I know that maybe this problem was resolved but I had the same problem with different solution. For that, I am going to explain another possible solution. In my case, the port 80 was occupied by Skype (pid: 25252) and I did not know what programme was.
To see the program's pid which is using the port 80 you can use the command that other people said before:
netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:80
To kill the process using the pid (in the case that you do not know the programme) you have to open the CMD with administrator permission and use the next command:
taskkill /pid 25252
Other options with this command are here.
I think it simple to change your Apache server port
Go to C:\xampplite\apache\conf
Open httpd.conf files
Search for Listen 80
Change 80 to any other like 9080
Now XAMPP restart try to start server
NB I am using Server version: 5.1.41 with windows 10
I know this MIGHT not be the cause of your issue, but I've spent a few hours hitting my head against the wall to solve this issue and this is my solution.
(running Windows 10 x32)
So I had installed XAMPP in a deeply nested directory and all the conf files make reference to root\xampp\apache, whereas my files were some_dir\another_dir\whatthehelliswrongwithme\finally\xampp\apache
so my options were to either go through and edit all \xampp\apache references and point them at the right place, OR, the much simpler option... reinstall XAMPP at the root, so the references all point to the right place.
A little annoying, but I guess that's what we get when Mac and Windows try to be friends..
Hope it helps a few of you.
In case you need to run IIS on port 80/443 but on different IP address, you may use netsh http add iplisten xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx as described here:
More details about netsh http add iplisten can be found here:
Shutting down "some system process" may be tricky... you should rather edit the [Apache folder]/conf/httpd.conf as mentioned by #Sergey Maksimenko and if you want to configure virtual host, use the new port in [Apache folder]/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf (I used 4900 instead of 80 and 4901 instead of 443 in [Apache folder]/conf/httpd-ssl.conf). And remember to use the port when accessing page on localhost (or your virtualhost), for example: localhost:4900/index.html
This fixed node.js not running on port 80 under Windows 10 as well, I was getting a listen eacces error. Start > Services, find "World Wide Web Publish Service" and disable it, exactly as paaacman described.
I had the same issue and none of the above solutions worked for me.
Apache uses both ports 80 and 443 (for HTTPS) and both must be ready to be used for Apache to start successfully. Only port 80 might not be enough.
I found in my case that when running VMWare Workstation I had the port 443 used by the VMware sharing.
You have to disable sharing in the VMware main Preferences or change the port in this section.
After that as long as you have no other server hooked to the port 80 (see above solutions) then you should be able to start Apache or NGinx on XAMPP or any other Windows stack application.
I hope this will help other users.
While many are taking the approach to stop/disable IIS, it may be helpful to know that you can simply modify the XAMPP port, which has been answered here. This is the route I had to take as I need both running.
Beside the quite obvious reason (IIS), there is another reason that is common enough for this problem. It is worth to quote this question and its answer here:
So, if you have Skype installed in the computer, be sure to check this as well. The solution is quoted here:
To turn off and disable Skype usage of and listening on port 80 and port 443, open the Skype window, then click on Tools menu and select Options. Click on Advanced tab, and go to Connection sub-tab. Untick or uncheck the check box for Use port 80 and 443 as an alternatives for incoming connections option. Click on Save button and then restart Skype to make the change effective.
First, open regedit run as administrator
see image
open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentCurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP
open Start, change value from 3 to 4
see image
then restart your computer
I am trying to run a simple HelloWorld app on my MacBook using Eclipse Luna and I am getting this message:
The current server configuration is set to "localhost". Therefore the
Worklight build uses the primary IP address of this computer
(???.???.?.???) instead. It is recommended to set the server
configuration to use the fully qualified hostname or IP address of
this computer. To configure the setting, in the "Servers" view
double-click the Worklight Development Server entry and edit the "Host
name" field.
Clicking the Worklight Development Server opens a sub menu with different files. I believe that I need to replace localhost by my IP address. Which file and which entry need to be modified?
It is only a recommendation and typically in most cases for local development there is no need to change this value.
If you still prefer to change it, it is where the message says so.
Open the Servers view and double-click on the "Worklight Development Server" entry (no need to expend it):
I just solved the same problem. I had to change the Host Name to the name of my PC and it worked.
#Simon, Can you do a DNS flush on your mac once and give it a try. Sometimes DNS flush causes some sort of unwanted issues which doesnt resolve the ip address and acts funny
refer :- link
I have reporting services running on SQL Server 2008 inside the domain. I'm able to hit http://localhost/reportserver without error. I can hit the same site from the web box (also in the domain name) using the internal ip of the DB box (192.169.X.X/ReportServer/ReportService.asmx.) I've looked in the SSRS logs and I see these hits being properly recorded, no errors.
However.. I have a website that uses the .NET ReportingService class to make a connection to SSRS. Using the same credentials as before, I get "Unable to connect to the remote server."
I've checked, there's no firewall active. Quadrupled checked the config in the web site to make sure it has the proper credentials and service URL for SSRS. There are also no hits in the SSRS logs when I'm trying to connect via .NET, so something is most certainly blocking access.
I've Googled my fingers bloody, and would seriously love some help. I'm sure it's some small thing, I just can't think of it.
The following change worked for me:
Remove the SSL configuration
1.1. Reporting Services Configuration Manager;
1.2. Web Service URL (click on Advanced button and then remove the SSL configuration);
1.3. Report Manager URL (click on Advanced button and then remove the SSL configuration);
Edit the file rsreportserver.config, normally it's in the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\
2.1. find out the Key SecureConnectionLevel;
2.2. change the Key's value from "2" to "0";
Could be your reporting services is exposed only to the private ip and your localhost. Try setting your domain name's static ip to the configuration. I've added a SSRS Url configuration link for your quick reference.
The following worked for me:
1. Remove the SSL if configured.
2. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config
3. In rsreportserver.config Change the SecureConnectionLevel value from "2" to "0"
The following worked for me: I Removed the SSL and set it to 0 vs 2 in the path
G:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer file is reportserver.config file.
Basically it was previously configured with SSL at port 443 but the server has been moved to another domain, and did not know where to go to get a new SSL certificate for this domain,
So i removed the SSL config in the reporting services configuration GUI and then remove it also in the reportserver.config file.
Make sure your report URL ends with /Reportserver/ (For the purpose of .NET code calling). Also keep in mind that you should use complete URL i.e. It should include servername and domain.
Check this link
I like the other solutions however in my instance I had to update the following. For some reason or another the service wasn't able to use, localhost, or any of the other IP addresses assigned to the computer, this method however worked.
Open "Report Server Configuration Manager"
Web Service URL
Click on Advanced Button
Click the IP entry that I wanted to edit.
Click "Host Header Name" and type in the fully qualified name for the server.
Report Manager URL
Click on Advanced Button
Click the IP entry that I wanted to edit.
Click "Host Header Name" and type in the fully qualified name for the server.
After the above were done both URLs in "Web Service URL" and "Report Manager URL" were able to work once correct credentials were passed to the server.