Is it possible to use ASCII code in .MoveEndUntil? - vba

I am new in VBA for Word
I was wondering if it is possible to use ASCII code in .MoveEndUntil for example: .MoveEndUntil cset:=Chr(13) & "-", Count:=wdForward

Yes, it is totally possible to use sample code from your question. However, it depends what you are trying to achieve. Your code will move the end of the selection until any of the specified characters are found in the document (see the documentation of the Range.MoveEndUntil method).
That means that moving the end of the range will stop as soon as a dash or a carriage return is reached.
However, this is probably not what you want. It looks like you are trying to extend the range until the next list item? If this should be the case then you can't use a simple Range.MoveEndUntil. You would have to expand the range to the end of the current paragraph and check whether the following paragraph has a list formatting.


cannot get value from a cell in libreoffice basic

I am new to libreoffice basic, i have experience with VBA but this libreoffice is different.
I just want to get cell value but it always return zero value to me while the actuall cell can be text or number.
Here is a partial of my simple code.
Sub test_moved()
Dim Doc As Object
Dim sh_village As Object
Dim sh_cbc As Object
sh_village = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet()
'sh_village = Doc.Sheets.getByName("VillageFinal")
'sh_village = Doc.Sheets(1)
msgbox("The process is completed.")
End Sub
Do we need to do prior task before start coding?
The code works correctly for numeric values. However, for strings, including strings that look like a number, it will display 0 because there is no numeric value.
What you probably want instead is:
Also check out Format -> Cells -> Number to see how the data is displayed in the cell. And be on the lookout for a single quote at the front of the value in the formula bar (for example '42), because that means it is a string. Delete the quote to make it a number.
i have experience with VBA but this libreoffice is different.
Yes, LibreOffice Basic is a different language from VBA and the LibreOffice API is very different from the MS Office API. Knowing that will help you use it more effectively. If possible, avoid Option Compatible, because it won't fix most problems and will only muddy the waters.

Word VBA command to determine if found character is at beginning of end of line

I am trying to create a macro that will search for a single character and perform a specific action based on whether or not the character is at the end (do nothing) or beginning (do something) of a line.
In my quest to find how to do this, I've seen plenty of documentation for determining if the text is at the beginning or end of a document or page or paragraph or on a specific line, or its position in a cell, but nothing about the columnar (I assume)position relative to a line of text.
Does anyone know if such an animal exists?
Thanks in advance!
Selection.Information(wdFirstCharacterColumnNumber) will give you the position of first character in the selected text relative to the line. Is this what you are searching for?

Convert automatic numbering and bullets to plain text

I have a word document with automatic numbering and bulleting.
I have selected the text where I need to convert automating numbering and/or bulleting to normal text.
In addition I need to keep both the formatting and numbers/bullets of the selected text.
What I have already tried:
cut the paragraphs and special pasted them (but it breaks formatting);
unpressed the "numbering"/"bulleting" button (but it erases all numbers and bullets);
used VBA-macro (but it returns an error):
Code (error, method or data member not found):
Sub convertNumbersAndBulletsToText()
End Sub
What would you recommend me to do in order to keep both formatting and numbers/bullets?
You have practically done everything yourself!
This code will work:
Sub convertNumbersAndBulletsToText()
End Sub
Your example returns error because ConvertNumbersToText method doesn't work with Selection. It works with Range!
(look here: Change selected automatic numbered list to plain text in word)
If you want to carry out many changes, you may find it easier to make them with ActiveDocument (look below).
But if want to do it manually (or through a loop),
then you'd better loop from the last element you want to convert till the first one
(not vice versa, because auto-numbers would then increment by one all the time)!
Small Tips
Personally I would recommend you to use this code instead:
Sub convertNumbersAndBulletsToText()
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Selection.Range
End Sub
Why this one? It is a little bit more flexible! Instead of Selection.Range you could use any other type of Range (ActiveDocument, ActiveDocument.Paragraphs, myRange.SetRange etc)
Here are some links from msdn to give you basic examples of Ranges: 1) Range Object (Word) (msdn), 2)
Range.SetRange Method (Word) (msdn).
Just for your information, you don't need to save VBA if you don't want to. You can use Immediate Window to launch VBA.
Press alt+f11 (VBA-editor), then ctrl+g (Immediate Window).
Paste the code bellow, press enter.
VoilĂ !
Code (for Immediate Window):
(It converts auto-numbers and auto-bullets to normal numbers and bullets everywhere in ActiveDocument).
The result of any VBA here would be number+tab+text. If you want to have number+space+text you can:
either at the very end replace (press ctrl+h) this one .^t (dot and tab) for . (dot and whitespace),
or at the very beginning 1) select the list, 2) right click on it, 3) click "Adjuct list idents", 4) click "Follow number with: Space". (Look here: Adjust the spacing for a single list item (
You may need to have a leading zero in (auto-)numbering, then you can press ctrl+f9, write SEQ MyList \# "000" inside curly brackets, press alt+f9 to finish (look here: Insert fields in Word ( But this goes beyond the question, though you may find word fields really useful in some cases.
To sum up:
You can replace both bullets and numbers for plain text in Word:
for Selection (look above);
for ActiveDocument (look above);
with a Range (examples in msdn);
with a loop (examples are welcomed). But bear in mind that you are to loop from the end of the document to the beginning.

Word VBA - Load part of doc into variable, and run .indexOf to search

Okay, I am a Javascript programmer and VBA is driving me insane - I know nothing about it and it is like pulling teeth to find simple documentation on the simplest thing.
I'm literally trying to run a little script to auto-format a document, partly based in content.
I want to grab the third line of document, or first 100 characters, I really don't care, and run the equivalent of String().indexOf('foobar') on it, to check if that part of the document contains a string.
I cannot for the life of me find how to:
a. Load text selection into a variable.
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Can someone please help? And maybe point me to a sane VBA documentation that is not Micrsoft?
a. Load text selection into a variable.
Identify a range (Word.Range) you want and get the Text property of that range.
For instance,
dim s as string
s = ThisDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range.Text
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Is InStr no good?
msgbox InStr(s, "foobar")

How to fit VERY long condition in conditional formatting

I have a very long condition, about 3,000 characters. Access has only space for about one tenth of that.
Is there some other way to set conditional formatting on a textbox besides through the dialogue, or can I do it in VBA and, if so, HOW?
I have conditional formatting on a bunch of textboxes that trigger when the report is opened.
Would be curious to know if the VBA approach worked?
Another idea: create a hidden field on the form and set it's value based on your 3000-character condition. If you are just trying to have 1 conditional expression, you could give this hidden field a false/true or 0/1 value; if you want mulitple conditions, you could give it a value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 corresponding to the conditions you want applied. In either case, your conditional expression test(s) is(are) now trivial: [HiddenFieldName]=ConditionValue
According to Access' Help topic, the FormatConditions Collection has methods (Add, Delete, Modify) which should allow you to adjust your FormatConditions with VBA code. I've never tried, so offer no opinion as to whether this would be a practical approach for you.
I also tried to find out if there is a capacity limit for the number of characters FormatConditions can accept. I didn't find anything there.
Yes, you can manipulate Format Conditions in VBA. There's a full detailed article knowledgebase article at
Code snippet here showing a basic example. Refer to the above link to get the VBA for AddFormats:
Public Function HighLightForeignKeys(argFieldName As String, argFieldValue As Integer)
Dim FormatCondition As String
Dim CodeReception As Integer
FormatCondition = "[" & argFieldName & "] = " & ArgFieldValue
With Me.ID
.FormatConditions.Add acExpression, , FormatCondition
.FormatConditions(0).BackColor = 16510422
AddFormats Me.ID, Me
End With
End Function
I dont know if this is what you were after, since you mentioned there was only a tiny box to enter all of your conditional text. Others have shown you VBA solutions - since you asked if that was one way to achieve it.
I have always resorted to using the "zoom" feature which is accessible via the SHIFT-F2 keystroke. Is that what you were after? I think it goes back several Access versions too.
A good set of Access shortcut keystrokes is here: