Word VBA - Load part of doc into variable, and run .indexOf to search - vba

Okay, I am a Javascript programmer and VBA is driving me insane - I know nothing about it and it is like pulling teeth to find simple documentation on the simplest thing.
I'm literally trying to run a little script to auto-format a document, partly based in content.
I want to grab the third line of document, or first 100 characters, I really don't care, and run the equivalent of String().indexOf('foobar') on it, to check if that part of the document contains a string.
I cannot for the life of me find how to:
a. Load text selection into a variable.
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Can someone please help? And maybe point me to a sane VBA documentation that is not Micrsoft?

a. Load text selection into a variable.
Identify a range (Word.Range) you want and get the Text property of that range.
For instance,
dim s as string
s = ThisDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range.Text
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Is InStr no good?
msgbox InStr(s, "foobar")


Change Heading Number copied from another document

How can I change the Heading Number with VBA code?
For example, "1.1 Computer system"
I'd like to change "1.1" to "1.2".
I can read it with:
I can't find a way to change it.
Basic Function Test
1.1. LED Function Test Purpose: To make sure all the LED Functions are working as the Product Specification Resource Requirements:
The context is shown above. Sometimes, I copy from another document. The pasted heading number is not correct.
I tried to record the macro but the recorded macro is empty.
To force Heading 2 to start the numbering from 1.2, all you need is:
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).ListTemplate.ListLevels(2).StartAt = 2
Your update shows you're trying to do something quite different, however.
The only reliable way to retain the original numbering when copying/pasting between documents is to either:
convert the source numbering to static text before copying; or
paste the copied content as unformatted text.

cannot get value from a cell in libreoffice basic

I am new to libreoffice basic, i have experience with VBA but this libreoffice is different.
I just want to get cell value but it always return zero value to me while the actuall cell can be text or number.
Here is a partial of my simple code.
Sub test_moved()
Dim Doc As Object
Dim sh_village As Object
Dim sh_cbc As Object
sh_village = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet()
'sh_village = Doc.Sheets.getByName("VillageFinal")
'sh_village = Doc.Sheets(1)
msgbox("The process is completed.")
End Sub
Do we need to do prior task before start coding?
The code works correctly for numeric values. However, for strings, including strings that look like a number, it will display 0 because there is no numeric value.
What you probably want instead is:
Also check out Format -> Cells -> Number to see how the data is displayed in the cell. And be on the lookout for a single quote at the front of the value in the formula bar (for example '42), because that means it is a string. Delete the quote to make it a number.
i have experience with VBA but this libreoffice is different.
Yes, LibreOffice Basic is a different language from VBA and the LibreOffice API is very different from the MS Office API. Knowing that will help you use it more effectively. If possible, avoid Option Compatible, because it won't fix most problems and will only muddy the waters.

How to find and edit the named range that a VBA variable is referring to?

My work has a Macro that we use to split combined mailing addresses out into multiple columns, but it is a little sloppy. I am looking to tighten up some of the search parameters, but I am not the one who initially wrote it so I am trying to figure some things out.
The thing I am looking at now is updating the city list in the Macro so that it will identify more cities. The trick is when I look at the Sheet that the process refers to, I cannot find an array or list with cities that the macro is checking against. It just has a bunch of sub processes that look empty to me. I am new to a lot of this so maybe I am missing something obvious.
The part of the module that references the worksheet looks like this:
CityList = shtCity.Range("CityList").Column
And the is no code in the module of the worksheet (shtCity)
I don't really know what I am looking at, so please let me know if there is any other information that I can collect to help resolve this.
Punch the following into the immediate window to see exactly where that range lives.
Debug.Print Range("CityList").Address
Alternative #1 - instead of using a debug.print you could put the same into a MSG box immediately before the module references that range
Alternative #2 - open shtCity and choose CTRL+F3 to see the named ranges.

VB: how can i copy a word next to the one that i have found?

so, i am creating a program in VB that opem the html of a webpage, and searching the page code for a word like "youtube.com/watch?", so i want to know how i can copy in a variable the word next to the one that i looking for.
Here is an example what i am looking for:
so lets say that this is what i found on the page and that is what i want to copy "v=NwYv-f65P6w" the problem is that the "youtube.com/watch?" is always the same but the next is different for any video. So how can i copy it?
use regular expression to extract specific text pattern, in vb.net is so easy
you only need is to learn how to develop you’re own pattern.
something like this. (http://).+(?v=) this patter extract any text that’s start with http:// and contains any char and contains the text ?v=
lookup in google for some RegEx Patterns

Range(...).Formula does not translate fully

I cannot figure this one out.
We use mostly french-version Excel (as we live in a french-speaking province of Canada). Somewhere in VBA code I set a cell's formula directly. Normally, we have to write the formula in english and Excel does the translation (writing the formula in any other language than english in VBA results in an error as far as I know). However, only HALF of this equation is translated which I think is causing me issues (writing the correct formula in another cell yields different results and most probably right results).
range("J2").Formula = "=round(IF(F2="",0,F2),2)-round(IF(G2="",0,G2),2)"
Is translated to this in the cell:
As you can see, the right part should read "ARRONDI(SI(.." but it does not read that way. I have tried adding spaces, removing the minus sign altogether, etc. Nothing works, it's always half translated. Any idea ?
In VBA you neexd to escape your quotations like this:
range("J2").Formula = "=round(IF(F2="""",0,F2),2)-round(IF(G2="""",0,G2),2)"
This is because the " Character is used in VBA as the start / end of a string. So if you want ot include it IN a string you need to type it twice in a row.