ASP.NET 5 site fails to publish to azure appservice because of a long path -

I'm trying to publish a relatively new ASP.NET site to azure appservice from Visual Studio.
I'm getting the following error message during the preview:
The "Dnu" task failed unexpectedly.
Microsoft .NET Development Utility Clr-x86-1.0.0-rc1-16231
Copying to output path C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Temp\PublishTemp*****************.********.WebApi114
Error: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
at Microsoft.DNX.Tasks.Dnu.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.d__26.MoveNext()
Path is long indeed. How do I fix it?

Error is from windows file API, not control by Azure App Service. Sadly I think you will have to find a way to shorter your file path in order to fix this issue.

I was running into the same issue trying to build an Angular2 app locally. So I tend to agree with Xiaomin that it may be a local issue. What worked for me was to run the dnu publish command from a command prompt with the output flag set with a shorter folder destination provided. For example, navigate to the location of the project you want to publish in a command prompt and type:
"dnu publish --runtime active -o c:\Sample"
The above command will post your output to c:\Sample.
You can interrogate the options as follows:
"dnu -help"
"dnu publish -help"


CodePipeline ElasticBeanstalk [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [CheckProcfileForDotNetCoreApplication]

I've built a Code Pipeline (Source > Build > Deploy) and it's failing on the deploy step.
It's a Net Core 3.1 Api project.
I check the elastic beanstalk logs and I see:
2020/07/02 14:14:00.600060 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [CheckProcfileForDotNetCoreApplication]. Stop running the command. Error: error stat /var/app/staging/MyApi/MyApi.dll: no such file or directory with file /var/app/staging/MyApi/MyApi.dll
As far as I know I have no control over /var/app/staging/ and this is built in AWS stuff?
The build step is working so I am unsure on this error.
My buildspec.yml is:
version: 0.2
- dotnet publish -c release -o ./build_output ./MyApi/MyApi.csproj
- '**/*'
base-directory: 'build_output'
This is the "zipfile/build_output" folder:
This is the zip file root folder:
These are the files in the build artifacts zip file that pipeline is using. The error says it cannot find MyAppName.dll (renamed to MyApi in the pic). It's there so I wonder why the problem.
Perhaps it doesnt like the folder structure in the zip file - see pic.
I had the same problem.
In my case, if the solution name and project name were different, I got the same error when I deployed the code from Visual Studio to Beanstalk, but when I added a project with the same name as the solution name and built it, I didn't get an error.
I suspect that there will be behavior during deployment that assumes the .dll file has the same name as the solution name.
Warning: This is a workaround, not a solution!
On the project that's failing to deploy, change the "Assembly name" in Project Properties / Application tab, to the name of the DLL it's missing (typically the solution name or the first period-separated part of the namespace).
i.e. "SLNNAME"
Then, redeploy your beanstalk app and it should work.
As Marcin correctly noticed, the indentation was incorrect for the "base-directory"
base-directory: 'build_output'
Should be
base-directory: 'build_output'
As others have noted, it is looking for only the first part of your project name .dll. In my case, my project and Assembly name were both UC.Web which yielded the error during deployment:
Error: error stat /var/app/staging/UC.dll: no such file or directory with file /var/app/staging/UC.dll
My solution that worked was I renamed my Assembly name from UC.Web to simply UC and it deployed successfully. While a solution for everyone, it is a workaround for the time being until Amazon fixes this.

trouble publishing website TFS 2013

I have a TFS 2013 build that I'm trying to get to publish to a folder on the build server. I've installed WebDeploy, but I always get the error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets (4274): Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("localhost"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
I've set up a website on the build server and that's where I'm trying to publish the website. Actually I don't even care about publishing it per se - I just need my build output to go to a folder locally automatically. Right now we have to manually open the solution and choose Publish... to get the output that subsequent InstallShield builds need for input. Here are my MSBuild arguments. Does anyone have any idea what could be missing?
/p:Authtype=NTLM /p:username=""
I've checked both net start wmsvc and net start msdepsvc and both are running. Any ideas?
I've tried everything that Andy suggested and now when I run this from the command line I get this bizarre error message:
"C:\Workspace\VS2013\WebApps\Main\Src\webapps.sln" (default target) (1) ->
target) (7) ->
(AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStringsCore target) ->
C:\Program Files
.Publishing.targets(2295,5): error : Could not open Source file: Could not
a part of the path
Any idea why it's looking for Web.config;Areas\Admin\Views\Web.config'.? That makes no sense.
Please try below items to narrow down the issue:
Try to use IP or Machine Name instead of "localhost"
Logon your build agent machine, then manually execute the same
MSBuild command within the same arguments(which you provided in build
definition) to build and deploy your solution, then check result. You
need to ensure you can manually run the same MSBuild command within
deploy argument to build and deploy your solution successfully from
build agent machine. Then use the same deploy arguments in TFS Build
Double check Web Deploy settings to make sure that the name of the
website is exactly that of what's in IIS.
Install Web Management Tools before Web
Deploy : Install the Web Management Services (Roles -> Web Server >
Management Tools > Management Services). Then uninstall Web Deploy, and then install Web Deploy again.
You can also reference this thread for your troubleshooting.
For the issue "Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path" you can reference below similar articles for the troubleshooting. (See the last two answers)

Deploying ClickOne application with network share

We have a server PC and other client PCs working connected to server using LAN. We have a application for our internal use which is developed using VB.Net. I used steps in to deploy clickone statergy for updating our application.After publishing while installing application,this error is coming
I searched i details and found this error
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of D:\Desktop\publish\Global.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading file:///D:/Desktop/publish/Application Files/Global_1_0_0_0/Global.XmlSerializers.dll.deploy did not succeed.
+ Could not find file 'D:\Desktop\publish\Application Files\Global_1_0_0_0\Global.XmlSerializers.dll.deploy'.
+ Could not find file 'D:\Desktop\publish\Application Files\Global_1_0_0_0\Global.XmlSerializers.dll.deploy'.
+ Could not find file 'D:\Desktop\publish\Application Files\Global_1_0_0_0\Global.XmlSerializers.dll.deploy'.
I have checked Application files in publish options and Global.XmlSerializers.dll is included. Anyone know why this is happening?
Is there any way to copy some extra files to installation folder(C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Apps..) when installing or updating clickone application? Because we use some outside support files for our application. Is it possible?
Is there any way to pass argument to clickone application short cut,like passing argument to .exe shortcut("\Global.exe" ?/?customer?/?)?
This is how I published
I checked by giving network path for publishing folder location.But same error coming.
Here is application files included
As you can see Global.XmlSerializers.dll is included
It is looking for a file on the D: drive. It is unlikely that your users all have their D drive mapped to the same location. When you publish you should use the full path rather than mapped drive letters.
Does the install work for you?
Well, there no magic involved in ClickOnce: you can just look into the deployment folder - is the required file there or not?
If not, you need to change the settings in the Publish options for the required file. This message - in my experience - is always a sign that one of the required assemblies has not been published.
In addition it seems that you published to a mapped network drive instead of publishing to an UNC path. You need to publish to a path following the \\server\name\ scheme.
When I have used the wizard and deployed to a network share, in the Publish Wizard:
Specify the location to publish this application:
UDP Path
Click Next
How will users install the application?
From a UNC path of file share
Specify the UNC path:
The same UDP Path (copy pasted from before)

WebDeploy runcommand issue

I'm trying to deploy a package with WebDeploy V3.
The installation process is to sync between a source folder to a destination folder on the remote computer and run a certain powershell script after the sync is done.
The command being executed is:
'"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:dirPath='C:\source' -dest:dirPath='D:\destination',computerName=XXX -postSync:runcommand='powershell -inputformat none D:\destination\Install.ps1',successReturnCodes=0'
This yields the following error:
Info: Using ID '49edd786-d8a0-4acf-be7b-95dd6e1391cc' for connections to the remote server. Performing '-postSync'... Info:
Using ID '5ef9d005-82fa-4811-9f51-1741c8d622de' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Adding MSDeploy.runCommand (MSDeploy.runCommand).
Error: (11/28/2012 4:34:24 AM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer. Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted.
Error count: 1.
Error during '-postSync'. Total changes: 0 (0 added, 0 deleted, 0 updated, 0 parameters changed, 0 bytes copied)
Searching the net for this error, I didn't see anybody who encountered it when using runcommand provider. If anybody encountered a similar issue and has ideas or suggestions I would be most thankful..
From what I've seen, using runCommand to execute an arbitrary command line might be a bit buggy. Try moving the commandline into a bat or cmd file and providing a (full?) path to that. The file will be uploaded and executed, as long as you don't try to pass in any arguments to it.
For future viewers of this post: I encountered this same specific error (Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted) after adding runCommand provider usage to my MyProject.wpp.targets file for the Web Publishing Pipeline MSBuild process. The path was direct cmd shell input used in order to clear readonly flags with attrib -R.
In my case, my build server was configured with WebDeploy 3.0, while the server targeted by the deployment package was configured with Webdeploy 2.0. After upgrading the target server to Webdeploy 3.0 this particular problem was resolved.
However due to other errors surrounding runCommand (providing the correct path to the destination executable at package runtime) my solution still doesn't work entirely so take this all with a grain of salt.

Problems using CruiseControl.Net API : project not found

I am trying to retrieve Build Projects related information from my CruiseControl server through command line using cccmd.exe and passing the url and project name as command line arguments. The problem is when I am trying to use API's exposed by Cruise Control Service like
I am getting the exception "The project does not exists on the CCNet Server" for my local CCNet Server.
For my production build server, I am getting the exception "Key cannot be null".
Finally found the solution, had to copy the folders and foldername.state files that are created during project build process to the directory from where ccservice.exe was running.