Can I masquerade as another user when creating/updating Rally artifact using Rally WSAPI? - rally

I own an application that serves a need to sync between the internal bug tracker application of company I work for and Rally. The end users usually want to have their defects in the bug tracker (B) show up in Rally (R), so we do B2R syncing using Rally WSAPI. We also have R2B sync in some cases.
When I make calls to Rally WSAPI, I use a special user account that was created especially for use by the sync application. As a result of this, the Rally artifact revisions relating to changes made using the B2R sync shows the changes as being made by this special account, rather than by the original user that created the bug or modified it.
Is there a way in which I can masquerade as another user when making the WSAPI calls?

Any change made by your application will be attributed to the user whose credentials are used to authenticate Rally WSAPI calls in your application. The author of the revision is then set by the system automatically and cannot be overwritten to attribute it to a different user.


Creating a message as someone else via Basecamp API

It appears that it's impossible to do this with the way the API operates currently, but I want to confirm that I'm not missing something.
I want to migrate messages from a 3rd party app into Basecamp via the API as they exist in our old project management system and we'd rather not lose them. I began exploring this idea and immediately ran into the issue that because I'm authenticating via oAuth, I'm tied to a specific user account. On top of that, the API endpoints that I'm using (messages, replies, etc) do NOT have the ability to pass a user id or other identifier via the create method (or update).
Am I missing something or is there no way to import content as another user (even as the account owner) via the API?

Handling auto-assign of project and members role for LDAP Users in Report Portal

I want to auto-assign a few of the Projects to the user who is logging in using the LDAP credentials. Currently, if LDAP user logs in, I have to go in Report Portal using super admin credentials and assign Member Role and Projects to that specific member.
I have recently tried this LDAP feature and facing this issue of the new user gets creating and assigning projects and members to each one of them. I wan some auto-assignment (like can we passed while setting LDAP setting in Report Portal)
Below is my LDAP user nperiwal with which I logged in Report Portal. But as you see this got created a new user and no project got assigned to it automatically. I want some process or code or settings which can fulfil my requirement.
FYI, see the below snapshot where I manually assigned projects and admin role.
Please help.
Simple way:
It can be done via scripting, see which requests are send to server in browser Network tab and put the same into the bash/shell script. Parametrize according to username and required access.
Long way: wait until our team will implement it within ReportPortal as feature, based on regular priority
Best way: request payed support from our team, and we will implement this capabilities for your company with highest priority. Drop mail at

Managing email templates in FusionAuth

We are integrating FusionAuth into our user account / profile system for 3 SaaS apps. We'll have about 5 roles established and the onboarding process for each such user is different.
A new user signup could be brand new, could be existing but for a new role, or could be reactivation of an account. So roughly speaking we might need to establish 3 x 5 x 2 (new and returning user) emails for account verification and then the same number of welcome emails. Each email will have specific instructional text, email subject, and links.
The ability to duplicate email templates in the FusionAuth UI would be useful but clearly this isn't a complete solution. If I create multiple tenants to support our development, testing and production releases - it would really be great to be able to maintain a master list of versioned templates and to link any one of those email template versions to any tenant and app.
If you are familiar with SendGrid - the versioned templates there are pretty nice, as is the conditional logic that can be used in the templates to reduce the total number of documents that must be maintained.
For my sanity and for the maintenance burden associated with these emails, I'd like to use only FusionAuth or only SendGrid for these account maintenance emails. Since SendGrid is the more robust email solution it might be the better choice.
What can be accomplished with FusionAuth's User Actions? Can all FusionAuth email templates can be disabled from the FusionAuthUI and API?
Adding a user from our UI will require creating (or returning) the FusionAuth user, setting the FusionAuth App registration, setting the role, then triggering the necessary email.
It could be really cool if all that can be configured as a multistep User Action that creates / updates and configures the user and then triggers the SendGrid template email.
The versioning and duplicate options for email templates are great ideas. FusionAuth does not currently support email template versioning or copy / duplicate in the UI. Can you open these as feature requests in GitHub?
We do support conditional logic within the template. There is a brief tutorial in the FusionAuth docs.
To build conditional logic you can use essentially anything that FreeMarker supports.
For example
[#if == "blue"]
Hi ${user.firstName}, I see you like the color blue.
Hi ${user.firstName},
If you have some particular use cases or need some help building the logic in your template feel free to ask for help in the FusionAuth Slack channel or ask here.
That said - SendGrid is in the email game, they will likely have some powerful features not available in FusionAuth. If you require many power user features, I wouldn't try to dissuade you from using SendGrid. But do open feature requests so we can make our email templates as useful as possible.
What can be accomplished with FusionAuth's User Actions?
User actions are sort of free form events that will be sent using our Webhook configuration. They can only be taken on a user that already exists in FusionAuth, so it may not be the right fit for your use case. In addition to User Actions, you can enable events such as user.create, etc - so you can respond to these types of events in FusionAuth if that is helpful.
Can all FusionAuth email templates can be disabled from the FusionAuthUI and API?
Not sure what you mean - you can disable the SMTP email configuration which implicitly disables all use of email. This can be done via the System Configuration API. See systemConfiguration.emailConfiguration.enabled. FusionAuth is an API first, so everything you can do in the API you can do through an API.
It could be really cool if all that can be configured as a multistep User Action that creates / updates and configures the user and then triggers the SendGrid template email.
User Actions will not help with this use case. However, you may be able to accomplish this in fewer API calls. If you know the user does not yet exist, you can use the Combo API (Create User + Registration) to create and register the user in one step.
If you omit the roles from this request, the user will be assigned any default roles configured on the application.
If you enable Registration Verification, this will send the user an email of your choosing. This is primarily intended to verify the user intended to register for the application.
The custom workflow idea is a good one however, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. I would envision it as a work flow builder for an application.
On user registration:
1. Assign role(s): [x] user
[ ] manager
[ ] admin
2. Send email: [select box for email template]

Camunda: Restrict user access to the tasks and variables

I am using external LDAP service to define Camunda Groups, Users and User Group memberships.
I can see the Groups and Users from LDAP in the Admin UI very well.
I can also use Authorisations for example to provide or revoke read access to my deployment.
But no matter what I do, any application user can see complete list of the currently running [CMMN] tasks in the /tasks REST endpoint.
I am taking an LDAP user that is a member of 2 groups.
Neither the user, nor any of his groups have any Authorizations set up in Camunda, except for ACCESS to an application (I restrict to 'cockpit' only).
Still, when I login with that user the GET /tasks lists complete list of all currently running tasks.
My test user cannot see any data /process-instance (even though there are some running), but at the same moment it can see all process instance variables via /variable-instace.
What's the purpose of restricting /process-instance without restricting /variable-instance ?
What am I missing here? Can access to the /tasks and /variable-instance be restricted?
Can the reason be that the User Tasks that I try to restrict access to had been generated by a CMMN process?
Yes, my unprivileged user can see all CMMN tasks but no BPMN tasks.
So the authorization is working but it doesn't cover CMMN :(
According to this (Closed) feature request:
The CMMN is 100% Enterprise version feature available since version 7.6 (I am on 7.7)
According to this (Open) feature request:
The CMMN Tasks are not yet covered by the authorisation even in the enterprise version.

Setting user notes in Skype for business

I'm looking at building a tool that can set the notes for other users on my company's local Skype for business server, providing automated note updates for participating users in my program.
I've found - which provides guidelines on how to set a user's own personal note. Is there an endpoint that an application (with the appropriate permissions) could access to do something similar for other users?
I see the UCWA documentation for - but this appears to be a single user centric API for reading a contact's notes. TrustedApplicationAPI looks to mostly relate to meetings -
Is this something that can be done through a REST interface?
Not with UCWA, which isn't designed for doing operations on-behalf-of user; and so will require you to impersonate the user you want to update the note for.
The only option for you will be running a UCMA instance for the purpose (if you're on-premises), and expose that functionality via a custom REST service