Yodlee "/authenticator/token" api not consistant - yodlee

Hi i am calling "/authenticator/token" Api to get authentication token for fastlink2.0 some time it works and some time it throw exception "oauth_error_problem=invalid_url_access&oauth_error_code=418" .I dont think its problem from in calling because when i call it again 2-4 times with same Rsession and cobSessionToken it will gives me token.
Can anyone help me what is the problem and,is fastlink 2.0 is stable.

Please check followings-
The URL you are using is correct.
That you have not created any new userSession(RSession), as sometimes this ends up in mentioned error.
And yes, Fastlink 2 is very much stable and its working fine.


Google OAuth2 Demo fails with 403 ["message": "Cannot determine user location for geographically restricted operation."]

While I was checking out some of the Google public APIs for OAuth2, encountered above error message.
I basically didn't change a lot, tried not to add anything invalid as well
but when it goes to Step 3. Configure request to API; it's failing.
When I clicked on the link from the first screenshot, it takes me to the website where I get the second screenshot.
Has anyone worked on this resolved, or anyone who's knowledgeable in this area can help with this?
Source: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
Thank you in advance!!

direct message sync issue with twitter API

I am using the twitter api to get all direct messages
while testing I tried to delete a message from the twitter website and then tried to reload my app's direct message page (get via api) - the dm I deleted was still showing in my app but it wasn't on the account I was using on the website.
I'm not sure whats going on here, any help is appreciated
You usually should give a second after an update/delete operation on Twitter. If you do, I would say that something is going wrong with your code.

Freebase MQLWrite Login Fail 401 Gone

I am trying to write to freebase. I read this documentation:
and tried login to both
but am getting (410) Gone error.
can someone help me please?
That API endpoint was retired some time ago. Check the current documentation for the new endpoints.

Calling the Google Maps API (Business)

I'm stumped.
This should be fairly easy, but...
I bought a subscription for the Google Maps Engine for Business - and eventually managed to figure out how to generate a Client ID.
But however I try to call the Maps API, I keep getting the "not allowed" error message.
My script currently tries to fetch
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?client=[CLIENT_ID].apps.googleusercontent.com&sensor=false&v=3.4"></script>
I've tried removing the ".apps.googleusercontent.com" part.
Can anyone spot the error? Is there another way of testing the validity of your client id?
Thanks in advance.

How to setup Linkedin Autentication with dotnetopenauth on mvc4

I am create a new asp.net website and I need to use a few authentication provider. I easily got all the providers working (thanks to this awesome template and scotts vid). I'm a little stuck with getting this to work with a linked in account. I assume it would be just as easy as it was for face book but I can't find any tutorials or snippets. I'm sure I'm not the first guy to try this. Please assist
Thank you
In the AuthConfig class under the RegisterAuth method call the method
with the appropriate inputs you receive from LinkedIn. Also another thing, I received an error when trying to log in using linkedin. I came across a post on stack overflow(wish I can give the link), you need to update
dotnetopenauth, I used nuget to update it. Thanks PinnyM.