Word - how to uncheck checkboxes? - vba

I have 4 checkboxes but we need to restrict selection to just a single one, meaning if you check the first, the other 3 will go unchecked. I know we could use ActiveX radio buttons but we'd prefer to avoid ActiveX if possible, plus with check boxes we have more control over the layout.
I've set the name of the checkbox appropriately to Check1:
And then I've put this very basic script into the Visual Basic section:
Private Sub Check1_Click()
Check1.Enabled = True
Check2.Enabled = False
Check3.Enabled = False
Check4.Enabled = False
End Sub
But unfortunately checking the first box doesn't uncheck the next 3.
Any ideas please? Thank you!

If these are Content Controls, as you indicate, then they do not have a CLICK event. Nor can they be identified by VBA by their Title property. The code you show us is for ActiveX controls, which you say you don't want to use...
Working with content control events is not as simple and intuitive as with ActiveX controls. Similar to form fields, Content Controls only have "editing" events that trigger on the user entering and exiting the content control. These events are available in the ThisDocument module, in the Document category.
The same ContentControlOnExit event triggers for ALL content controls in the document, so you need a Select Case or If conditional to query the ContentControl argument in order to know which content control was exited.
In order to address the other checkboxes you need to use the Document.SelectContentControlsByTitle (or ...ByTag) method which returns an array of all content controls with that title (or tag).
If you really want to emulate a "click" event then you need to insert a Custom XML Part in the document with nodes linked to the content controls. When the user changes the state of the control the ContentControlBeforeStoreUpdate event will trigger, letting you take action.

The property you need is Value, not Enabled.
The purpose of property Enabled is to prevent a control from being changed by user.
Additionaly, you need to prevent it from the events cascade. It means that when you change programatically the value of Check2, this will trigger Private Sub Check2_Click() and so on.
In order to make it work you should change your code like that:
Private Sub Check1_Click()
If Check1.Value Then
Check1.Value = True
Check2.Value = False
Check3.Value = False
Check4.Value = False
End If
End Sub
and similarly for the other check boxes.
For your purpose radio buttons will be better choice. Radio buttons have built-in functionality to uncheck currently selected button if other one is checked.


Conditional visibility on MS Access Form - how to write in VBA or Macro

I have some very (very) basic MS Access knowledge. I'm trying to expand a bit into either VBA or macros as I'd like to put in some conditional visibility for my form. Basically, I have a checkbox. If it's checked, I want three or four more fields to pop up. Someone was able to point me to a basic VBA formula of if (this checkbox) = true then, (fieldx).visible = true, else, (fieldx).visibility = false, end if.
But I'm so new to this that I need more help and explanation. I tried putting it in but couldn't get it to work (no error message, just nothing changed at all).
Specific questions:
-Does this formula seem right?
-If I want multiple fields to be visible, can I combine them into one formula or should I create a new "if" statement for all?
-Where do I enter this code? I'm running the Office 365 version. For all I know, I'm not even putting it in the right place.
-How do I determine the field names to replace the (this checkbox) and (fieldx) in the formula? I tried entering the name I title the fields as, but with the spaces in the name I got an error message, and without the spaces nothing happened. Is there a specific naming convention to turn the field names into formula-appropriate titles? Is the name listed somewhere?
-Once I get the formula entered, is there something I have to do to get it to run/take effect? I tried saving, closing and reopening with no changes.
-Is this the best way to go about this?
If there's anything else you think I should know, I would love to hear it - but please keep in mind I'm very new to this so if you could keep it at "dummy" or ELI5 levels of explanation, I'd appreciate it!
after creating a form with 4 textboxes and a checkbox put the form in design mode (lower right corner has design mode selected, select a textbox and hit property sheet on the ribbon (or f4).
On the property sheet note the visible property. set the visible property to false. Now the textbox will be invisible when the form starts.
Tip you can select all the textboxes at the same time and set their properties all at once.
Every control on the form and even the various parts of the form have properties you can set and play with. For instance you can give any name you want to any control. On the property sheet go to the other tab and set the name property.
Tip: choose a name you you will remember without having to look it up and describes the controls function.
Next select the checkbox (not the checkbox's label). On the property sheet go to the event tab and select the on click event. hit the ellipsis and choose code builder. Access is Event Driven. We want the textboxes to appear when the checkbox is selected so we put that code in the checkbox click event.
after choosing code builder we get the code window where we can browse among all the events for all our forms. for now all you should see is something like:
Private Sub mycheckbox_Click()
End Sub
So insert some code to handle the checkboxes like:
Private Sub mycheckbox_Click()
If mycheckbox = True Then
txtbox1.Visible = True
txtbox2.Visible = True
txtbox3.Visible = True
txtbox4.Visible = True
txtbox1.Visible = False
txtbox2.Visible = False
txtbox3.Visible = False
txtbox4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
now when the checkbox is not checked no textboxes are visible.
but when the checkbox is checked they appear

How to use UserForm CheckBox to change Control Content CheckBox in Word Document?

I created an UserForm with a checkbox 'cbxYes' and a Content Control checkbox 'docCbx' in the Word document. I want to be to check off the checkbox 'cbxYes' in UserForm that then changes the Content Control checkbox in the Word document.
So the input is from the UserForm checkbox and the output is the Content Control checkbox.
I have tried multiple searches on how to do this, but I could not find exactly what I needed. Most of the searches were related to Excel. And honestly, I don't know what I'm doing. Please. The correct help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub cbxYes_Click()
Dim oCC As ContentControl
If cbxYes.value = True Then
cbxYes.value = "True"
ActiveDocument.docCbx_Yes.value = True
cbxYes.value = "False"
ActiveDocument.docCbx_Yes.value = False
End If
End Sub
The error I got was:
run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method.
The code shown in the question would be for ActiveX checkboxes, rather than content controls. (Just to make things really complicated, Word also has checkbox form fields that need yet another code syntax.)
There's no way to refer directly to a content control name via the Document object - it must be done over the ContentControls collection. Content controls can be assigned a Title and/or a Tag in the Properties dialog box.
More than one content control can have the same name or title, which makes the code a bit complicated. Querying Document.ContentControls("Title") returns a collection (all the content controls with that title).
If you know which one, then it's possible to pick it up directly (rather than working through a collection) using the Item method, specifying that it's the n content control (the index in the order of content controls). This is usually used when one knows there's only the one.
Note, please, also, that in order to "check" or "uncheck" a content control checkbox the Checked property should be use. So:
Private Sub cbxYes_Click()
Dim oCC As ContentControl
Set oCC = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("docCbx").Item(1)
If cbxYes.value = True Then
'cbxYes.value = "True" not needed
occ.Checked = True
'cbxYes.value = "False" not needed
oCC.Checked = False
End If
End Sub
Assuming that "docCbx" is the title of the content control you can replace
ActiveDocument.docCbx_Yes.value = True
For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("docCbx")
If (oCC.Type = wdContentControlCheckBox) Then
oCC.Checked = False
End If
and the equivalent, but using False, for the other branch of your code. The above code will update all checkbox type content controls with that name (the names do not have to be unique within a document), except controls that have been marked as "Contents cannot be edited" - they will remain unchanged. It deals with the situation where there aren't any content controls with that name by doing nothing.
If "docCbx" is the value of the Tag, you would need the following instead:
For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("docCbx")
If (oCC.Type = wdContentControlCheckBox) Then
oCC.Checked = False
End If
If docCbx is something else, I would suggest that instead you give Titles and/or Tags to your content controls and use the above approach. Otherwise, you should modify your question to state precisely how you are naming the control "docCbx".
You get the error because adding content controls to a document does not create new members of the document object, whereas adding a form control to a user form does create new members of the Form object. (Documents do in fact have a mechanism that works more like the Form object but it has been deprecated for a long time.)

Ellipsis Textbox for VBA Userform File Select

I am trying to create a path selection user interface for an extensive VBA program I've been working on, but I can't seem to get the ellipsis textbox that I'd like. This is a very common feature, especially in option tables. This is an example of what I'd like to get, straight from the VBA Options panel:
I would LOVE to find a way to get the same functionality in a Userform. The only solution that I've found thus far is to use a combo box with the ellipsis arrow option enabled. However, there doesn't seem to be an apparent way to use the activation of the combo box arrow to run a dialog box, nor does there seem to be a way to make it look UNLIKE a combo box. Last resort I use a button below the text box, but I'd really prefer a less-bulky way of doing this.
Any solution would be greatly appreciated.
The only solution that I've found thus far is to use a combo box with
the ellipsis arrow option enabled. However, there doesn't seem to be
an apparent way to use the activation of the combo box arrow to run a
dialog box, nor does there seem to be a way to make it look UNLIKE a
combo box
Your suggestion does work, and it is surely less complex and more elegant than having two controls work together, Button + Textbox.
A Combo can achieve perfectly the desired feature, in the following way.
1) In design mode, set the button style to Ellipsis
DropButtonStyle = fmDropButtonStyleEllipsis
And eventually, make the ellipsis show up only when the combo is entered, by setting the design-time property:
ShowDropButtonWhen = ShowDropButtonWhenFocus
2) If needed, you can set other design-time properties to have some look and feel. The defaults look pretty good however.
3) Add the following handler to the parent userform. The snippet simulates the launching of a dialog and getting a new value or cancelling. It does not show any dropdown window. (but you still have control over that: if you want to show it according to some condition, you still can call the method ComboBox1.DropDown)
Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
' The following two lines avoid to call the routine twice, at entry and at exit
Static i As Integer
i = (i + 1) Mod 2: If i = 0 Then Exit Sub
With ComboBox1
s = InputBox("enter some text", , .Value) '<~~ simulates any dialog
If s <> "" Then .Value = s
SendKeys ("{Enter}") '<~~ to close immediately the dropdown window
End With
End Sub
Try it ;)
Not only do ComboBoxes have Drop Buttons, so do TextBoxes (as do Excel's RefEdit controls). Even though you can't access the Textbox's Drop Button at design time, you can do so at runtime. Using a textbox avoids having to deal with the dropped down list of a combobox.
Given a textbox named TextBox1, the following code will provide the desired ellipsis drop button:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me.TextBox1
.DropButtonStyle = fmDropButtonStyleEllipsis
.ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways
End With
End Sub
Then use the DropButtonClick event of the textbox to perform whatever action you want:
Private Sub TextBox1_DropButtonClick()
'' Code here to do what you need
End Sub
I have an extensive example at Alternative to Excel’s Flaky RefEdit Control that uses a textbox with a "Reduce" drop button to replicate the functionality of Excel's unreliable RefEdit controls.

Disable checkboxes after selection is finished

I have a sheet, where one of the columns has 10 checkboxes in one where user can select multiple options.
Is there any way to keep this set of checks unchangeable after user has checked on needed options? Or any other way for user to select 1 or more options (not with list drop-downs)
My situation is like this:
For each row, the user has to select a range of checkboxes (labels of checkboxes tell about type of documents attached for that specific record) There is no further action, just check and save. Is there any macro, or any way to do this beside the actual way (with checkboxes)?
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
CheckBox1.Enabled = False
End Sub
I will explain you the complete process.
Add a checkbox Then
Make sure the Design Mode is Selected
Right Click on the CheckBox and click on View Code
And there place this code Make sure the CCheckbox name is according to your checkbox
Now whenever the user Checks the checkbox it will get disabled.

How to pass the value (true/false) of checkboxes created run-time on a userform

I am trying to create a number of checkboxes on a UserForm after reading all the non-empty rows in an excel sheet. That means these checkboxes have to be created in run-time. I also want to put a CommandButton on the UserForm. What I want is that once the user presses this CommandButton, the code should be able to send to a subroutine the information on which checkboxes are checked and what their names are.
Could anyone help me with problem.
Instead of trying to dynamically create checkboxes on a userform (which I'm not even sure is possible) consider using a listbox with a ListStyle of fmListStyleOption and with MultiSelect turned on with fmMultiSelectMulti
Populate the Listbox using the AddItem Method
For i = 0 to 9
Me.lbxDivisions.List(i) = "Checkbox " & format(i)
Next i
And determine which items are checked via the Selected property:
For i = 0 To lbxDivisions.ListCount - 1
If lbxDivisions.Selected(i) Then
MsgBox "Item " & Format(i) & " is selected and has value " & lbxDivisions.List(i)
End If
Next i
You can programmatically add form controls (check boxes, listboxes, etc) to userforms. From within the form's code module,
Me.Controls.Add "Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox1", True)
From any other code module, just reference the form by name, instead of Me, e.g.,
MyUserForm.Controls.Add "Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox1", True)
Personally I would favor using a more dynamic control (like a list box or combobox) unless your task absolutely requires you to use check boxes. With dynamic controls you need to manage their size, location relative to other controls, resize the userform (if necessary), etc., and although it's kind of possible to add event handling to these controls (see here), that's really limited (e.g., if you expect you need to add 10 check boxes each of which do a different thing, you need to pre-write 10 check box subroutines. If you create 11 check boxes but only 10 pre-written routines, the last check box won't do anything. It would be easier to just create all the check boxes when designing the form, and then programmatically set them to Visible=True or Visible=False as circumstance requires.
So, I'd favor using a dynamic control like a listbox or combobox, but it is possible to add form controls like checkboxes at run-time, if you must.