twisted.web.client HTTP logging - twisted

How can I log the HTTP requests and responses when using twisted.web.client? I've checked the docs and sources and didn't find anything but maybe it's possible using some custom agents or some such?

There is no built-in support for this, but you can implement your own IAgent, that does logging and delegates to another IAgent, perhaps using proxyForInterface.


reSolve framwork: How to authenticate a user via HTTP-request (routeRegisterCallback)?

I am new to web-app development and the reSolve framework I am using for the backend (javascript). Since the application will have multiple users with different authorizations, I am using the Authentication and Authorization module like described in the documentation plus some lines from the shopping-list-advanced example.
The problem I am facing now is, how to make the HTTP-request in order to actually authenticate a user (register/login and also, logout)?
Since I couldn't find anything in the documentation, I've been trying a POST-request to http://localhost:3000/register but it always just returned Access error: POST is not addressable by current executor. What am I missing?
Another problem, or rather unclarity: In the example shopping-list-advanced what is "ROOT_JWT_TOKEN" and what is it used for?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I found it myself - at least the general path for the HTTP-request (see marked comment in picture):
Picture was taken from:

How to add remote issue link in jira-rest-api

I've got a program which creates JIRA issues using the jira-rest-api supported by Atlassian.
What I'd like to do is to create a link within the issue to an external URL (actually a presigned Amazon S3 link).
At the REST level this should be doable with a POST request to the Jira api to create a remoteLink. However I cannot find methods in the client APIs or a RemoteLink dto in the Java library.
Nor does the Java library appear to give any access to lower level REST handlers.
Now, I could set up my own REST handling code, going right back to the endpoint URL and authentication, but that's messy, when most of the code the code should already be there. Also I can't clearly see which json fields are required, and which not can be left to the API.
Am I overlooking something obvious in the documentation? I can't even seem to locate source for the client implementation, only the interface layer.
My current code is using version 3.0.6 of the api, but I've just checked v4 (which seems to be the latest on offer) and there's still no RemoteLink support.
Have you tried with these?

Symfony 3.1: configuration of ldap component as service

I'm writing my first Symfony app and and I need authenticate users over LDAP/AD, but I run out of documentation...
I found many solutions for use LdapClient, but it tagged as deprecated. So, i check for use the new one Ldap class as recommended, but I not found documentation for use it. The documentation of Ldap component for the current version (3.1) suggest to use LdapClient yet! It isn't updated yet?
I don't know how to do: must we create an adapter for add a Ldap service? If so, how to proceed?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Check out this cookbook article for configuring LDAP authentication using the builtin Symfony component:
I also have a bundle I maintain that includes LDAP authentication that works well with AD called LdapToolsBundle. It has documentation on the main page for the app/config/config.yml entries needed to configure your domain for use in the bundle, and also some details on configuring authentication in app/config/security.yml here.
The bundle above provides a LDAP service called ldap_tools.ldap_manager that can be used to query/create/modify different types AD objects.
take a look at my Blog:
This requires FOSUserBundle and FR3DLdapBundle, but I think if you go through all that documentation you should be able to get LDAP/AD integration with Symfony3 working.
Below is a second easier solution:

NSURLSession prevent authentication challenge for proxy

I am using NSURLSession to implement an osx application that perform REST requests, and has the ability of manually or automatically configure proxy settings for app requests.
I was able to do this using session configuration, and is working for simple contexts.
However when it comes to proxies that require authentication I encounter some issues.
Due to some project requirements, when a request fails due to proxy authentication error(status code 407), I need to display my own custom dialog.
From what I've read so far, I did not find any way of achieving this using NSURLSession. There are some delegate methods related to authentication challenge, but are called after the challenge was already displayed to the user.
Is there a way to skip showing an authentication challenge for a NSURLSession request and fail with 407 status code instead?
As far as I know, neither NSURLConnection nor NSURLSession ask the app to handle 407 responses before displaying that dialog, and there's not a way to change that, short of filing a bug with Apple and convincing them to add that functionality in a future version of iOS or OS X.
For now, I think the best you can probably do is use libcurl to make a "junk" request first, see if it returns a 407, and if so, ask the user to provide new credentials. It isn't pretty, but it will technically meet your requirements. :-)
But honestly, the requirements are dubious. OS X and iOS users don't expect to control proxy settings within an app. They're normally systemwide behaviors. As such, trying to control them in the app is questionable. So if you have any say-so in the matter, you should try to get the requirements changed.

Struts controller/porccessor monitoring/log utility

I'm looking for some kind of monitoring tool to visualize/log all internal struts forwards together with all http headers, parameters, request and session attributes values.
The intend is to understand the full flow of certain request in struts 1.x application.
Thanks a lot.
Use MaintainJ to monitor all calls and methods in java web application... And in firefox install 'firebug' run it select net tag... Under this tag you can see every server call and response of that call... Chrome too have this feature...