jgroups auth and encrypt - infinispan

I have gone through http://jgroups.org/manual/index.html#Misc which says that encrypt node should be configured as below (1):
<ENCRYPT encrypt_entire_message="false"
sym_init="128" sym_algorithm="AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"
asym_init="512" asym_algorithm="RSA"/>
However, below that there is another section called "using a keystore" which says encrypt block should be as below (2):
<ENCRYPT key_store_name="defaultStore.keystore"
When I try (1), messages are not encrypted. If I want to use (2), is encrypt_entire_message property valid?
I have tried to find a simple end-to-end example for encrypt with no luck. Can someone point me to a working example or share their working jgroups config.

The JGroups testsuite has some encrypt tests which might be able to help, see here


Netty: Safe SSL implementation

I basically tried to implement Netty's build in SSLHandler. I had no problems until i implemented the Client-Side SSL.
I tried everything out any neither of all tries actually checked an incoming certificate of a Server. I could basically connect me to invalid SSL Servers.
I only saw codes like these on the internet:
pipeline.addLast("ssl", SslContextBuilder.forClient().trustManager(InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE).build().newHandler(channel.alloc(), UserConnection.SERVER_API_DOMAIN, UserConnection.SERVER_CONNECTION_PORT));
Any Ideas?
If you pass in .trustManager(null) , you get the system default which should check certificates based on the default root certs you have on your system.
To quote docs https://netty.io/4.1/api/io/netty/handler/ssl/SslContextBuilder.html#trustManager-java.lang.Iterable-
Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate, null uses the system default
Of course, you could also leave out the .trustManager(...) call altogether, since the default is null

How to find the ssl / tls master key

I tried posting this on ask.openstack but it has been stuck in the moderator for 5 days now. I thought I'd try here.
I was trying to debug a Nova issue and wanted to decode the SSL / TLS packets being exchanged using Wireshark. Part of the changes I was making was setting Nova up to use SSL / TLS and I wanted to be sure that part of it I had set correctly. I eventually figure out my issues from the various log files but I'm somewhat assuming that being able to watch the network traffic may help in some very difficult cases.
The exchange uses TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 at one point. According to this security stackexchannge question, there is a "pre-master secret" or various other terms. I've wrestled with this before in a previous life doing IPSec. Usually you can set debug in the application and it will spew out the secret into the log file. I tried "debug = true" under Default in nova.conf and got lots of debug but no secret. There was two items that looked interesting that were reported as **** in the log: keystone_authtoken.memcache_secret_key and neutron.metadata_proxy_shared_secret. I wasn't sure if those were the secrets I was looking for or not. In this case, I'm looking at the nova-api traffic going to port 8774.
Also, since all of openstack is Python and uses the same "request" and "certifi" packages, it may be possible to generalize this to all of the openstack components.
nova --version report 9.1.1

JHipster - Problems with the configuration of LDAPS

I've genrated my application with JHipster. I've changed the authentication way in my project to use LDAPS.
I added configuration in application.yml
Server SSL:
key-store: classpath:keystore.jks
key-store-password: secret
key-password: secret
I didn't add any other code (i.e. java) for this certificate.
When I try to launch my application in a browser, it doesn't work; however if I delete this configuration, it works. Does my application really needs a certificate for the connection to LDAPS?
What is wrong with this code, should I add java code somewhere to complete my configuration?
Thanks for your answers
Not enough information to help you. Which version of JHipster, which authentication did you choose when generating your app?
To make it work with LDAP you must change the SecurityConfiguration class.

Twisted SNI with deferreds

In our system, virtual hosts configuration is stored in redis. During connection setup, when the SNI is received, we would like to query redis for the correct certificate and key pair to use for the TLS connection and create a new Context instance with that attached.
The bulk of the code is similar to the accepted answer here: Twisted listenSSL virtualhosts
The issue we are facing is that, since accessing the certificates involves an additional network operation, we would like to make the set_tlsext_servername_callback function return a deferred.
Is there a way to tell Twisted/pyOpenSSL to wait until the deferred fires?
Edit: I found this link which seems promising, but falls short of providing a solution: https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-dev/2015-January/000480.html
You can find an example of Twisted and SNI here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txsni. I would really, really like that callback to be able to take a Deferred. I think that the way to do this would be to pause the underlying transport from delivering any further bytes either in or out (stopReading/stopWriting) and then resume when the Deferred fires, after doing the rest of the SNI dance. However, I'm not even sure if this is possible with OpenSSL, because the SNI is received with the rest of ClientHello and you may need to be able to react immediately to serve the correct certificate. In this worst-possible-case scenario, you could feed the first chunk of bytes you receive into a dummy memory-BIO, wait for the TLS handshake, throw it away and never deliver any generated responses, and then don't initialize your "real" sub-transport until you've decided on which context object to use.
Hope this helps - and if you figure it out, please contribute a patch to TxSNI or Twisted!

Marklogic http post using ssl

I am trying to do a xdmp:http-post to a third party URL using the Marklogic (v7.0) query console. The URL is a https:// url and I was able to install the necessary certificate from the admin console. When I run the post, I am receiving the following error:
[1.0-ml] SVC-SOCCONN: xdmp:http-post("https://xxxxx.............", ()) -- Socket connect error: SSL_connect XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:60855-XX.XX.X.XX:443: key size too small (0x0506706e); DH lib (0x14098005)
Can you please assist me here as to what I might be doing wrong? Do I need to follow any additional steps apart from installing the certificate?
Please let me know if I need to supply additional information.
The server's certificate is using a key size that is too small, and therefore considered to be insecure. Since the host name suggests it's a dev machine, the best thing would be to have them use a longer key if you can.
If that's not possible, you can disable FIPS mode on your MarkLogic server. That can be done through the Admin UI by navigating to http://your.host.name:8001/cluster-admin.xqy?section=cluster&local-cluster=true and setting "ssl fips enabled" to false. Be aware that if you do this, the server will allow you to use ciphers and key lengths that are considered weak.