if-then-else construction in complex stored procedure - sql

I am relatively new to sql queries and I was wondering how to create a complex stored procedure. My database runs on SQL server.
I have a table customer (id, name) and a table customer_events (id, customer_id, timestamp, action_type). I want add a calculated field customer_status to table customer which is
0: (if there is no event for this customer in customer_events) or (the most recent event is > 5 minutes ago)
1: if the most recent event is < 5 minutes ago and action_type=0
2: if the most recent event is < 5 minutes ago and action_type=1
Can I use if-then-else constructions or should I solve this challenge differently?

As you mentioned in comments, you actually want to add a field to a select query, and in a general sense what you want is a CASE statement. They work like this:
SELECT field1,
WHEN some_condition THEN some_result
WHEN another_condition THEN another_result
END AS field_alias
FROM table
Applied to your specific scenario, well it's not totally straightforward. You're certainly going to need to left join your status table, you also want to aggregate to find the most recent event, along with that event's action type. Once you have that information, the case statement is straightforward.
Always hard to write sql without access to your data, but something like:
SELECT c.id,
WHEN e.id IS NULL OR DATEDIFF(minute,e.timestamp,getDate())>=5 THEN 0
WHEN DATEDIFF(minute,e.timestamp,getDate())<5 AND s.action_type=1 THEN 1
WHEN DATEDIFF(minute,e.timestamp,getDate())<5 AND s.action_type=0 THEN 2
END as customer_status
FROM clients c
SELECT id, client_id, action_type,
rank() OVER(partition by client_id order by timestamp desc) AS r
FROM customer_events
) e
ON c.id=e.client_id AND e.r=1
The core of this is the subquery in the middle, it's using a rank funtion to give a number to each status by client_id ordered by the timestamp descending. Therefore every record with a rank of 1 will be the most recent (for that client). Thereafter, you simply join it on to the client table, and use it to determine the right value for customer_status

Presuming you get the event info into "Most_Recent_Event_Mins_Ago". If none it will be NULL.
SELECT Id, Name,
WHEN Most_Recent_Event_Mins_Ago IS NULL THEN 0
WHEN Most_Recent_Event_Mins_Ago <5 AND Action_type = 0 THEN 1
WHEN Most_Recent_Event_Mins_Ago <5 AND Action_type = 1 THEN 0
..other scenarions
ELSE yourDefaultValueForStatus
END as Status
FROM customer


In SQL, is there something like COALESCE() to qualify Column values which are NOT NULL?

I have an "Order"Table which houses "Status"Column. Values under Status = ('Completed','Sold','In-Process','Released','NotStarted').
Even though there is no sequence or hierarchy for that in the table, we can perceive the sequence as below.
1 NotStarted
2 Released
3 In-Process
4 Sold
5 Completed
So 'Completed' is the highest status and each order goes through these Statuses until they are Completed. if they are not completed yet, they should be in one of the other status.
When I filter on Completed, I miss out on the other records. When I include all Status, I get multiple records of same order such as 1 record for Released, 1 record for InProcess, etc (i.e, the various stages of the order)
select * from OrderTable
where Status = 'Completed'
I want to have the ability to do something like this --
COALESCE(Completed,Sold,In-Process,Released,NotStarted, NULL)
In other words, I want to get the highest record for that status and only 1 record for each order.
Is this possible in Sql?
One option is to use ROW_NUMBER() with a Case expression to establish your ordering.
SELECT OrderNumber,
CASE Status
WHEN 'NotStarted' THEN 1
WHEN 'Released' THEN 2
WHEN 'In-Process' THEN 3
WHEN 'Sold' THEN 4
WHEN 'Completed' THEN 5
END DESC) as Order_Status_Rank
FROM OrderTable
) dt
WHERE Order_Status_Rank = 1;
See it in action here
If you used the numbers shown in your list instead of the text, all you would have to do is select Top 1 and sort on the number. You can use another table to store the number/entry data. By the way, this would also prevent erroneous data entry.

Write Oracle SQL query to fetch from Tasks table top Approval Statuses that appear after some first null value

Write Oracle SQL query to fetch from Tasks table top Approval Statuses that appear after some first null value in the Approval_Status Column and then Approval Status sequence and then some null values
I only need the top Approval Statuses sequence
Serial Number for each task ID Sequence starts from 1 and then comes in Sequence like 1.2.3... and so on
There are thousands of tasks in the table like from T1 .... Tn
See the Query Result below i need to write a query that returns data in that format
I have heard analytic function i.e. "Partition By clause" for this can be used but i don't know how to use that
Query Result
I really appreciate experts help in this regard
You can do this with analytic functions, but there is a trick. The idea is to look only at rows where approval_status is not null. You want the first group of sequential serial numbers in this group.
The group is identified by the difference between a sequence that enumerates all the rows and the existing serial number. To get the first, use dense_rank(). Finally, choose the first by looking for the ones with a rank equal to 1:
select t.*
from (select t.*, dense_rank(diff) over (partition by taskid) as grpnum
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (partition by taskid order by serial_number) -
) as diff
from tasks
where approval_status is not null
) t
) t
where grpnum = 1;

How do I check if all posts from a joined table has the same value in a column?

I'm building a BI report for a client where there is a 1-n related join involved.
The joined table has a field for employee ID (EmplId).
The query that I've built for this report is supposed to give a 1 in its field "OneEmployee" if all the related posts have the same employee in the EmplId field, null if it's different employees, i.e:
TaskTransHours > EmplId: 'John'
TaskTransHours > EmplId: 'John'
This should give a 1 in the said field in the query
TaskTransHours > EmplId: 'John'
TaskTransHours > EmplId: 'George'
This should leave the said field blank
The idea is to create a field where a case function checks this and returns the correct value. But my problem is whereas there is a way to check for this through SQL.
select not count(*) from your_table
where employee_id = GIVEN_ID
and your_field not in ( select min(your_field)
from your_table
where employee_id = GIVEN_ID);
Note: my first idea was to use LIMIT 1 in the inner query, but MYSQL didn't like it, so min it was - the points to use any, but only one. Min should work, but the field should be indexed, then this query will actually execute rather fast, as only indexes would be used (obviously employee_id should also be indexed).
Note2: Do not get too confused with not in front of count(*), you want 1 when there is none that is different, I count different ones, and then give you the not count(*), which will be one if count is 0, otherwise 0.
Seems a job for a window COUNT():
AS OneEmployee

Getting the last record in SQL in WHERE condition

i have loanTable that contain two field loan_id and status
loan_id status
1 0
2 9
1 6
5 3
4 5
1 4 <-- How do I select this??
4 6
In this Situation i need to show the last Status of loan_id 1 i.e is status 4. Can please help me in this query.
Since the 'last' row for ID 1 is neither the minimum nor the maximum, you are living in a state of mild confusion. Rows in a table have no order. So, you should be providing another column, possibly the date/time when each row is inserted, to provide the sequencing of the data. Another option could be a separate, automatically incremented column which records the sequence in which the rows are inserted. Then the query can be written.
If the extra column is called status_id, then you could write:
FROM LoanTable AS L1
WHERE L1.Status_ID = (SELECT MAX(Status_ID)
FROM LoanTable AS L2
WHERE L2.Loan_ID = 1);
(The table aliases L1 and L2 could be omitted without confusing the DBMS or experienced SQL programmers.)
As it stands, there is no reliable way of knowing which is the last row, so your query is unanswerable.
Does your table happen to have a primary id or a timestamp? If not then what you want is not really possible.
If yes then:
SELECT TOP 1 status
FROM loanTable
WHERE loan_id = 1
-- or
-- ORDER BY yourTimestamp DESC
I assume that with "last status" you mean the record that was inserted most recently? AFAIK there is no way to make such a query unless you add timestamp into your table where you store the date and time when the record was added. RDBMS don't keep any internal order of the records.
But if last = last inserted, that's not possible for current schema, until a PK addition:
select top 1 status, loan_id
from loanTable
where loan_id = 1
order by id desc -- PK
Use a data reader. When it exits the while loop it will be on the last row. As the other posters stated unless you put a sort on the query, the row order could change. Even if there is a clustered index on the table it might not return the rows in that order (without a sort on the clustered index).
SqlDataReader rdr = SQLcmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
string lastVal = rdr[0].ToString()
You could also use a ROW_NUMBER() but that requires a sort and you cannot use ROW_NUMBER() directly in the Where. But you can fool it by creating a derived table. The rdr solution above is faster.
In oracle database this is very simple.
select * from (select * from loanTable order by rownum desc) where rownum=1
Hi if this has not been solved yet.
To get the last record for any field from a table the easiest way would be to add an ID to each record say pID. Also say that in your table you would like to hhet the last record for each 'Name', run the simple query
SELECT Name, MAX(pID) as LastID
INTO [TableName]
FROM [YourTableName]
GROUP BY [Name]/[Any other field you would like your last records to appear by]
You should now have a table containing the Names in one column and the last available ID for that Name.
Now you can use a join to get the other details from your primary table, say this is some price or date then run the following:
SELECT a.*,b.Price/b.date/b.[Whatever other field you want]
FROM [TableName] a LEFT JOIN [YourTableName]
ON a.Name = b.Name and a.LastID = b.pID
This should then give you the last records for each Name, for the first record run the same queries as above just replace the Max by Min above.
This should be easy to follow and should run quicker as well
If you don't have any identifying columns you could use to get the insert order. You can always do it like this. But it's hacky, and not very pretty.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.[count]) AS rownum from (
1 as [count]
from table tab) t
So basically you get the 'natural order' if you can call it that, and add some column with all the same data. This can be used to sort by the 'natural order', giving you an opportunity to place a row number column on the next query.
Personally, if the system you are using hasn't got a time stamp/identity column, and the current users are using the 'natural order', I would quickly add a column and use this query to create some sort of time stamp/incremental key. Rather than risking having some automation mechanism change the 'natural order', breaking the data needed.
I think this code may help you:
WITH cte_Loans
FROM LoanTable
FROM LoanTable L1
FROM LoanTable L2
WHERE L2.LoanID = L1.LoanID)

Converting Rows to Columns in SQL SERVER 2008

In SQL Server 2008,
I have a table for tracking the status history of actions (STATUS_HISTORY) that has three columns ([ACTION_ID],[STATUS],[STATUS_DATE]).
Each ACTION_ID can have a variable number of statuses and status dates.
I need to convert these rows into columns that preferably look something like this:
[ACTION_ID], [STATUS_1], [STATUS_2], [STATUS_3], [DATE_1], [DATE_2], [DATE_3]
Where the total number of status columns and date columns is unknown, and - of course - DATE_1 correlates to STATUS_1, etc. And I'd like for the status to be in chronological order (STATUS_1 has the earliest date, etc.)
My reason for doing this is so I can put the 10 most recent Statuses on a report in an Access ADP, along with other information for each action. Using a subreport with each status in a new row would cause the report to be far too large.
Is there a way to do this using PIVOT? I don't want to use the date or the status as a column heading.
Is it possible at all?
I have no idea where to even begin. It's making my head hurt.
Let us suppose for brevity that you only want 3 most recent statuses for each action_id (like in your example).
Then this query using CTE should do the job:
WITH rownrs AS
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY action_id ORDER BY status_date DESC) AS rownr
s1.action_id AS action_id
,s1.status AS status_1
,s2.status AS status_2
,s3.status AS status_3
,s1.status_date AS date_1
,s2.status_date AS date_2
,s3.status_date AS date_3
(SELECT * FROM rownrs WHERE rownr=1) AS s1
(SELECT * FROM rownrs WHERE rownr=2) AS s2
ON s1.action_id = s2.action_id
(SELECT * FROM rownrs WHERE rownr=3) AS s3
ON s1.action_id = s3.action_id
NULL values will appear in the rows where the action_id has less then 3 status-es.
I haven't had to do it with two columns, but a PIVOT sounds like what you should try. I've done this in the past with dates in a result set where I needed the date in each row be turned into the columns at the top.
I sympathize with the headache from trying to design and visualize it, but the best thing to do is try getting it working with one of the columns and then go from there. It helps once you start playing with it.