linphone-iphone auto answer - xcode6

I am working on linphone-iphone. I have also worked on linphone-android and I found a way to enable autoanswer but for Linphone-iphone I couldnt find it. Please help me. How I can enable auto answer in linphone-iphone. I am using xcode.

Linphone dev here.
You can't enable auto answer on linphone-iphone because the iOS API forbids that you open the mic and video if the linphone app is not the front-facing app.
So you could have the auto answer feature, but that means leaving the screen on all the time, with linphone as the foreground app.


Add push notifications to react native application

I have an issue when i try to add push notifications to my app.
when i see the documentation: documentation , it tells me to add some code to android/build.gradle, android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and others which i don't have in my application .
I am using Expo so i don't have a folder for android and another for Ios
You are currently using Expo managed workflow. You can read more about it here.
But that is why you cannot find those files you are looking for.
To help with your issue, I did find this,
I tested the snack and it works. So you will have to figure out your trigger for the notification.
However I am not sure if you will be able to send the notification when the app is closed, so you will have to figure that out if needed.

How can I share a file using react-native and expo on android without detaching?

I'm working on an app with Expo and would like the user be able to share a file (.vcf) with an application of their choice.
On iOS I have this working without issues using the default
Share.share({url: filetoshare})
However, the URL field only works for iOS. I read a suggestion to use
IntentLauncherAndroid.startActivityAsync('android.intent.action.SEND', {URI
: uri});
But this gives me the error:
No Activity Found To Handle Intent
Is there any way that I would be able to share a file without detaching on an android device?
If there is any additional information I could provide to make answering this question easier, please let me know. Thank you!

How to make a updater for electron application

I created a desktop application for my ionic app using electron. Now what I need is I want to implement auto update function for this. I followed several documentations, but neither helps.
Finally I followed steps in this document since it seems to be working after reading the comments. But it also didn't work.
Can someone guide me to resolve this?

ios 9 universal link is not Working?

I am facing some problem in Universal link iOS 9
So I followed the tutorial and exactly use the same values as the one provided.
if app is already installed when i tap on Universal link,than i navigate to app store but is navigate to my App.
I have already done all the needed configuration given by Apple.
The Apple Association file is also ready in the link directory: WEB_PAGE:PORT_NUMBER/apple-app-site-association
Everything seems to be setup on this side.
I've added the entitlements, updated the provisioning profile, and everything's setup.
Has anyone perfected this? Is there something I missed out?

SoundJS not starting in iOS

I am getting nuts a little bit.
I am working on SoundJS app for an alarm. The user will share a link and when somebody click on it, after the user defined time the alarm will sound.
I have this link:
I am using SoundJS 0.6.2 (which should be the latest)
But the alarm not working in iOS, it works perfectly in Android and PC. Works ok on my MacBook. but not on the iPhone.
Please advice
Well on GitHub and in Slack an answere was given.
This is an iOS limitation, and some of the Android have it too.
This issue is because I must "unlock" the web audio context on iOS using a mousedown/touchend event. In SoundJS 0.6.2, any document-level click/touchend will do it (so there is nothing extra that is need to be done). Earlier versions required to do some additional manual steps (which can still be seen in the MobileSafe demo in GitHub, which is not necessary any more).