Little "Jump" on the end of css Animation - css-animations

This is a rather general Question. Using css animations or TweenMax, some Browsers seem to re-render some elements at the end of the animation, so there is a little "jump" of pixels to be seen. On some browsers it looks massive, on some you hardly notice. The smaller the image, the more obvious it becomes. Does anyone has experienced such a behaviour? And knows a bugfix? Help is very appreciated!


Three.js Visual indication or Effect to show when an object is occluded

I’m building a program where you control a small avatar (this is a basic circle geometry or plane) that traverses through a scene filled with 3D Models and shapes. I’d like to achieve an effect similar to those found in many video games where you can see some sort of indication that the avatar is behind the various models and shapes. For example, here is an image to explain what i mean:
Example image to show desired effect
It doesn’t necessarily need to be the outline of the shape like in the example image. I’m open to any effect really that shows some sort of indication that the avatar is behind something but also cant be too performance heavy as I'd like to get this program running on mobile. Being able to customise the effect somewhat (e.g. color, thickness, etc) is also highly desirable. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There really doesn't seem to be much information that I can find to achieve an effect like this.
Also I thought it was worth mentioning that thus far I have attempted two things on my own. One is just rendering the avatar above everything. That turned out to look really silly and confusing. The other thing I attempted was to use an Outline post processing effect (from this library Which actually looked pretty great but proved to be too performance heavy to run optimally at all times (not to mention other problems with color blending and transparent / see-through shapes and models).
I understand this is kind of a shot in the dark but thought it didn't hurt to ask.

Picturebox Drawing Issue

Is it possible to fix this drawing issue that looks like screen tearing on picturebox images when scrolling flowlayoutpanel?
It's much more noticeable when scrolling with a mouse compared to scroll wheel (probably due to much more draw calls).
Ideas that I found on google and tried were mostly centered around double buffering, but they didn't work.
I don't mind them pooping in that much, but that smudging is horrible and unacceptable. Best solution would be of course to make it nice and smooth without flickering, popping and whatever else it may be doing.

Bootstrap Photo gallery: responsiveness on desktop has bug

Every time the window is sized from big:
To small:
There is all of a sudden a gap.
The problem is likely that your images don't all have the exact same aspect ratio, so some of them end up a pixel taller than others in some cases. Then the floated columns don't clear properly.
You can either re-crop your images, which is a fragile solution since you then rely on all future images being perfectly cropped, or you can set your cards' height through CSS and let the images flow to fit. Often using background images gives much more flexibility.
I suggest looking into Bootstrap's responsive embed and setting your images as backgrounds on a child element. Create your own 1:1 class if needed.

Unexpected behavior after zooming into a 3D object with OrbitControls + Three.js

So, I have this code. It's a small 3D scene with a ground, a red box, a custom loaded building and a rotating "sun". I'm delegating camera navigation to OrbitControls script, as it fits the most the way I want the camera to behave, however, there is a little weird problem: after I zoom in into a 3D object within this scene, rotate a little, then zoom out to "leave" the object, the zoom out process takes a billion scrolls. It's a weird behavior and I'm sorry if I'm not clear enough; once I'm in I have to scroll like forever, and every frame it seems to move "out of" the object very slowly, like the camera state is somehow screwed up.
I'm sorry if this very question has been already asked, I looked for this issue and tried stuff from other topics that seemed the same, but it didn't work.
Wow, something even weirder. I tested zooming in this example, indefinitely, then the zoom in started to grow VERY slowly (just like in my code). Am I misunderstanding something? It looks as if the amount of zoom-in's somehow blocked rendering or something.
WestLangley tip actually solved my problem. Setting minDistance prevented the camera to zoom in infinitely, despite the actual rendering only showing a small step into the scene.

Moving background gradient

I have been searching all over the web and even trying to use the code of but doesn't work at all.
I just want to reply back the moving gradient effect on my div, but to be honest i don't know how to do that in any case.
Do someone ever tried something similar or can just show me an example please?
Gazillion of thanks
I've never done this before, but I think I can point you towards the right direction.
It's most likely either a CSS transition or JQuery animation. If it's a CSS transition, you're in luck, because those are pretty friendly to work with.
On that note, it seems someone has asked a similar question here:
Transition of background-color