How do I host a PDF file so a user can click on my "Resume" link and it goes directly to that file for the user to view? - pdf

So basically what I want is - On my personal website, after the user has clicked the "Resume" link on my navigation, I want it to direct to the PDF file so the user can view my resume through the PDF file. How will I make this work? Do I have to host the file somewhere? How do I generate the link to my PDF file? Please help, thank you .

you can host the file in the same folder you're hosting your website. the link will be, for example,


how can I download a pdf file from my browser that allows browsing only(read only)

My question is how can I download a pdf file from my browser that allows browsing only(read only) and does not allow downloading or printing as shown in the attached picture.
I think this pdf file can be downloaded through (php) could help me one specializes in php and Site Script?
please see the picture
enter image description here
enter image description here
This is the link for pdf
There is no download button and no printing
Is there anyone who can upload it to me?
I think it is somewhere in properties of program where do you edit pdf file or right-click on that file and hit properties, and check Read-Only. Then upload the Read-Only applied file to web.

VBA Code to automatically download a file from Google Drive

Does anyone have an example of VBA code to automatically download a file from Google Drive. I can get to viewing the file in Chrome but then I have to manually select 'Download'. I would like to press a button and then pick the downloaded file from my default 'Download' folder. No in-between intervention.
One option would be to launch the users default web browser with a direct link to download your file from Google Drive, this would prompt the user to Save As / Open your user guide in the same way that it would if they clicked to download a PDF from a website and so might be sufficient.
This question's answer details how to open a url in browser, and you can use this website to create direct download links from Google Drive share links.
Using the 'GetspecialFolder' UDF, you can download files from any cloud drive as simple as:
FileCopy GetSpecialFolder(vbDirGoogleDrive) & "MyFile.DOC", GetSpecialFolder(vbDirDownloads) & "MyFile.DOC"

WebDav Pdf Saving error

I have set up a webdav folder that I can access thorugh chrome and edit files and save them back to the server, for example, I can open a word doc, edit it and save it back.
When I come to open a pdf, it wont save back to the server and downloads a copy of the pdf instead of the original.
Is there a way of enabling this to edit a pdf?
My end goal is to be able to open a pdf, add comments/highlights and save it back to the server, through my browser.
Thank you
I have set this up through Apache 2.4, no plug ins through chrome, I have mapped a network drive to the server folder where I can open and edit files. Except PDFs, I would like to add comments to a off but when I open one the option is greyed out and when I try and save it after opening it tries to save to my desktop.
I'm not sure i've got your use case right, but if i've understood you correctly you have a link in a web page to a PDF which you're viewing in chrome. You click on that link and the PDF downloads to a temp file from which it is opened. If you edit and save those changes are simply saved to the temp file on your local PC. Is that correct?
If so, then this is simply normal behaviour for links in web pages. There is absolutely nothing in the HTML standard which suggests links should be opened by an editor with knowledge of the source location.
What you really want is for the link to launch an editor program which retrieves the remote document in edit mode (probably locking the remote resource) and then have edits saved back to the server. For this to happen there generally needs to be some special interaction in the browser. In Internet Explorer this is provided by the sharepoint dll and special script code. I think there's a plugin for Chrome which does the same thing, although differently.
I havent used the Chrome plugin, but i think this might help -

Access Web Inspector in Safari with Applescript

I'm trying to create an Applescript script which essentially downloads files from Safari. However, the files are not available for download via the web page, so I usually open up the Web Inspector and then go to Resources and then in a folder called Other, download the file.
I've been searching the web for a method to do this via Applescript, but to no avail. My question is therefore: How can I access the Web Inspector > Resrouces > Other files in my current Safari window? I know that it is possible to bring up the Web Inspect using ⌥⌘I, and then you can change pane inside of the Inspector using ⌘]. But I can't get focus on the list of Resources Files, as shown below:
Is it possible to access this .mp3 file inside of the Other folder without using shortcut commands? And if not/if so, how can I access the Other folder inside of this window pane?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Is it possible that you can access the .mp3 file some other way? Rather than using the Web Inspector, perhaps you can find the link to the .mp3 file within the page source code, and then download it.
If you want to access the "Other" folder, then you will have to copy the web address you need it for, reset safari, go to the web page via the html bar and then open up the web inspector via alt>cmd>I and it should be there.Not sure what Apple Script has to do with anything (But I have never used it :P)
Hope this helps

External access to file shelf

I am testing a Google Chrome notebook. Whenever I download a file it goes to a folder called "File shelf" which is somehow connected to my Gmail account. Is it possible to access this folder on a "normal" system running any browser? I did not find how to do it yet. In general, is there a description on how to manage this folder: delete, copy to external storage (USB), etc?
The 'File shelf' is not connected to your Gmail. It's a place on the SSD. If you click 'Ctrl-M' you will get a folder with all the files on your local SSD.
Once you are in the folder - right click will give you the options to delete/rename each file.
If you want wish to do more with this new File API - here is a post I've wrote on it.
Good luck.