Order By DESC in SQL Query - vb.net

I have an embedded SQL query in a command button, I now need to add an ORDER BY [Pay_Date] DESC so it orders the most recent dates on top, however I cant seem to get it to work? Here is what I have tried
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim strText As String
strText = Me.txtSearch.Value
strsearch = "Select * from tblInvoiceLog where ((Vendor_Number like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Vendor_Name like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Invoice_1 like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Invoice_2 like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Invoice_3 like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Invoice_4 like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Invoice_5 like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Check_Request_Total like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Voucher_Number like ""*" & strText & "*"") or (Notes like ""*" & strText & "*"") ORDER BY ([Pay_Date] DESC))"
Me.RecordSource = strsearch
End Sub
I am getting the Runtime 3075 error


Access VBA for checkboxes

I'm currently working on a project that gave me a lot of raw data I am trying to filter in a continuous form. I have one field that has a possibility of five letters (GRUBW) with each multiple letters per entry. The goal is to filter the form with a checkbox for each letter. Am I missing something or going about this the wrong way?
Below is the coding I'm attempting to use and when trying to debug I keep getting an error of an undefined variable. As you can see in the coding, I have a lot of ways I want to filter. I have a feeling that I'm missing some double quotes somewhere or my understanding of the way checkboxes are to be coded is totally wrong. I've only been working with VBA for a few months, so I may be out of my depth here. Thanks.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub CBTN_CLICK()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acHeader).Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acCheckBox
ctl.Value = Null
End Select
Me.FilterOn = False
End Sub
Private Sub requeryform()
Dim strwhere As String
Dim lnglen As Long
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([CARD] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!CTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!OTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!ARTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!TTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ctype] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!TTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.RC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & R & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.UC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & u & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.BC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & b & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.GC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & g & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.WC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & w & "*"") AND "
End If
lng = Len(strwhere) - 5
If lnglen <= 0 Then
strwhere = Left$(strwhere, lnglen)
Debug.Print strwhere
Me.Filter = strwhere
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub STBN_CLICK()
End Sub
Undefined variable error is due to not enclosing literal text within quote marks and using lng instead of lnglen. Consider revised code:
Dim strGRUBW As String
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([CARD] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!CTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!OTB & [Forms]![sbx]!CTTB & [Forms]![sbx]!ARTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!TTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ctype] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!TTB & "*"") AND "
End If
With Me
strGRUBW = IIf(.RC, "r,", "") & IIf(.UC, "u,", "") & IIf(.BC, "b,", "") & IIf(.GC, "g,", "") & IIf(.WC, "w,", "")
End With
If strGRUBW <> "" Then strwhere = strwhere & "[color] LIKE '*[" & strGRUBW & "*]' AND "
lnglen = Len(strwhere) - 5

Use one filter value to search and output several fields

Using Visual Basic.
Having searched and searched for an answer, my filter only selects from the 'Recipe' field. I'd like to input 'egg' into my txtSearch textbox and have my button give all recipes that have 'egg' in the recipe or as text in an ingredient. Currently only outputs 2 results: egg nog and eggs benedict. There are 15 recipes with egg in that I'd like to display, too.
Private Sub Search_Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Search_Button_Click_Err
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "[Cocktail] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing1] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing2] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing3] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing4] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing5] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing6] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'" & _
" Or [Ing7] like '*" & [Forms]![Find]![txtSearch] & "*'"
If Len(strSQL) > 255 Then
MsgBox "ApplyFilter string length exceeds 255 characters"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", strSQL
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume Search_Button_Click_Exit
End Sub
an option is to concatenate all of the SQL fields that may contain what you're looking for then have that result in the where xxx like ....
Also some SQL environments use a % as a wildcard.

How to sort filtered ListBox

I have created search box for a ListBox in form. Search function works as intended, but I would like results to show in ascending order based on first column. I am having trouble understanding how to do that. My code:
Private Sub searchTB_Change()
Dim strSource As String, strSearch As String
'code for searching records
strSearch = Replace(searchTB.Text, "'", "''")
strSource = "SELECT [ID], [VP_veiklioji], [VP_invented_name], [Pareisk_pav], [Par_gavimo_data], [Finished] " _
& "FROM TerPar_Oldsys " _
& "WHERE [ID] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
& "Or [VP_veiklioji] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
& "Or [VP_invented_name] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
& "Or [Pareisk_pav] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
& "Or [Par_gavimo_data] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
& "Or [Finished] LIKE '*" & strSearch & "*' " _
'up to this part everything works
'line below do not work (it gets whole code in red in debugger) and I do not know how to fix it
& "ORDER BY" "[ID]" ASC,"
'bottom two lines work too, I have tryed DoCmd.SetOrderBy but do not understand how to make it work either
Me.oldListBox.ColumnWidths = "1.5 cm; 3 cm; 4 cm; 4 cm; 2 cm; 0.6 cm"
Me.oldListBox.RowSource = strSource
End Sub
EDIT: In my opinion it is not duplicate, since I am aiming at totally different architecture which turns out needed only quotes removal as Gustav suggested.
Remove the quotes and the comma:

Hyperlink to fire macro in personal.xlsb

I am having a column in an excel with some text(date, sender,subject) which refer to an email. The problem is that(as far as I know) you can hyperlink to an outlook email in public folders, because the email might move(link varies from pc to pc).
So my idea to obtain that email is to make a hyper link that fires of a macro in the personal.xlsb, that then search for that email and display it.
My only problem is that I can not figure out how to link text to start a macro, Worksheet_FollowHyperlink means that I need to put that code in the sheet where my text is.
I guess I could do that, but this implements that I need to create this code when the workbook is opened and remove it when the workbook is closed, unless I have to rename all the files xlsx to xlsm, and because I am unsure if other colleagues have link to the excel sheet I would like to avoid doing so.
So my question is, is there any way to make a hyperlink to personal.xlsb!ShowEmail(cellValue) ? Or is it possible to make direct link to the email in the public folder? Below is the code for creating the email text:
Function getEpostField(projectNumber As String, drawingNumber As String, partNumber As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim myFolderArray() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim myNameSpace As Object
Dim myFolder As Object
Dim myNewFolder As Object
Dim TopPublicFolder As Object
Dim olMail As Variant
Dim myTasks
Dim strFilter As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myNameSpace = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set TopPublicFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(18)
getEpostField = ""
' array with all subfolders where the item might be...
myFolderArray = Post.helpRequest("XXXXXXXXX")
For i = LBound(myFolderArray) To UBound(myFolderArray)
Set myFolder = TopPublicFolder.Folders("Prototech").Folders(myFolderArray(i, 2)).Folders
For j = 1 To myFolder.Count
If InStr(myFolder(j).Name, projectNumber) Then
If drawingNumber <> "" And partNumber <> "" Then
strFilter = "#SQL=" & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%' " _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%'" _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:attachmentfilename" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%'" _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%' " _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%'" _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:attachmentfilename" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%'"
ElseIf drawingNumber <> "" Then
strFilter = "#SQL=" & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%' " _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%'" _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:attachmentfilename" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & drawingNumber & "%'"
ElseIf partNumber <> "" Then
strFilter = "#SQL=" & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%' " _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%'" _
& "or " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:attachmentfilename" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & partNumber & "%'"
getEpostField = "No emails found"
Exit Function
End If
Set filteredItems = myFolder(j).Items.Restrict(strFilter)
If filteredItems.Count = 0 Then
Debug.Print "No emails found"
getEpostField = "No emails found"
found = False
found = True
' this loop is optional, it displays the list of emails by subject.
For Each itm In filteredItems
attachmentString = ""
If itm.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For Each temp In itm.Attachments
temp2 = InStr(temp.filename, drawingNumber)
If temp2 > 0 Then
attachmentString = attachmentString & temp.filename & " "
End If
Next temp
End If
Debug.Print "Dato:" & Format(itm.CreationTime, "mm.dd.yyyy") & " Subject:" & itm.Subject & " From:" & itm.SenderName & " Attachment:" & attachmentString
getEpostField = getEpostField + "Dato:" & Format(itm.CreationTime, "mm.dd.yyyy") & " Subject:" & itm.Subject & " From:" & itm.SenderName & " Attachment:" & attachmentString
End If
'If the subject isn't found:
If Not found Then
Debug.Print "Found " & filteredItems.Count & " items."
End If
Exit Function
End If
Next j
Next i
End Function
and a test function (returning a range a just results in the link selecting the already-selected cell)
Function TestHL()
Debug.Print "OK"
Set TestHL = Selection
End Function

Docmd.Openform Opening a blank Form?

I have a small piece of code that is embedded into a button on a continuous form. It will open a form to give additional details not on the search result.
My problem is this, It seems that when all the details are present the form opens correctly, if any fields are missing (say a pay date or voucher number), the form opens blank?
Here is the code for the search query, and the code to the button to open the form:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim strText As String
strText = Me.txtSearch.Value
strsearch = "Select * from tblInvoiceLog where Vendor_Number like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Vendor_Name like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Invoice_1 like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Invoice_2 like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Invoice_3 like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Invoice_4 like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Invoice_5 like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Check_Request_Total like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Voucher_Number like ""*" & strText & "*"" or Notes like ""*" & strText & "*"" or TransAction_Id like ""*" & strText & "*"" ORDER BY [Pay_Date] DESC"
Me.RecordSource = strsearch
End Sub
Private Sub Command53_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm: Check Request Info (Redesign)", , , "TransAction_Id = " & TransAction_ID
End Sub
I thought I accounted for all the variables in this equation?
Can any one offer a suggestion?
Make sure that your record sources all point to the same table/query when using multiple forms/sub forms. A novice answer/problem for sure, but it could save a headache Thank you Wayne G. Dunn