Oracle SQL Retrieve Data From End of Month - 16th And 15th - 1st - sql

Alright so I am trying to retrieve data a field we will call DATE_OF_ENTRY and the field is like this.
Example DATE_OF_ENTRY Data
So I need to use this field in a script that will be running twice a month to pull certain records. Basically when it's the 16th day of the current month I want all the records from the 1st-15th to be pulled up. When I run this script on the 1st of the next month I want all the records from the 16th-End of last month.
What I am using now
WHERE ROUND(DATE_OF_ENTRY,'MM') = ROUND(sysdate-1,'MM') AND DATE_OF_ENTRY < trunc(sysdate)
The problem with this statement is that it works on the 1st for the 16th to End of the last month, but on the 16th it gets data from the prior month still.
Any help is appreciated!

Using TRUNC() function with MONTH parameter will get the first day of the month.
Using TRUNC() function with DATE_OF_ENTRY will remove the TIME part.
Use + operator to add days to a DATE
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') firstDay,
TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') + 15 Day15,
FROM yourTable


First day of the month

WHERE to_date(smz_loanservicing.as_of_date) = last_day(add_months(current_date, -1))
The above will provide data only if the loanservicing.as_of_date occurs on the very last day of the month.
Last month (May 31 2020) the last day of the month fell on Sunday.
Is there a way to get the the first day of the month and say if this particular date occurs between the first and last day of the month, show the date? Essentially there were no activities on Sunday so the data was missed.
I tried
between first_day(add_month(current_date,-1))
and last_day(add_months(current_date, -1))`
However I get syntax error.
You seem to want to check if your date column belongs to the current month.
The syntax you use would work in Oracle, so let me assume this is the database that you are running. I also assume that column as_of_date is of datatype date (or timestamp).
What you ask for should be as simple as:
as_of_date >= trunc(current_date, 'mm')
and as_of_date < add_months(trunc(current_date, 'mm'), 1)
Actually, your syntax would also work in Snowflake - and so would the above code.
Note: if as_of_date actually is a string, then you need to_date() to convert it.
You could just truncate the date to the month, then you don’t need the know the first or last day.
where trunc(as_of_date, ‘MM’) = trunc(current_date, ‘MM’)

SQL to display data of current month & next month from table

I wanted some guidance on producing an SQL query that collects the table information of the current date and also next month without having to type in every day for the current month being October or the next month being November.
Basically I've got a table called WORK, in this table there are SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID. I basically need to list the SHIFTID's of shifts where MEMBERSHIPID = null and where DATEOFSHIFT is in November (next month)
Then I need to produce a query for the shift roster showing SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID of each shift in this current month.
This is the structure of my database table if needed.
I would recommend:
select w.*
from work w
where w.membershipid is null and
w.dateofshift >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month and
w.dateofshift < trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '2' month;
You can also phrase the where as:
where w.membershipid is null and
trunc(w.dateofshift, 'Month') >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month
but this makes it hard for Oracle to use an index if an appropriate one is available.
Well from what you've provided, I infer that you want a query to display the information on all those fields for the current month. That is achievable by:

Teradata SQL Same Day Prior Year in same Week

Need help figuring out how to determine if the date is the same 'day' as today in teradata. IE, today 12/1/15 Tuesday, same day last year was actually 12/2/2014 Tuesday.
I tried using current_date - INTERVAL'1'Year but it returns 12/1/2014.
You can do this with a bit of math if you can convert your current date's "Day of the week" to a number, and the previous year's "Day of the week" to a number.
In order to do this in Teradata your best bet is to utilize the sys_calendar.calendar table. Specifically the day_of_week column. Although there are other ways to do it.
Furthermore, instead of using CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1' YEAR, it's a good idea to use ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, -12) since INTERVAL arithmetic will fail on 2012-02-29 and other Feb 29th leap year dates.
So, putting it together you get what you need with:
(SELECT day_of_week FROM sys_calendar.calendar WHERE calendar_date = CURRENT_DATE)
(SELECT day_of_week FROM sys_calendar.calendar WHERE calendar_date = ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, -12))
This is basically saying: Take the current dates day of week number (3) and subtract from it last years day of week number (2) to get 1. Add that to last year's date and you'll have the same day of the week as current date.
I tested this for all dates between 01/01/2010 and CURRENT_DATE and it worked as expected.
Why don't you simply subtract 52 weeks?
current_date - 364
The SQL below will get you to the abbreviated name for the day of week, it's cumbersome but it works across versions of Teradata.
Dates are internally represented at integers in Teradata as (Year-1900) * 100000 + (MONTH * 100) + DAY. You may be able to do some creative arithmetic to figure out that 12/1/2015 Tuesday was 12/2/2014 Tuesday last year.

Trying to Look back 4 whole months in teradata with ADD_MONTHS function in sql statement

I'm trying to go back and retrieve counts for the last 4 full months. This is an example of what I have so far:
SELECT datecolumn, Count(datacolumnA) AS CountOfdatacolumnA, datacolumnB
FROM tableA
WHERE datacolumnB='AA' AND datecolumn >= ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, -4)
My results show the last four months plus the current month, October in this case. The problem is that June isn't showing the correct count for the entire month. I'm only getting a partial count for the month.
You need to adjust to the start of the month. You can do this by subtracting the day of the month to get the '0th' of the month and then adding 1 to get the first. (I think dates in teradata are decimals with the int part being number of days since an epoch)
Count(datacolumnA) As CountOfdatacolumnA,
datacolumnB='AA' And
datecolumn >=
add_months(current_date, -4)
- extract(day from add_months(current_date, -4)) + 1

SQL +/- number meaning?

I could not find the meaning of the following SQL command:
where date between to_date('2013-03-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and trunc(sysdate, 'mm') -1
What does the "-1" mean / does?
The other example is
trunc(months_between(date1, date2))+1
I have searched for this, but could not find a thing.
Thank you for advice!
As others have answered, "date - 1" subtracts one day from the date. Here's more detail on your specific SQL snippets:
where date between to_date('2013-03-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and trunc(sysdate, 'mm') -1`
This evaluates to "date between 3/1/2013 and the end of last month"
TRUNC(some date, 'MM') chops the date to the beginning of the month
TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MM') returns the beginning of the current month
TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MM')-1 returns the last day of the previous month
trunc(months_between(date1, date2))+1
This is giving the number of full months between date1 and date2, treating any fraction of a month as a whole month. For example, if you gave it the dates 7/28/2013 and 7/29/2013 it would report one month, and it would also report one month if you gave it 7/1/2013 and 7/31/2013.
The MONTHS_BETWEEN function returns, as it implies, the number of months between two dates. The return value will have decimal places - for example a return value of 1.5 means one and a half months.
The TRUNC function, when applied against a numeric, will chop off all its decimals, so TRUNC(1.9999999) will return 1.
+1 is way to add a day to the date
-1 is way to remove a day to the date
In your specific case:
the instruction trunc(sysdate, 'mm') -1 remove one month to the date, in this case is one month before the current date.
the instruction trunc(months_between(date1, date2))+1 compute the difference in month between the two dates and then adds one.
Give a look at this SQLFiddle
it is a lazy way of adding or subtracting day(s)