SQL to display data of current month & next month from table - sql

I wanted some guidance on producing an SQL query that collects the table information of the current date and also next month without having to type in every day for the current month being October or the next month being November.
Basically I've got a table called WORK, in this table there are SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID. I basically need to list the SHIFTID's of shifts where MEMBERSHIPID = null and where DATEOFSHIFT is in November (next month)
Then I need to produce a query for the shift roster showing SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID of each shift in this current month.
This is the structure of my database table if needed.

I would recommend:
select w.*
from work w
where w.membershipid is null and
w.dateofshift >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month and
w.dateofshift < trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '2' month;
You can also phrase the where as:
where w.membershipid is null and
trunc(w.dateofshift, 'Month') >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month
but this makes it hard for Oracle to use an index if an appropriate one is available.

Well from what you've provided, I infer that you want a query to display the information on all those fields for the current month. That is achievable by:


Create a Series of Dates between two Dates in a table - SQL

I have a table like this:
I want to list the rows per day between their Start Date and and End Date and Total Payment divided by number of days (I assume I would need a window function partition by name here). But my main concern is how to create those series of dates for each name based on their Start Date and End Date.
Using the table above I would like the output to look like this:
Consider a range join with count window function to spread out total by days:
SELECT t."Name",
t."Total Payment" / COUNT(dates) OVER(PARTITION BY t."Name") AS Payment,
t."Start Date",
t."End Date",
dates AS "Date of"
FROM generate_series(
timestamp without time zone '2022-01-01',
timestamp without time zone '2022-12-31',
'1 day'
) AS dates
INNER JOIN my_table t
ON dates BETWEEN t."Start Date" AND t."End Date"
You can get what your after is a single query by generate_series for getting each day, and by just subtracting the 2 dates. (Since you seem to want both dates included in the day count an additional 1 needs added).
select name, (total_payment/( (end_date-start_date) +1))::numeric(6,2), start_date, end_date, d::date date_of
from test t
cross join generate_series(t.start_date
,interval ' 1 day'
) gs(d)
order by name desc, date_of;
See demo. I leave for you what to do when the total_payment is not a multiple of the number of days. The demo just ignores it.

Sorting SQL Query By Date Column

I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy and need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks. I've tried a few different functions of convert, to_date, and can't seem to get anything to work.
I'm still very new to SQL and I don't know if this is a special case because I'm working with an oracle db
Not the full code, because it has dozens of queries and multiple joins (would that affect the date syntax?) but this is the format I'm trying for...
create table "Visits"
insert into "Visits" (
'John Doe',
'Story about the visit',
'More room for story if needed')
from "Visits"
where "Visits"."Visit_Date" >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy
No, you don't have it in the format mm.dd.yyyy. A DATE data type value is stored within the database as a binary value in 7-bytes (representing century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute and second) and this has no format.
need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks.
You want a WHERE filter:
If you want to have the values that happened in the last 14 days then TRUNCate the current date back to midnight and subtract 14 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
WHERE visit_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
(or subtract 13 if you want today and 13 days before today.)
If you want it after Monday of last week then TRUNCate to the start of the ISO Week (which is always a Monday) and subtract 7 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
I ended up figuring it out based on an answer from another forum (linked below);
it appears that my original to_date() was incomplete without a second and operator in my where clause. This code is working perfectly
from "SQLUser"."Visits"
where "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" >= to_date('5/10/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
and "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" < to_date('5/24/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')

Is there a way to add in column for Week number depending on a date column?

I was wondering if it is possible in SQL to read in a date column and based on that date create a new column and automatically have the Week number as well. For example today is 4/7/2020 , so the query would have Week 15 populated for that?
In the picture the week column would ideally be populated beside 'datestr'.
Thank you]2
In redshift, you can use date_part() with the w specifier to get the week number of a date or timestamp:
select t.*, date_part(w, datestr) week_number from mytable t
Note that weeks starts on Monday in Redshift. If you want the week to start on Sunday:
select t.*, date_part(w, datestr + interval '1' day) week_number from mytable t
You could use extract. I am not 100% sure if weeks in Redshift start from Sunday or Monday, but you can adjust the interval to test the edge cases.
select datestr, extract(week from datestr + interval '1 day') as weeknum
from your_table

Oracle SQL Retrieve Data From End of Month - 16th And 15th - 1st

Alright so I am trying to retrieve data a field we will call DATE_OF_ENTRY and the field is like this.
Example DATE_OF_ENTRY Data
So I need to use this field in a script that will be running twice a month to pull certain records. Basically when it's the 16th day of the current month I want all the records from the 1st-15th to be pulled up. When I run this script on the 1st of the next month I want all the records from the 16th-End of last month.
What I am using now
WHERE ROUND(DATE_OF_ENTRY,'MM') = ROUND(sysdate-1,'MM') AND DATE_OF_ENTRY < trunc(sysdate)
The problem with this statement is that it works on the 1st for the 16th to End of the last month, but on the 16th it gets data from the prior month still.
Any help is appreciated!
Using TRUNC() function with MONTH parameter will get the first day of the month.
Using TRUNC() function with DATE_OF_ENTRY will remove the TIME part.
Use + operator to add days to a DATE
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') firstDay,
TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') + 15 Day15,
FROM yourTable

Date formatting sql plus

I have this sql script:
select 'LASTBUSDATE='|| to_char(max(calen_dt),'mmdd') LBD
from put_calen
where calen_dt < (select calen_dt from put_calen where ca_run_dt_ind = 'Y')
and business_day_ind = 'Y';
How can I modify this so I will get first business day and last business day of previous month like 2-1-2011 and 2-28-2011
Please help. Don't know whats going on in here.
I'm guessing on your table structure from your column names here, but does the following return what you want?
select min(calen_dt) as first_business_day
,max(calen_dt) as last_business_day
from put_calen
where calen_dt >= trunc(sysdate,'MM') - interval '1' month
and calen_dt <= trunc(sysdate,'MM') - interval '1' day
and business_day_ind = 'Y';
If sysdate = "2011-03-31 19:14:32", then trunc(sysdate,'MM') would return "2011-03-01 00:00:00"; basically the date truncated to month.
You wanted the first and last business day in previous month, so I subtracted 1 month to arrive at the first of the previous month, and 1 day to arrive at the last day of the previous month. The filter business_day_ind = 'Y' makes sure that only business days are consider for the min/max.
Let me know how it works, or if I missunderstood your question and/or table structure :)